32~It's all in God's hands

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With his hands cuffed behind his back, Stiles Stalansky was helped into the back of a police car.

"The feds have been trying to catch him for years." Detective Roberts skipped over them and he gave an appreciative nod. "Lives have been saved because he's in custody."

Laurel's eyes were wide and she shivered. Rachel put her arm around her.

Detective Roberts held his hand out to Ty. "A lot of people are going to be grateful to you when their life savings are returned." This time when Roberts smiled it reached his eyes. "You kids are heroes again."

"Lucky us."

"Maybe they'll make a movie."

"You're not funny."

Dani shook her head. "No more movies."

Tanner threw back his head and laughed. "Uh, more like no more beaches. Ever."

His declaration was greeted with laughter and prompt agreements from all eleven of them. "I'm serious. We stay far away from the coast."

"I'm going to talk to your parents and reassure them." Roberts waved and walked toward the parents who were deep in conversation across the patio.

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"Probably how they will never let us leave the house again."

With a crooked smile, Tanner shrugged. "Next time we're heading for the mountains."

"All in favor say aye!"

"Aye, aye, captain." Tommy gestured with a mock salute.

Parker chuckled. "Little brother, you may not want to hang with us again."

"Truthfully, it hasn't been all bad." He glanced at Laurel. "I can't wait for the next adventure."

"No more adventures," Annie said with a light-hearted laugh. "I'd love a boring week in the mountains snowed inn and nothing on the calendar." Her warm gaze caught Ty's, and he wondered if she was thinking of the two of them snowed in together. Images he had no business entertaining flashed in his mind.

"Yes. Skiing and a warm cozy fire sounds like heaven." A dreamy look fell across Rachel's face as Caleb pulled her closer to his side.

"Whatever you want, baby." He kissed her temple.

"Careful. Those are dangerous words," Josh warned.

"She might want something ridiculously expensive."

"There's nothing she could want that I'm not willing to give." Caleb wore the expression of a man deeply, irrevocably in love with his woman and he wasn't hiding it.

"All I want is you," Rachel whispered, gazing up at him.

Ty heard the love in Rachel's voice. He dared a look at Annie and found her staring at him with a wistful glint in her beautiful eyes. Their fingers brushed. His skin tingled. They were less than a foot away from one another, and yet it felt like a thousand miles.

He envied Caleb because Caleb didn't have to hide his feelings for Rachel. He didn't have to. Rachel's parents liked him.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell stood talking with Detective Roberts, Mary Jo, and the other parents. Occasionally, they'd look their way. Ty got the feeling they still didn't approve of his relationship with Annie, but they weren't willing to make an issue of it around the rest of their friends.

He'd prayed every single day. Ty wanted to be sure what was in his heart was from God and not his own wishful thinking. At last, he was finally sure. Ty felt the little circle in his pocket, and his heart swelled with love. It was almost time. He'd never been this happy or nervous.

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