15~Just Pray

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Rachel and Caleb held hands.

Their fingers laced together, and his thumb lightly stroked her skin sending goosebumps along her skin.

The cab rocked. He leaned over, brushing her ear with his lips, and whispered, "You'll hold me if I get scared?"

Little shivers rippled down her spine. "You didn't have to do this."

"You love Ferris Wheels. They're the most romantic place a guy can take a girl. We were on the island when you said that."

"You remembered?"

"I remember everything, Rachel."

The wheel began to move, lifting them above the glowing lights of the carnival. A soft breeze blew her hair. Caleb's leg was snug against hers. She had never felt this safe or happy. "This is the most wonderful thing anyone has done for me."

"I want to do a thousand more things that make you look at me like you're looking at me now. When I'm done I'll start over and do a thousand more for the rest of our lives."

Rachel lifted her eyes from Caleb's boots and looked at him. Most girls swooned over him. They called him sexy and she knew it was true, but he was much more than that to her. "What can I do to make you happy?"

His smile made her breath catch. "Keep forgiving me when I do stupid stuff."

"You going to break up with me again?" she teased.

"Never. But I'll mess up a lot." He played with a piece of her hair, rubbing it between his fingers. "If you only knew how much I've missed you—but you'll never know because it's too much for me to explain."

"Every time I came home and saw you, I cried," she confessed. "I asked Jesus to help me get over you."

"I deserve to be horsewhipped."

"It wasn't your fault. I cried because I was too much of a coward to tell you how much I wanted us to try again."

His brows drew together. "You always seemed happy."

"I didn't want you to know how much I hurt."

A low groan came from deep within his chest. "You're killing me, Rach."

She wasn't done. "You looked like you were doing great without me."

"Well, I wasn't." His fingertips brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "I missed you something fierce. I drove Ty and Annie crazy with my jealousy. The thought of you with another guy tormented me."

"There was no other guy." She felt the tension leave his body. "Gary was the only date I've had in the last year, and I only did that because I was desperate to move on. It was wrong of me."

Her gaze dropped to their hands. "What about you? I know a lot of fangirls threw themselves at you because of the movie."

"No one, Rach. I promise. You've ruined me for all other girls."

"I believe you." She drew a shaky breath. "Strange as it sounds, I sometimes wish we'd never left the island. Life was simple there. We trusted God and did what we had to do to survive."

"That's not strange. Here there are so many distractions. I get up every morning and read the Bible and pray, but throughout the day I go about my business and forget to trust God to fight my battles."

He gazed out at the starlit sky. "I don't even tell people I'm a Christian anymore. You know why? Because I'm afraid they'll look at me and know I'm a hypocrite."

Shifting in the seat, she cupped his face with her hands. "Oh, Caleb. I feel like a horrible Christian. I don't want people to think badly of believers, so I don't always tell them either."

"I'm glad Jesus didn't answer your prayer about getting over me."

"Me too."

"I never thanked you for cooking us dinner the other night and staying to play games. It meant a lot to mom."

"You don't need to thank me. I enjoyed it."

"I know that, Rach. It's one of the many things I love about you."

The car bobbed and slid home. A worker opened the door. "Please watch your step as you exit."

Walking hand in hand through the crowd, Rachel tingled with a mixture of excitement and nerves. She'd known Caleb for years, but something between them was different tonight. Her senses were hyper-alert and in tune with the man beside her like she'd never been with anyone else.

They stopped to enjoy games and the merry-go-round. Passing a cotton candy vendor, Caleb bought a pink one for Rachel.

She gave a little bounce on her heels and inhaled deeply. "It smells like happiness."

One brow lifted above his eye, and the hint of a smile played on his lips. "I'll take your word for it."

"Try it," she cajoled, smiling. "Just one taste." Scooping two fingers, she raised the confection to his lips. A sizzling current sent a jolt through her the instant she touched him. Rachel jerked her hand back.

Caleb caught her wrist.

Her breath froze in her lungs. Lifting her eyes to his, she recognized the desire burning in his darkened eyes. Time stopped. It was just the two of them. "Caleb," she breathed.

"Rachel." Her name was thick with need.

He tugged her closer. They were almost touching. She felt his warmth, his breath, and his heartbeat. Or maybe it was her heart.

Strong, gentle fingers caressed her face. Rachel's throat went dry. Caleb dipped his head, and she closed her eyes. Her skin vibrated. Wait, what?

Her eyes flew open the second he pulled back and reached for his vibrating phone, an apology in his gaze. "I have to answer. It could be Mom."

Opening her mouth to tell him that of course, she understood, Rachel was confused that the words didn't come. Emotions clogged her throat. She cleared it, watching Caleb.


Caleb's brow furrowed as he listened.

"No. I haven't checked my phone. Dear God." He gripped the back of his neck. "Will do."

Her heart sank. She mouthed 'Mary Jo', but Caleb shook his head. Relief sank through her, but it was short-lived. Something was horribly wrong.

"What is it?"

Taking her hand, his cautious gaze scanned the crowd. "Not now. We've got to get somewhere safe."

They ran.

Click. Pop. Pop. Click.

"Hey!" a guy protested as they barged past him.

"Sorry," Caleb offered, but he didn't slow down.

"Caleb what going on?"

Instead of answering, they ran faster. Her heart raced, and she fought to catch her breath. The strange popping followed. Footsteps pounded. She turned to glance back.

"Don't!" Caleb shouted as they reached his truck. "Get in!"

Having a flashback of running for their lives on the island, Rachel didn't question him. She climbed into the truck and to her surprise he jumped in after her and locked the doors.

"Am I driving?"

"No, baby." Lifting her in his lap, his hands closed on her waist and he set her into the passenger seat, switching their positions. "Just pray."

More shots sounded in front of them.

Caleb didn't answer. He shifted the truck into gear and the tires screeched as he backed up, stopped to shift again, and they took off forward.

"They're following us!"

"Don't worry." His voice was calm. "Put your seatbelt on and hang on. I'll lose them."

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now