28~God is faithful even when we're not

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Caleb's body jerked with the power of an electric current.

Annie's hand tightened in Ty's, and he followed the direction of her gaze. Seeing Caleb's expression, Ty's heart slammed against his ribs. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know." Caleb's voice shook. His throat muscles worked to swallow. "Where's Rachel?"

"She wasn't feeling well."

Caleb's head swiveled to Annie. "What?"

"I was about to check on her."

"She was acting kind of strange at the beach," Josh said, his expression troubled. "Too much sun is what she said it was, but I think it was more."

Caleb came alive, taking the stairs two at a time, and calling her name. Reaching the room, they found the door cracked and he barged in, but Rachel wasn't there.

Ty, Annie, and Josh glanced around the room, searching. Caleb threw them a helpless look, then charged into the bathroom.

"I got the balcony," Ty told him.

But Rachel wasn't anywhere.

Caleb checked his phone. Nothing. Suddenly, he was tearing the room apart, opening, drawers, and searching her suitcase.

Josh and Annie stared in anguish.

"Caleb." Ty stepped toward his friend, one hand on his shoulder, but Caleb spun wildly, shaking him off.

"You don't understand! I love her," he whispered, his eyes filling with unshed tears. "What if it were Annie?"

Ty's gaze shone with sympathy. "I get it."

"Do you Ty?" A harsh laugh rumbled from deep in his chest. "If it was Annie, you'd be on your knees praying." He sounded tortured, conflicted. "I know I should! I really should. But I have to do something!

Caleb slid his hands along the edges of the mounted TV, then moved to the dresser beneath it, feeling around. A box of tissues fell to the floor followed by the delicate shattering of a little ceramic Bluejay. The irony was not lost on them.

Josh went still.

Caleb continued his search, but the urgent note in Josh's voice halted him. "Wait."

Sinking to the bed, Caleb bowed his head, resting his elbows on his knees. "She wouldn't just leave." He lifted his head. "I have this feeling..." Caleb didn't have to finish the sentence. They knew what he was thinking.

Ty and Josh exchanged a look. Following Josh's gaze, Ty saw the small object lying among the broken pieces of the Bluejay. Annie saw too. "We should search the rest of the house," she suggested.

Caleb nodded, but when he would have gone back to the living room Annie took his hand and followed Ty and Josh outside. They didn't stop until they reached the sand.

"Keep walking. Act natural." Josh instructed without making eye contact.

Caleb's brows drew together. "That makes me want to do the opposite of natural."

"We're being watched," Josh hissed beneath his breath. "There was a camera in the Bluejay you broke."

Ty and Annie kept walking as Ty spoke. "We need to tell the others and check the rest of the house. Discreetly."

"We need to find Rachel first."

"Of course we do," Annie agreed. "But whoever planted that camera might have something to do with her disappearance."

Caleb stopped suddenly, raking his hands through his hair. "First, Dani and now Rachel." His voice cracked on her name. "This is too bizarre. Makes no sense." His gaze sharpened. "Should we trust Parker and Jessie?"

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