Chapter 56 - Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

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It's our Bach parties today which means I don't see Addison until our wedding. I have a feeling the girls went all the way out for Addison. I was told to be out the room by a certain time so why not wake my baby up if I'm not seeing her for the whole day.

Bryce - love *kiss her*
Addison - mmm
Bryce - I have a hour with you until we see each other tomorrow
Addison - I'm gonna miss you *still doesn't open her eyes*
Bryce - you don't wanna set any boundaries we can pass?
Addison - I sent it to your phone last night

I grabbed my phone and the boundaries were

Bryce - no shots out any woman's mouth, no sex, no head, no kissing, no fingering. So strippers aloud and I could touch ass
Addison - sure it's your last night
Bryce - same for you then
Addison - ofc how much longer do you have?
Bryce - 50 minutes
Addison - mmm let me show you how our honeymoon will be like

She then slide under the covers and I felt my pants go down. She played with my dick then out it in her mouth. She was moving fast. I needed this. Couple minutes in I cummed into her mouth. She came back up with some of my cum on her lips. I whipped it off and put it in her mouth.

Addison - *kisses him* I love you
Bryce - I love you too. Maybe I should repay the favor
Addison - save the energy for our wedding night
Bryce - okay *kisses her*

We were making out Addison was now on my lap when someone bussed into the room.

Addison - ughh *gets off Bryce*
Bryce - I'm leaving now *gets up* I'll see you at the alter *kiss her*
Addison - love you
Bryce - love you more *kisses her again*

If your wondering who it was it was Amelie. The girls have this whole day planned out. Bryce left with his bag and Amelie walked over to my side if the bed.

Amelie - shower get dressed into this and meet us downstairs the car will be waiting

She then left I hopped into the shower and got out and wore

I guess all my bridesmaids and maid of honor was wearing them

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I guess all my bridesmaids and maid of honor was wearing them. I walked downstairs in my brown UGGs. I walked outside got in the car with Amelie, Dixie, Kylie and Catilyn.

Addison - morning
Everyone - morning
Amelie - now the fun Begins

I'm in the car just drinking coffee when we stopped and our door opened. It was my house in palm springs it's rare I come here. I walked in and it was full with things like

 I walked in and it was full with things like

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