6~Jesus is with us even when we mess up

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Josh's head throbbed. His mouth tasted like he'd swallowed a dozen cotton balls soaked with vinegar.

He tried sitting up but a wave of nausea rolled inside him and he fought the urge to empty his stomach on the nice, white, hotel comforter. It was then he felt the warm body beside him.

Frowning, he glanced over and saw a curtain of blonde hair covering the pillow but he had no clue who the girl was. He didn't think he'd ever seen her before in his life, but she was naked in his bed so apparently they'd met.

What had he done last night?

Bits and pieces clicked into place. A party with the rest of the movie cast. Drinks. A few pills one of the girls had given him to relax.

The only thing Josh remembered clearly was the reason he needed those pills. Guilt was slowly killing him, and he had to feed the black hole inside him before he lost his mind.

The cursed movie. He loved the attention at first, and, of course, the money was a small fortune. If only he had realized it would cost his soul. Josh shoved the thoughts aside.

How had he gotten to the hotel? And who was the girl? He touched her shoulder. "Hey."


He was ashamed he didn't know her name. "Hey. Mornin'," he tried again. This time he gave her a light shake.


Her words jumbled together, but relief rushed through him. "Dani?"

She flipped over frowning. "Who else would it be?" she shot with an accusing glare.

He swallowed hard. "Why is your hair blonde?"

Dani looked at him like he'd lost his mind, and maybe he had. "Hello? What is wrong with you? I went to the salon yesterday."

"Guess I didn't notice."

"You just noticed this morning and thought—" Suddenly, she burst into laughter. "Thought you'd picked up some hot chick last night, did you?"

Her reaction unsettled him, but he couldn't put his finger on why. "You think that's funny?"

"Well, no, but your reaction is freaking hilarious." She sat up and he noticed the smudged mascara beneath her eyes. "You look like you kicked a puppy."

"Glad I amuse you." He swung his legs over the side of the bed and reached for his jeans on the floor.

"Don't be so uptight." Her finger slid down his bare back.

"Me being upset I cheated on you is considered uptight."

"You didn't cheat on me."

Yanking his shirt over his head, he glanced over his shoulder. "What were those pills what's-her-name gave me?"

"Just a muscle relaxer. Everyone takes them. Soothes the edges. No biggie." She grabbed a longneck from the nightstand and took a swig of warm beer.

"Right. No biggie." He didn't bother to hide his disappointment.

Had she always been like this? No. On the island she had been different. Sweet. Innocent. Likeable. Then again, so had he.

"I'm sensing hostility, Josh. We should get a massage today and meditate. Maybe go to a meeting."

He shoved his feet into boots. "Not really interested in any of that new age garbage right now."

Dani stiffened, and looked hurt. "Kabbalah helps us focus, discover our purpose, and achieve our dreams."

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now