4~Let God's voice be heard over life's distractions

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Three days after Ty's graduation, Annie knew something was desperately wrong. He was keeping something from her, and she was afraid she knew what it was.

"Just say it, Ty," she quietly implored after the youth had left the fellowship hall. Throughout tonight's lesson, she couldn't stop thinking about how it related to the two of them. Maybe the Lord was sending her a message.

His head came up and he threw her a questioning look, but the glint in his eyes let her know he was aware of exactly what she was talking about. With a sigh, he gripped the back of his neck. "Annie."

Tears filled her eyes. "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9."

Before she drew her next breath, he was at her side and holding her hands in his. The touch melted the icy fear inside her.

"Are you crying?" He sounded surprised.

"Just a little."

"Why?" Ty seemed genuinely confused and troubled.

Annie refused to fall apart. "I know it's wrong not to trust in God, but I love you and I don't want to lose you."

Something flashed in his eyes. "Caleb told you."

Annie pulled her hands from his. "You told Caleb?"

"I needed to tell someone. I'm sorry, sweetheart, I didn't want you to find out this way. I've been trying to tell you, but the time never seemed right."

"You could have talked to God." She was hurt, and she knew it was ridiculous to care he'd told Caleb before her. But if he'd come to her first, maybe she could have...convinced him to change his mind?

"I talk to God every single day. Several times a day. I have prayed, but it is still tearing me apart." Ty's boots ate the distance between them and he cupped her face with his hands. "I love you."

Annie swallowed hard, blinking away tears. "Then why are you breaking up with me?"

He drew back, shocked. "What?"

Annie went still. "Isn't that what this is about?"

"No! I got accepted to seminary school in Dallas. They've offered me a full scholarship."

Annie blinked. Relief mingled with joy and then disappointment that he didn't feel he could tell her. She knew he'd applied, and, of course, Ty would be an incredible pastor. He was truly dedicated to serving God.

"Oh, Ty. That's amazing! Congratulations!" She hugged him.

He held her a few seconds before pulling away and gazing down at her. "You thought I was breaking up with you?" The question held a note of pain.

"I didn't want you to."

His hands threaded her hair, cupping her face. "Not once have I ever doubted my feelings for you, Annie." His thumb brushed her cheek. "I should never have given you a reason to doubt me."

"You didn't. I jumped to conclusions."

"Because I was afraid to tell you," he said, taking responsibility for what happened.

"Why were you?"

"I love you and I don't want to lose you." Ty's words echoed her own. "I think God wants me to go, but I don't want to live hours away from you."

"Oh, Ty, I don't like that part either, but you have to go. I'll be here waiting for you."

His eyes closed briefly and she thought she caught a shimmer of tears in his eyes. "Part of me was afraid you wouldn't want to make a long-distance relationship work."

"I guess I've made you doubt me too because if you knew how much I loved you, you would never think that. Wherever God takes you, I will follow."

"Ah, Annie." He pulled her into his arms and held her.

"When do you leave?"


"We have the summer." She managed a bittersweet smile. "Too bad you can't miss the movie premier," she added with a soft laugh.

Ty's deep laughter warmed her heart. "It means a lot to Josh."

"Maybe a bit too much. He seems different. Cynical. Angry."

"He doesn't have Jesus."

Annie pressed her fist to Ty's chest. "On the island, I thought for sure God was leading him. He was on the verge of accepting Christ, and then this stupid movie ruined everything."

"Satan works overtime to distract us."

"You think he's doing that with us too? I can't figure out why my parents don't love you."

"They're worried about their daughter. I get that." His gaze caught hers. "They might think I'm too old for you."

"Three years is not much of an age difference," she protested, but Annie wondered.

"Almost four. It might not be my age, but yours. They want you to finish college and not get too serious about a summer fling."

"You are not a summer fling!" They both laughed. "And I am almost nineteen!"

"I'll be twenty-two before you turn nineteen."

"Alright, old man," she teased. "You win. Now what?"

"I would kiss you, but now isn't the time or place." Ty took her hand. "We should pray for God's will and keep our minds focused on Him and not on any distraction."

A question lingered on the edges of her mind, and for once she wasn't afraid to voice it. "Ty, do you really think it is God's will for us to be together?"

He gently squeezed her hand and his other one chucked her chin so her eyes met his. "Annie, I wish I could say yes that I knew for sure, but only God knows. I will tell you this." He paused, his gaze glittering with love, hope, and faith. "I have prayed about us and I feel you and are supposed to be together. I've never loved anyone the way I do you, and I never will again."

This time Annie's tears were of happiness.

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