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"What's going on Ty?"


Annie studied him. A navy t-shirt was stretched across his muscles chest and he wore khaki shorts with leather slides. His chiseled profile was lifted up towards heaven. As is sensing her scrutiny, he turned and his gaze pinned hers.

Her breath caught. Shivers danced along her spine. A slow smile tugged at his lips as if he knew the effect he had on her.

Annie tore her gaze from his, shifted in the lawn chair, and sank her bare feet into the grass. "Are you sure?"

"Annie." Her name whispered in his deep, velvety baritone pulled her attention to him like a magnet. "I've never been more certain of anything."

A warm feeling blossomed in her chest, making her wonder if he was talking about something else. "No one heard anything about fireworks tonight. I asked around."

"There's a firework show every 4th of July," he answered easily.

"Ty, it's July third."

"Is it?"

"Yes. It is." She gave him a measuring look. "The last time you acted like this you were keeping something from me."

He rubbed his jaw, his expression pensive.

"Remember, you were planning to go away to school."

Climbing to his feet with the grace of an athlete, he took her hand in his and pulled her into his arms. "Well, I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."

The warmth of his strong arms wrapped around her made her heartbeat spike. Annie wondered if it always would. "Glad to hear it." She pressed her closed fist to his chest. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

A pop of color exploded in the sky followed by several more pops leaving sparkles of light in the inky night. Annie looked up at Ty.

He was watching the fireworks, but sensing her regard his gaze dropped to hers. "I love you, Annie."

Another burst of color painted the night.

"I love you, Ty." She swallowed hard, her gaze holding his and his hand cradling hers. Inhaling a fresh breath of summer air, she forged on. "But I don't think that's all you want to tell me."

His free hand stroked her cheek. "Annie..."


"Look up."

Following his gaze, she watched in amazement as bright letters appeared in the sky.


"Ty, do you see that?" Her eyes slid down and found him staring at her.

"Will you marry me, Annie?"

Annie knew she'd never be able to adequately describe what she was feeling at that moment. It was as if all the missing pieces filled inside her making her whole. She knew it was God's doing.

"Please tell me you're crying because you're happy."

"Yes! So happy." It was difficult to speak with the emotion clogging her throat. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you, Ty."

He stood up and spun her around. "I've prayed for this every day," he whispered against her ear.

"Me too. That guy's proposal was like a sign to us."

"What guy?"

"The one who proposed to his girlfriend."

Understanding flashed in his eyes, and he gently squeezed her hand. "I did that, Annie. For you."

"You did this?" Another burst of fireworks lit the sky, but Annie couldn't take her eyes off of Ty. "For me?"

A deep chuckle answered. "Yes and yes. Guess I haven't been the most romantic boyfriend if you're that shocked."

"I'm not shocked. I'm humbled. You're perfect for me. It's just that something like this must cost a lot of money, and I didn't expect it."

"Josh has a friend who knows a guy." He dipped his head and his mouth brushed hers. "I've been waiting a long time."

Taking her hand he slid a flawless diamond solitaire set in white gold on on her finger. "It's beautiful."

"I've had it for a while now. I'm glad it's finally where it belongs."

"We're where we belong."

This time when he kissed her Annie twined her arms around his neck. Nothing had ever felt more right, and she knew that wherever life took them God would always be there.

Applause surrounded them. Turning she saw everyone she loved—all their friends and her parents and Tommy.

Hugs and congratulations swept them into a whirlwind of happiness. Annie felt like it was all a dream.

She was overwhelmed with gratitude. "I love a happy ending."

"This isn't the end. We're just beginning," Ty assured her.

"I can't wait to see what God has planned for us."


Thank you for your reads, likes, and comments. I truly appreciate you all. There were days when your support kept me writing.

I feel like some of the character's stories are not finished, and I'd love to write them. I'll pray about and see what the Lord has in mind. 

May God be with you all. 

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