31~Fall to your knees in prayer

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Caleb fell to his knees. "I'm going in." Even as he spoke the words Josh was shimmying through the window.

"You want to do something, pray," Josh called back, not stopping. "You'll never fit through this window."

The truth hit him with the force of a punch. Josh was more leanly muscled, and even he wasn't moving easily through that small window.

Watching Josh work his way into Rachel's rescue, made him feel helpless. Caleb shot to his feet. Gripping the back of his neck, his mind raced with what to do. Tears pricked the back of his eyes. Rachel needed him, and he couldn't even think straight.

Josh, of all people, told him to pray. A bitter laugh rumbled from his chest. He had to do something. Caleb needed to do something. God wouldn't want him idle while the lives of His children were in danger.

Sure, he knew God was in charge and prayer was important. But God had all of creation to look after. He'd want his people working for Him, not standing around praying and hoping for the best.

He watched Josh's sneakers disappear through the window, but still, he was frozen immobile, completely useless. Finally, Caleb looked up and fell to his knees.

"Oh, God, I am sorry. For everything. Save Rachel and Dani. I'm begging you. If someone has to die, let it be me." Tears blurred his vision and fell from his chin.

"Hey," Ty's hand tapped his back. "I know where the doors are."

Brushing his eyes with the back of his hand, he let Ty lead the way and they set a brisk run. "I'm surprised you left Annie."

"The police are here. Everyone is safe. They've probably already reached Rach and Dani."

"Ty, this guy might be a killer."

"I know. Roberts called Annie."

After what seemed like a never-ending run around the mega-beach house, they reached the storm doors.

Ty skidded to a stop, searching the area. "Something wrong. No one's here."

Caleb leaned down and pulled the doors, but they didn't budge. He slammed his palm against the closed door.

Ty pushed in front of him. "I have a key."


The doors creaked open. Caleb used the light on his phone and they descended the stairs. His heart constricted at the scene they came upon. A bruised and battered Dani sat holding Josh, and the girl of his heart was beside them.

Rachel. Relief and love raced through him.

Her gaze landed on him and she launched herself into his arms. "Oh, baby." He held her close, stroking her back and hair, kissing her head. "You hurt?"

"No, not me. He hit Josh in the head."

"I'm ok," Josh said, getting to his feet and helping Dani.

"He saved our lives." Dani's teary eyes were wide with gratitude. "If he hadn't shown up when he did, Rachel—"

Rachel pulled out of his arms suddenly and turned to Ty. "He's going after Annie."


"Miss Mitchell? Mind if I ask you a couple more questions."

Annie blinked at the red and blue flashing lights of the police cars. There were so many. She turned to face the man speaking to her. Unlike the others, he was dressed in a suit and tie.

Flashing a toothy smile, he withdrew a shiny badge from his pocket. "I'm Detective Wilson."

She nodded and tried to smile, but it probably was more of a grimace. A little shiver danced along her spine. "I've already spoken to several other officers."

"Yes, I know." Another mega-watt smile. "We want to be thorough, you understand. The lives of your friends are important to us."

"Of course." Annie glanced around, dismayed when she saw that everyone else was gathered around the pool, close yet far away. If she hadn't gone to the restroom, Detective Wilson might not have caught her. "Shouldn't we join the others?"

"Definitely, I'll need their statements as well," he said smoothly, and Annie relaxed a little. He flipped open a notepad and tapped it with the end of his pen, the gesture reminding her of Detective Roberts. "How well do you know your friend Rachel's boyfriend?"

"Caleb?" The question struck her as odd. "Why do ask?"

"It's important to have detailed information on everyone involved in these sorts of crimes." His tone held a condescending edge.

"He's a friend."

"Any trouble between him and Rachel?"

"If you think Caleb might have something to do with this, he didn't. He loves Rachel, and Dani is one of his best friends."

"Did she love him?" he returned quickly, his gaze sharp.

He was too eager, and the calculating gleam in his eyes caused a spike of alarm to skip through her. "She cared for him," Annie said vaguely.

"But she didn't love him?" he pressed.

"I can't say. They had some...issues."

Detective Wilson stepped closer, and she carefully judged the distance between them and the others. The sudden urge to run startled her. She was surely overreacting, but Annie took a step back.

Tilting his head, his lips twitched in a crooked smile. "Tell me about the issues, Annie."

Her head jerked up at his use of her name. "Caleb was jealous."

"What?" he snapped. "Why?"

Debating what to say, she decided to stick with the truth. "She had a friend she was spending time with."

"Rachel she was seeing another man?" The question flicked with the force of a whip.

Annie flinched. "No, he was just a friend. That was the issue."

He visibly relaxed, his shoulders sinking. "Did she have a lot of male friends?"

"Not really."

His gaze zeroed in on her, making her feel as if he could see straight through her. Laughter fell from his lips. "I get the feeling that isn't the whole truth, Annie."

Swallowing her doubts, she turned the tables. "Why is that Detective?"

A flash of surprise and fury burned in his gaze for a few unguarded seconds, but it was enough for her to see. Leaning into her, he said matter-of-factly, "That's my job. I'm a police officer."

"Detective," she corrected and watched his face transform into a mask of rage.

She took another step back.

"Cheeky. I'll bet you're a handful."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't like the disrespect," he answered with a cocky smile and cold eyes. "Perhaps, that is Rachel's problem. She's spent too much time with you."

Annie turned to run, but he caught her quickly and grabbed her arm.

She gasped, pulling away but his grip was firm, punishing. "Answer me," he demanded, his voice soft and menacing.

In the next breath the detective was wrenched away from her. "I'll answer you." Ty's fist landed squarely on his jaw. 

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