Chapter 29 - Our Last Time

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I woke up a knock on my door. I groaned as I sat up

Addison - come in

In comes my dad. I rolled my eyes as I laid back down.

Monty - Addison?
Addison - yes?
Monty - is your boyfriend in town?
Addison - don't have one
Monty - is Bryce in town
Addison - maybe why does that concern you?
Monty - you are not to meet with him
Addison - Monty?
Monty - I prefer dad
Addison - and I prefer to have a real life and not be dragged from it. Anyways Monty if I want to meet with Bryce I will. And if I find out something happens to him because of you or this gang. You won't be calling me your daughter anymore
Monty - your threatening you dad for a boy?
Addison - he's a man and if I can't be with him why hurt him. I know no one's after me Monty. They could of gotten me alot of times in LA. Y'all don't want me with Bryce for some reason I haven't figured out yet.
Monty - your smart Addison definitely got that from me *walks out the room*

I rolled my eyes as he left I got up and went into the bathroom. I showered and wore

Amelie then walked into my room the second I walked out the bathroom

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Amelie then walked into my room the second I walked out the bathroom.

Amelie - please come with me to the guys house
Addison - Idk
Amelie - please
Addison - fine

The girls are here and let's just say Addison looks fine asf. I'm wearing some shorts no shirt and I walked over to her.

Bryce - come with me?
Addison - where?
Bryce - my room

We made it to my room and I pushed her up against the door and started kissing her it took a while for her to kiss back but she did. I then picked her up and I through her on top of my bed and she was just starring at me. I took my pants off and went back down and kissed her. She then flipped me over and started kissing me and then she gave me a hand job. It was great but the second her mouth touched my dick it felt amazing. She was sucking and then she took her dress off and took off her underwear. She put me inside her and started bouncing.

Bryce - Addison, Baby, just like that omg

She was amazing and then I flipped her to the side and went into her. I was playing with her boob as I went back and forth

Tayler - BRYCE

That's when I jumped up out my sleep. Ughhh.

Bryce - what bro
Tayler - you were moaning and calling Addison
Bryce - I was?
Tayler - yep

I looked under the covers and I was hard.

Bryce - what time is it?
Tayler - 1 the girls are on there way
Bryce - girls?
Tayler - Amelie and Addison are coming here for the last day to see us
Bryce - fuck my life get out

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