18~Wisdom is found in the Bible

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Parker stood on the balcony of the beach house, gazing out at the horizon. He'd gotten up early to read the book of John and pray, but the answers he sought eluded him.

God didn't speak to him like He did Ty and Annie. Parker understood. He'd spent too much of his life ignoring God. Worse, he had been one of those lost souls who arrogantly claimed to believe in God but not Jesus.

Without Jesus, no one could be saved. Once Parker realized that he was humbled and grateful. That's when he'd started making life changes, trying to atone for his guilt.

For most of his life he'd been too selfish to notice the suffering of others much less care. Somehow he even mustered sympathy for Missy.

"This place is perfect. No one will find us."

Jessie stepped onto the balcony and handed him a cold glass of iced lemonade. "My Uncle David liked his privacy. He was a tad eccentric. Momma called him a hermit."

"I owe you and your family for this. I'm not sure how to repay you."

"Helping each other is what friends do."

Slowly, he turned and looked at her. "Jess, you've seen the pictures and read what they're saying about me online. You sure you still want to be my friend?"

For the first time since he'd known her, Jessie's eyes flashed with anger. He deserved it.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's wrong. I'm upset because you still think I'm the kind of person who would drop a friend when times are tough."

Parker heard the sadness in her voice and his chest tightened. Setting his drink on the table, he closed the distance between them. He started to touch her but lowered his hand and awkwardly shoved it in his shorts pocket.

She was so pretty in shorts, flip-flops, and a t-shirt with the diner's logo. Her long chocolate hair was down. He longed to touch it. "I don't want to argue with you," he said quietly.

Her eyes softened. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You're right. I should trust you."

"You should," she told him with a slow smile. "But trust doesn't work that way. It takes time. I didn't mean to push."

Parker inhaled a breath of fresh ocean air. "I invited everyone here to tell them about the movie." He glanced back to the sunrise. "It feels like a betrayal to Josh and Dani. "It's their secret to tell."

She moved beside him, putting her small hand on his back. Her touch soothed him. His hands cupped her face and slid through her soft hair before he realized what he was doing.

Her lips parted and his eyes fastened on her mouth. He wanted to kiss her more than draw his next breath. Parker stepped back. "I shouldn't have—" Her fingers touched his lips, stopping him.

"I've been reading the Bible, Parker." The words were soft and breathless.

Considering the desire pouring through him, it was the last thing he expected her to say.

Withdrawing her fingers from his mouth, she touched her own pink lips. Parker groaned.

Jessie's eyes widened. "You want me."

He didn't understand her surprise. "Yes."

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair. Her lips parted. "What do you want to do?"

"We're not doing that." His voice was husky but firm.

"I meant about your friends, but since you want to go there—"

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