Chapter 8 - Your Mine

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I woke up this morning didn't sleep much. I got up out the bed. I stepped down and my foot went into whipped cream.


They then came in the room laughing.

Bryce - think this is funny huh? I'll show y'all funny. Clean it fuckin up NOWWWW

I walked to my bathroom and got in the shower. I decided I'll ride my motorcycle today. So when I got out I got dressed into

I walked out and my floor was cleaned

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I walked out and my floor was cleaned. They fucked with the wrong person. I walked downstairs and I sat at the breakfast table. Yes I have a schedule on when I just want coffee or I want food. So today is breakfast day. The guys were sitting there i sat down taking up my food.

Bryce - y'all are gonna regret that big time
Tayler - it was a harmless prank
Bryce - I don't like pranks and I don't like no one fuckin with me
Blake - you prank me I'll go to Addison
Bryce - could care less. She has a attitude and I'm not wasting my time on her baby fits she's gonna have ever other day

I woke up this morning in bed. I showered and then did my hair and makeup. I wore

I didn't have set until later today so I decided to get breakfast with Amelie

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I didn't have set until later today so I decided to get breakfast with Amelie. So I texted her she said she's down. She told me she was gonna pick me up. I was sitting in my house when I heard her beep. I got up and walked outside.

Amelie - set was that bad?
Addison - Dan and Maya kept messing up the scenes and then we had some meetings while there about the movie
Amelie - I would be an actress but no just no

She drove off. We were going to a place where no paparazzi we're gonna be at.

Fuck my morning so far the chef food was horrible today his daughter was filling in for him. That's coming out his pay check. The Boys wanted to just go for food. So I told them give me a location and we can drove there on our bikes. When we got there we walked in and was seated. 5 minutes later Addison and her friend walked in. I saw Blake kept looking at her.

Bryce - stop being pussy and talk to her
Blake - why?
Bryce - you obviously trying to hit
Blake - facts

He got up and walked to their table. Tayler and I ordered our drinks.

We just got the menus and the guy Bryce was in the smoothie place with came up to our table.

Blake - good morning ladies
A/A - morning
Blake - Addison isn't it
Addison - yeah
Blake - you are?
Amelie - amelie

He then grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Blake - I'm Blake, I was wondering if your free to hang anytime this week
Amelie - maybe
Blake - is that a yes?
Amelie - want it to be
Blake - yeah *smirking*
Amelie - I'm suppose to be going to the club on 4th and 5th street close by the Chick-fil-A tomorrow
Blake - I'll see you there.
Amelie - okay

He then backed away a little

Blake - have a great rest of y'all's day ladies
A/A - thank you

The whole time they were talking I could see bryce talking with his other friends but still watching me. We finished eating and was waiting for the bill.

Waiter - it's paid for
Addison - can we know from whom?
Waiter - table with the 3 men
Addison - thank you

We got up and was walking out we had to pass there for the exit. As we were leaving bryce grabbed my hand.

Bryce - no thank you
Addison - is this your way of saying sorry for the stalking?
Bryce - well no I actually have a bunch of flowers heading to your set
Addison - but you still haven't apologize. I don't care for you paying for my food or buying me flowers bryce. My fans do that literally everyday
Blake - do y'all want us to give y'all a second?
Addison - no
Bryce - I'll talk to her outside.

I grabbed her hand and we walked outside to the motorcycle.

Bryce - I'm sorry
Addison - are you really or are you saying this because you know I'm upset
Bryce - can I say both

I looked up at her and she rolled her eyes.

Bryce - I really am sorry for acting like a stalker.
Addison - and your gonna stop?
Bryce - I can't promise anything right now but i do know that it won't be often
Addison - okay how about I get your number so we don't have to do this sneaky thing
Bryce - your phone?
Addison - yours

We swapped phones putting our numbers in each I saved myself under Addison with a heart. I got my phone and he had Bryce with with a black heart.

Bryce - maybe a kiss
Addison - we're in public
Bryce - your mine

He pulled me close and kissed me. We pulled away after we heard pictures being taken and Bryce friends and Amelie cheering us on.

Amelie - well the paparazzi just took some pictures
Addison - always
Bryce - I could get them deleted now if you don't want it online
Addison - no it's fine
Bryce - okay

Bryce and his been started their bikes.

Bryce - I'll message you
Addison - okay

He then pecked my lips once more and they drove off. We git back in Amelie car. She dropped me home and then I took my makeup off and changed into sweats I chilled at home for a while and then got in my car and went set where I saw my flowers in my trailer. I smiled as I read the note. They came and did my hair and makeup and then went on set and was there until 11

The rest of my day was spent driving around with the boys collecting my money I never got to message Addison until around 12. She didn't answer so I guessed she was asleep.?

After I got home I showered and got straight in bed 4-11 is a long ass time on set.

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