14~God will provide a way of escape from temptation

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Ty held Annie close.

It was only a hug, he reasoned. "I've missed you so much," she whispered against his chest.

Lowering his head to her hair, he inhaled the scent of coconut shampoo. "I've missed you too. More than you know."

He didn't like sneaking around or the guilt that had him looking over his shoulder to be sure no one at the park was paying them much mind.

"You spoke with my parents." She reluctantly pulled away but just enough to see his face. The trust shining in her eyes tugged at his heart.

Annie must have seen his disappointment because her smile faded. "Hey, they'll come around." At least that's what he was praying would happen.

"I know. It's mostly my dad. I understand how he feels. I really do." He heard the heartache in her voice. Her head dropped and she pressed her fist to his heart. "Ty, I don't think he's going to change his mind."

He gripped the back of his neck. He'd come to the same conclusion over the last two weeks. Each time he took it to the Lord.

"Pastor Wyatt is right about not giving those weak in faith a reason to doubt God," Annie said softly.

"I've been thinking a lot about that, sweetheart." He wanted so much for Wyatt to be overreacting, but was that his will and not God's?

"Their salvation is too precious to risk. We can wait to be together." Her voice trembled. "I'll wait as long as it takes."

It's not fair.

Ignoring the voice, his heart swelled with a love he never realized was possible.

You deserve her.

If only the love was enough to ignore the darkness. It grew stronger every day, feeding the anger he felt at their situation.

What kind of God would deny you the person you love most?

Ty willed the voice to stop and focused on his girl. "Ah, Annie, you are the best gift God has given me."

"I love you too."

They held hands wishing they had more time. "Are your parents letting you come to the reunion this weekend?"

"I think so. My mom agreed since everyone is going to be there."

Ty brushed a tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Hey, we'll be alright."

Annie's pink lips tugged in a small smile. "Rachel and Caleb think Parker want to tell us he's engaged to Missy."

"I don't know. I tried calling her, but I just get voicemail."

"None of us has spoken to Missy in a while." She glanced away, toward the sunset. "I haven't talked to Josh either."

"He knows about this weekend. Wouldn't be surprised if he jumps on a plane to hang with us." Ty's ringtone interrupted, and he reached for his phone. "What's up?"

He listened trying to make sense of what he was hearing. "Slow down. Ok. I see. It's all good. I'm on my way."

"You won't believe this." He hung up and took Annie's hand. "We've got to hurry."


A police car with red and blue flashing lights sat in front of Ty's house with a handcuffed man turned away from them.

"Will you tell this nice officer how much I love cops?" a familiar voice called. "I even donate to that club. What's it called—the one thousand something. Anyway, tell him I'm one of your best friends and not a thief."

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