27~Jesus, help me

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They were sitting around the pool when the call came.

Tension crept over them, leaving an ominous feeling something terrible was about to happen.

Caleb's senses were on hyper-alert. He searched the room for Rachel, his brow furrowing. Finally, his gaze fell to his phone. "Our favorite detective."

"The one and only—Reliable Roberts," Tanner replied with dry humor.

"He said he'd call when he had news."

Parker's gaze narrowed at the buzzing phone. "I've found the adage No news is good news fairly accurate."

"Yeah, 'cause with our luck, it's always bad."

Ty's gaze found Caleb's, and he tapped the screen, putting him on speaker. "Hello, Detective."

Detective Roberts got straight to the point. Jones had been questioned about the money at Ty's house and the men who'd broke in and attacked him. At first, he denied any involvement but when offered immunity from prosecution in exchange for information, Jones sang like a songbird.

"If he was bribed, can we really trust what he says?" Caleb asked.

"My gut says he's telling the truth, and we have confirmed parts of his story." Roberts sighed and continued. "Jones claims a guy visited him in prison shortly after you kids were rescued last year. Visitation records confirm this. The man's name was Harrington Potter."

They exchanged looks. No one recognized the name. "Doesn't ring any bells."

"Does he go by Harry for short?" Tanner quipped, trying not to smile.

"It was likely an alias. Anyway, Jones says that Potter approached him about making a deal to get back at you kids. Potter arranged for Jones to use you kids to hide their dirty money."

The last few words fell like the crack of a whip. Josh said what they all were thinking. "It wasn't just Ty's place they were using then."

"We're still working through the details, but we think they used Ty because his house was vacant." Roberts cleared his throat. "Jones was suspicious of the guy. He thought it might be a setup, but Potter told Jones he worked for Caleb and he wanted to get back at him. You have any enemies?"

Caleb sucked in a sharp breath, caught off guard. "Owens," he growled. "Jake Owens. He resented me ever since I took over the ranch."

"Hmm. Owens. We've done background checks on all your employees—Jake Owens, Tucker Holliday, Samuel Flynn, Ace Garcia, Ryan Lopez, and Elizabeth Baker." He paused letting that information sink in before continuing. "We're thinking it's someone you know."

"Lopez was murdered, and Elizabeth is my mom's best friend." Caleb gripped the back of his neck. "All those men worked for my dad and were loyal to him—even Owens."

"Is it possible this has something to do with the movie?" Josh asked.

"Anything is possible. You kids should extend your weekend vacation until we can figure out where the threat is coming from."

"How long will that take?"

"Hopefully, not too long. I'd stay put for the rest of the week." Roberts took a deep breath. "Besides your families have any of you told anyone else where you are?"

Everyone pondered the question. "Elizabeth knows. My mom is staying with her, but I trust her."

The detective made a grunting sound.

"I told my girlfriend, Olivia."

"Hmm. Anyone else?"

"My uncle chose the location because of how secluded it was. I don't even think a pizza guy could find this beach house," Jessie told them.

Josh's eyes widened. "The cab driver Dani called found it easily."

Jessie and Parker shared a look. "Did she share the directions I gave you?" Parker asked.

"No. I don't even think she knew about them."

"Dani's not good with directions," Caleb said, rubbing his jaw.

Josh frowned, concern flashing in his eyes. He picked up his phone, his expression grim. "She's not answering."

They all tried calling, but the calls went straight to voicemail. "We didn't part on good terms. I understand why she won't take my call, but she's not taking any of yours." Josh's voice was laced with worry.

"Dani wasn't happy with any of us." Ty put his hand on Josh's shoulder. "You said she was taking a flight back to California. She's probably still in the air."

Hope flickered in his eyes. "Yeah, she was flying back today. That's probably it."

"I'll try to reach her as well," Roberts told them before he hung up. "You kids be careful."

No one spoke for a long moment after the call ended. Gone was the jovial mood from the beach.

"We could pray for her." Josh's voice broke, and he wiped at his eyes. "He might hear all of us."

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them—Matthew 18:20"


She had to tell them about the texts.

Alone in the room she and Annie shared, she felt her skin crawl with the eerie sensation of being watched.

Rachel shivered.

She didn't want to appear ungrateful, but something about this place gave her the creeps.

Caleb didn't even know how she felt. He was so protective and strong, but he was dealing with a lot lately. She didn't want to burden him.

With a trembling hand, she lifted her phone. This wasn't something she could ignore. They could all be in danger. Her friends had to know. Now.

The phone vibrated with an incoming message. Her belly hollowed like a carved pumpkin.

Ty: need to talk

Relief rushed through her. Of course, Ty would know something was wrong. He was perceptive like that. Or maybe she wasn't the only one getting strange texts. She tapped a reply and he answered immediately.

Ty: meet me at the beach in 10

Rachel hurried downstairs. Ty would know what to do. He was steady and dependable like that.

Purplish hues tangled with blues and oranges to pain a stunning sunset. The beauty was breathtaking, holding her captive and distracting her from the danger lurking.

"Hello, Rachel."

Startled, she spun around.

"Oh. It's you."

The huge grin felt like a sucker punch. Alarm bells clanged in her head. Rachel took a step back. His arm moved with lightning speed, his hand encircling her wrist in an iron grip.

Only then did she remember—Ty didn't have his phone.

She started to scream but a foul-smelling rag was shoved in her mouth. Terror gripped her, and she called to the Lord. Jesus, help me. 

Rachel's world went dark.

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