30~I am with you always

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Dani glanced down at Rachel. "You ok?"

"I'm good. Try again."

Sensing Dani's hesitation, Rachel added, "I've got you. I won't let you fall."

"It's not that." Dani gave the window a hard push but it wasn't budging. "I think it's jammed."

Something furry scurried at Rachel's feet. She didn't want to think about what it could be or if it had friends.

"What was that?" Dani hissed.

"My guess is a rat."

"No!" The single word was a frantic whisper. "Listen!"

Rachel went still. Click. Squeak. Thump.

"He's coming!" Dani nearly lost her balance.

Icy fingers of terror slid down Rachel's spine. For an instant, she stood frozen. Dani's urgent voice prompted her to action. Quickly, they got Dani to the ground and made their way back to the mattresses.

Dani couldn't stop shaking. "It's like he always knows what I'm doing. I don't get it."

Rachel's gaze scanned the room, but it was difficult to see. The only light was the soft glow of moonlight from the tiny window. It wasn't much.

How did he know what they were doing? Suddenly, Rachel looked up and frowned. "That looks like a camera. Don't look up!"

Dani turned her head. "That's what that is?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure."

"How could it catch anything in this dark?"

"I don't know. Technology."

"I'm sure criminals everywhere are appreciative. Stupid technology." Dani let out a hysterical laugh.

Thump. Thump.

Rachel's heart twisted. This was her fault. She'd encouraged the failed escape, and now the three of them would share the consequences. At the thought of Josh's and Dani's precious baby, tears filled her eyes.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

The sinister fall of footsteps sent a wave of panic crashing over her. Rachel tried to breathe, but fear clogged her throat.

I am with you always.

The soothing words erased the fright, replacing it with courage and the certainty that the Lord was on her side.

Rachel rose, straightened, and turned to face their attacker.


"He said he'd kill my Molly."

The words were pushed through heart-wrenching sobs. Moving slowly so he wouldn't frighten her, Ty put his hands on her shoulders and she fell against him wearily.

"Molly is your daughter?" Ty asked softly while Annie and the others watched with concern.

She nodded her answer.

"What's your name?"

It took several heartbeats for her to calm enough to answer. "Isabel. My baby is fifteen. She is everything to me."

Ty caught the flicker of fear in Annie's eyes, and he understood. "Where is Molly now?"

"Upstairs. We live on the third floor."

Jessie's eyes widened. "She's alone?"

Her head snapped up and her lips parted, as if what he'd asked was unthinkable. "No, never. Paulie and Davis are with her. They work here too."

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now