13 Keep praying & never stop

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Standing outside Jessie's apartment, Parker was nervous.

It had taken him several moments to muster the courage knock. He kept second-guessing the flowers. Did anyone bring flowers anymore? Or was it lame?

He had no idea, but he clutched the yellow daisies in a death grip, thankful they hid his sweaty palms. Breathe.

Was she even here? Maybe she'd forgotten about their date, and he was all worked up for no reason. He'd knocked a while ago. Three times. She wasn't home. He was shocked at the crushing disappointment that gripped him.

Had something happened? He hadn't even gotten her number. Raking a hand over his face, he started to turn around when the door suddenly swung open.

Jessie's beautiful face split in a smile that sucked the air out of his lungs. She was stunning. Her chestnut locks hung down her slender back in loose curls and she wore a navy sundress trimmed in lace with a little white sweater and sandals.


She was laughing when he realized he'd uttered the word out loud. "Thank you. You said to dress nice. The dress is new. Do you like it?"

He didn't miss the hopeful tone in her voice. "I love it. You're gorgeous." Guilt settled over him. "I didn't mean for you to buy a new dress."

"Oh, I didn't buy it. I made it. Sewing is a hobby of mine." Her gaze fell on the flowers. "Are those for me?"

Parker felt his face burn. "Uh, yeah, they're for you if you want them."

Smiling she looked confused but didn't comment on his awkward comment. "Of course I want them. Come in and I'll put them in water."

Parker followed her into the small but neat apartment. It was clear she didn't have much money but took great care trying to make the place a home. Crocheted blankets were draped across the couch and there were hand-stitched embroidered pillows in the chairs. The coffee table was scarred but swept clean of dust and clutter. Only a large leather family Bible sat on the table.

"I love daisies. They're my favorite. Thank you, Parker." She put them into a clear vase and added water.

"You're welcome," he said stiffly.

"Are you okay? You're acting a little strange."

"I'm nervous." Parker immediately wanted to take back the confession. Why had he admitted that? It was the least cool thing he could think of to say.

"Oh." She exhaled a sigh of what sounded like relief. "Thank goodness! I thought it was just me. I've been pacing and worrying if I would look nice enough. I was afraid you'd cancel."


She stepped around the small island and put her hand on his arm. Though she touched his shirt, not skin, a sizzle shot through him. "I really like you Parker, and I haven't been on a date in a really long time."

"Ah, Jessie," he breathed, humbled by her honesty. He took a step away from her. "I have to be honest with you."

Her face slipped. "You don't like me the way I like you."

"No! I mean yes, I do like you like that. I thought we cleared that up."

She frowned. "You're married?"

"I'm not married." He almost laughed.

"You're a serial killer?" Her eyes widened, but he heard the teasing note in her words.

Forgetting his good intentions, he pulled Jessie into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, but at the last second brushed his lips against her soft cheek. Her breath hitched. His heart raced.

Jessie's fingertips brushed where his lips touched her cheek. "It's ok if you kiss me again," she whispered.

"You have to know the truth before I kiss you for real." Please God, help me with this.

He glanced away, wondering how he'd say what needed to be said and that's when he saw it. The magazine with Josh and Dani on the cover along with the other actors and actresses that played them in the movie sat on Jessie's kitchen table. Parker picked it up and turned to face her.

"Do you know the real story?" he asked, watching her brows draw together as she tried to figure out what he meant.

Jessie's expression was slightly puzzled. "It was on the news a lot."

He raked a hand through his hair and searched for words. Tell her the truth. The whisper of words startled him. "I was on the island. Missy was there too."

Jessie's gaze skipped from the magazine to him and back again as what he'd said sank in. "You were on the BlueJay." She spoke slowly. "The one they made a movie about."

"He picked up the magazine and tapped his finger on the cover. This is Josh and Dani. They're the only ones in the movie who were there."

Parker hated the thought of her knowing who he was on the island. But he wouldn't lie. "They offered Ty the starring role, but he turned it down. Missy took a role as an extra."

He felt her eyes on him. She seemed to be waiting for him to continue.

"This is me." Parker pointed to the actor who was dressed like a nerd to play him in the movie. The guy's hair was slicked back. He wore thick-rimmed glasses, khakis with a dress shirt, and loafers.

Tilting her chin to get a better look, she frowned. "He doesn't look anything like you."

"I was different a year ago. If you watch the movie, you won't like what you see."

Her gaze tangled with his. "Then I won't watch it."

Parker chuckled. "You make things simple."

"Is there something else you need to confess?" Jessie asked earnestly, waiting patiently for him to figure it out.

"Several of those stranded with me are devout followers of Jesus." He inhaled deeply. "Not me. Not yet. I want to be." His eyes met hers, silently warning her he was not one of the good guys. "Those who belong to Jesus donated all the money from the movie to charities."

"You didn't donate your money?" She spoke without judgment.

"I donated all of it. Ty recommended organizations that spread the gospel." He tore his eyes from her. "Anyway, there were some changes in the movie that Jesus would not approve of. The others don't know. Missy told me. Josh confirmed it was true."

"Josh, Missy, and Dani aren't followers of Jesus." Jessie summed up, her expression pensive.

"No, they're not. I met with Josh. Told him I thought he should be the one to break the news since he and the others were friends before the island."

Parker lowered his gaze to the magazine. He hardly recognized the movie-star Josh from the guy on the island. "I'm praying he'll change his mind, but I don't know. I asked to meet the others this weekend, but I have no idea if I should tell them or not." He looked to Jessie. "What do you think I should do?"

"Oh, Parker." She placed her palms together before her chin. "Whatever you do someone will be upset. I think you should do the right thing, but I'm not sure what that is."

"You don't think the others should know of the movie changes?"

"Of course I do. But there isn't anything they can do about it. The movie is coming out in a few days."

He'd thought the same thing. Getting in the middle might only cause conflict between Josh and his friends.

"I think you should ask Jesus."

His head snapped up. "I've been asking, but He isn't answering."

"Keep praying. I think Jesus will answer you, Parker." Her fingers rubbed the little gold cross around her neck.

"You think so?"

"My dad used to say that Jesus never turns away His own. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you belong to Jesus, Parker."

Parker was humbled. She was so sweet. All the empty spaces inside him seemed to fill with love—love for Jesus and Jessie.

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now