26~Troubled Waters

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"I had no idea what I was getting you into or I'd never asked everyone to come here."

"That's what friends are for, Parker."

"Friends?" He hadn't meant to say that and he cleared his throat, trying to recover. "Yeah, that's great. I'm glad we're friends, Jessie."

Jessie stared at him, puzzled, but slowly she seemed to understand. "I didn't mean it that way. You know the saying, 'that's what friends are for'?" She let out a nervous laugh. "Cliché, I know. I didn't mean that I only want to be your friend."

"Oh." Parker knew he was blushing. "I'm kind of embarrassed. I want to be more than your friend—but only if that's what you want."

"I want that." She cast her gaze toward the others, reminding him they weren't alone. "I've been praying for you and your friends."

He felt a smile. "Stuff like that is why I can't stop thinking about you. You care about people."

"It's not difficult. You're amazing, Parker." She twirled a piece of her hair, something he noticed she did when she was nervous. "So are your friends."

Jessie was the opposite of Missy. He felt guilty for comparing the two women, but the differences made him wonder what he ever saw in Missy. The only thing he felt for her now was sadness, and he prayed she would find Jesus.

His gaze caught Jessie's. "You mean that, don't you? Even after what Josh did."

"We're all flawed. That's why we need Jesus." She stepped closer and put her hand on his. "If you're upset with him, that's understandable."

"Jessie, I'm not holding a grudge against anyone. I've messed up too much myself. Besides, Josh is a good guy. He was different on the island, a hero. God has plans for him."

"He has plans for you too, Parker."

His eyes fell to her lips. He wasn't sure what would have happened next if he hadn't heard Caleb say, "Lopez was a believer."

Rachel held his hand. "I know he's with Christ. But he had a wife and four kids," Caleb finished. "I can't imagine what Irene is going through."

Ty nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Is Irene a believer?"

Caleb's gaze swung to Ty's as if the question surprised him. "Yeah, she is." As soon as he spoke understanding lit in his eyes. "She knows he's with Jesus. That makes all the difference."

"It sure does," Rachel whispered.

"If there's anything Irene and the kids need, the church will help."

"Thanks, Annie. They were a one-income family. She may need help finding a job. Maybe money for funeral expenses."

"So what do we do now—sit around and wait for Roberts to get back with us?"

"Nah, hard no on that."

"We have surfboards, fishing poles, and beach chairs in the garage," Jessie offered.

Tanner grinned. "Looks like we're going to the beach."

"Just don't say we're eating coconuts for lunch." Laughter followed the request.

"Shocking as it sounds, I sometimes crave coconut. The smell and texture—makes me miss those days when things were simple." Josh smiled. "Minus the running for our lives, the island wasn't all bad."

Caleb nodded. "Agree."

"It felt like us against the world." Parker's smile reached his eyes at the poignant memory.

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