21~Our hope is in Christ

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The six of them stared in awe at the massive three-story beach house with floor-to-ceiling windows and a wrap-around balcony.

Annie had never seen anything like it, except maybe in a magazine. "Wow. It's like a castle."

"Looks like a hotel."

"A ritzy hotel with concierge and housekeeping that puts little mints on your pillows."

Caleb shook his head, rubbed his jaw. "Nah. There has to be a mistake."

"Parker's on the balcony." Ty waved back.

Tanner shifted his weight, studying the beach house. "I have to know who designed this place. Think Jessie would know?"

"Uh, no. Only architects or in your case wannabe architects care about that stuff."

"I'm gonna ask her." He frowned. "You think that would be weird?"

"No. Just don't ask if her Uncle is a mobster." Rachel threw a smile over her shoulder.

"The dude is letting us crash at his five-star hotel. I could care less if he's with the mob."

Annie's stomach dipped when Ty caught her hand. She turned to face him, her gaze colliding with his. Her heart fluttered.

They stared into each other's eyes, and she wondered if she would always feel this excited to be with him. After all this time, Ty could still make her nervous and shy.

"Ty, I've thought about what Pastor Wyatt said and the pictures."

Two fingertips touched her lips. "I'm not breaking up with you."

Inhaling courage, she said the most difficult words she'd ever spoken. "He's right. It might not be forever—"

His mouth caught hers. She moaned softly, expecting him to pull away like he usually did when the fire between them burned this hot.

Annie was shocked when he deepened the kiss, before tearing his mouth from hers. Their gazes locked. "We are forever, Annie."


"I've prayed about it." He glanced over his shoulder at the others. "We'll talk later."

The reunion with Parker and Laurel began with hugs and greetings. It was like they were all best friends and hadn't spent the last year apart.

Jessie was genuine and friendly. Everyone loved her. She wasted no time inviting them to enjoy the humongous swimming pool and hot tub. Jessie even served them sandwiches and lemonade. Rachel was particularly thrilled.

"Parker said you all might want to work up to the beach," Jessie said as they gathered in around the hot tub. "Baby steps."

"Hmm. Parker is thoughtful like that."

Parker turned to Jessie with a smile. "What Tanner means is that I was a jerk last summer."

A chorus of protests followed.

"Told you they were nice people." He winked at Jessie.

"You been talking about us to your girl?" Caleb asked, stretching his arms on the edge of the hot tub.

"He's said wonderful things about all of you. Especially you, Ty. He said you know more about Jesus than anyone he's ever met. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you some questions about the Bible later."

Ty seemed surprised and uncomfortable, but he recovered quickly and smiled at Parker then Jessie. "I don't mind." He cast his gaze Parker's way. "Parker knows quite a bit about the Bible too."

Caleb, Rachel, and Tanner were obviously caught off guard. Jessie didn't miss a beat. "He absolutely does! We've been doing a Bible study since we've been here. We started with John and then read the rest of the gospels."

Annie brushed a piece of wet hair from her lips. "I never get tired of reading the gospels. I learn something new each time I read them, and I'm always amazed I'd never caught it before."

"I had no idea you were into Jesus now." Tanner scrunched his face. "Ok, that sounded rude. I meant I've been thinking about Him too and praying." He motioned to Ty, Annie, Caleb and Rachel. "I'm nowhere at the level of these guys."

Parker's gaze shone with empathy. "It's not a competition."

"What turned you to Jesus?" Tommy asked curiously.

"Your sister, Ty, Caleb, Rachel. They got my attention. After the island, I wasn't the same. I was ashamed of who I was, and I wanted something more. I kept thinking a better job, bigger house, or a flashier car would satisfy me but nothing did."

Parker paused, his eyes drifting to Jessie. "I'm still figuring things out, but I started reading the Bible and going to church. Every morning I ask Him to forgive my sins and help me be worthy. Every day I fail, but I keep trying."

"You ever wonder what's the point of trying to be something you will never be? None of us will ever be worthy." Tanner averted his gaze, his expression troubled.

"Our failures don't matter, because He redeemed us on the cross. We just have to accept his gift."

"If our hope is in Christ, do we go straight to heaven when we die, or do we wait for Christ to return?"

Rachel's heart ached when she saw Caleb wipe away a tear. He was thinking of his mother.

"From studying scripture, I think we're immediately with God when we die." Parker concentrated. "Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die. John 11:25."

"Yes," Ty agreed. "Jesus said to the man on the cross beside 'Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise.'"

Annie put her hand on his forearm. "We pray for your mom every day, Caleb."

"I appreciate it. Thank you." He wiped at his eyes again. "You and Laurel are sure quiet over there." Caleb's hawkish gaze fastened on the phones in their hands. "What is it?"

Tommy and Laurel exchanged an intense look. "Nothing," Laurel answered, not meeting his gaze.

"He knows it's something." Tommy's expression was grim. "There's more—stuff."


"No, sis, it's a movie trailer."

"Terrific. Let me guess, it's cheesy and makes us all look like jerks."

"Worse," Laurel whispered, uncomfortable with the attention.

Tommy cleared his throat. "I'm just gonna say it. The movie isn't PG."

"I don't understand." Rachel's brow furrowed. "The rating is supposed to G."

"Think again." Tommy made a harsh sound. "There's sex and a nude scene."


Everyone reached for their phones.

Josh sauntered toward them like he owned the place. "Looks like we got to the party just in time, Dani."

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