10~With Jesus you can

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"I don't want to pry, but if you need someone to talk to...you can talk to me."

Parker glanced up from his computer and saw Jessie shifting nervously, her fingers playing with one of her pigtails that peeked out from beneath her ball cap.

She looked young, far too young for him. How old was she? Seventeen? Eighteen, maybe? He'd never thought to ask.

"Thanks, Jessie. I have a lot on my mind."

"That's a polite way of telling me it's none of my business." She managed a friendly smile, undaunted. "I just wanted you to know. We are friends, right?"

He picked up his coffee mug and drank before answering. He'd had many conversations with her over the past year, but tonight felt different.

Did Jessie have a crush on him? Nah, she was being nice but he had to draw a line just in case. "You're a sweet girl. The friends your own age must really appreciate you."

Jessie's expression was puzzled. "My own age?"

He held her big brown gaze, figuring he had a fifty-fifty shot at saying the right thing. "Your shift ended an hour ago. You've got to have better things to do than hang out with me on a Friday night."

"I'm closing tonight, Parker." She shifted, tossing the pigtails over her shoulders. "I don't have anything better to do. I like you." Her lips parted and she seemed all of the sudden vulnerable.

Parker tensed. "I like you too," he said warily.

"But you want me to leave you alone." Her shoulders sank and her smile faded.

He felt like he'd just kicked a puppy. "I didn't say that."

Her eyes pinned his. "It's ok. I'd rather you be honest. I know it's only been a month since you broke up with Missy."

It suddenly felt weird that he was sitting and she was standing but he wasn't sure he should invite her to join him. "Jessie, I like you. You're a nice kid." Emphasis on the kid.

Something that looked like humor danced in her eyes, and her lips tugged at the corners. "How old do you think I am, Parker?"

He studied her intently. "Seventeen?"

She laughed.

The sound had a surprising effect on him. "Eighteen?"

Jerking her thumb up, she grinned.

"Thirty?" he teased, feeling like his world had turned upside down.

She rolled her eyes, musical laughter falling from her lips. "Twenty-three."

Parker was shocked. He felt a bit foolish. She was only two years younger than he was. "I thought you were younger."

"Obviously." She tugged her braids. "It's the way I wear my hair. It's practical and keeps it out of my face for work."

It was more than the hairstyle, Parker thought. She had an air of innocence about her that was refreshing.

"And I work for my parents," she added. "I guess I don't seem sophisticated as Missy." Jessie frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep mentioning her name."

"Afraid I'll start crying?" Parker hid a smile. "I promise to control myself."

She studied him, seeming unsure. "It's understandable you would be upset."

He exhaled deeply, gesturing to the seat across from him. "Would you like to sit down before I bare my soul?" The question held a flirtatious note he was sure Jessie missed.

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