Chapter 38 - Crazy Hoe

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I woke up in bed with Addison. After yesterday it's safe to say I'm in a complicated relationship. I sat up and she woke up to that. That's new she's usually a sound sleeper. She looked at me and laid back down.

Bryce - you good? This never happened before
Addison - it's been Five years don't you think things change
Bryce - yeah but from I seen you again this is the only change
Addison - I know
Bryce - listen don't shut me out talk to me if you feel some kind of way
Addison - not now please
Bryce - I know I'm just making sure your okay
Addison - and I am
Bryce - you have to just understand I'm worried
Addison - ughh bryce I said I'm good
Bryce - *sigh* I know and I'm sorry

I then kissed her cheek and was leaving the bed. She pulled my hand back and I looked at her.

Bryce - yeah?
Addison - you missed

I smiled at her and kissed her lips. I went into the bathroom and showered. I was out the shower and was get dressed when Addison walked in. She turned around from me as I only had on my boxers.

Bryce - girl stop playing like you not use to this
Addison - maybe put your pants on
Bryce - you was trying to get my pants off last night
Addison - please

I put my pants on and then she looked back. If I still knew my woman like how I think I do she likes men with good body's and likes to flex.

Bryce - love?
Addison - yeah
Bryce - think I need to workout more *flex*
Addison - *starring*
Bryce - *chuckles* come here

She walked to me and I kissed her. I had my hand on her ass and damn she grew. Not gonna lie started to get kinda horny as we kissed. I pulled back

Bryce - I need to deal with something
Addison - I felt it through the pants bryce
Bryce - I'll be back in idk
Addison - let me just help
Bryce - when did you become the horny one
Addison - can I help?
Bryce - only if you want to but
Addison - no buts

Addison got on her knees and took my underwear and pants off. She then put me in her mouth. First she start off with the kitty licking. Then she started sucking. No gag reflex was the best thing about it. I held her head in one place and thrust in and out her mouth. Best thing about what she did was every place had on my dick had her saliva. I then had to cum. Shidd I haven't cummed this fast in almost 5 years. I cummed all over her face


Bryce - thank you
Addison - this just means you owe me a favor

She then walked off.

I went into the bathroom got dressed into

AddisonI went into the bathroom got dressed into

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Bryce still had some of my clothes here. Not surprised he didn't throw it out. When I got out Bryce was wearing

I walked over to his bed and sat down

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I walked over to his bed and sat down.

Bryce - hey what's wrong?
Addison - nothing
Bryce - you have that scared face on
Addison - I'm okay
Bryce - I'm not begging you to talk to me so when you feel like you could then I'll be there
Addison - thank you

He hugged me and got up.

Bryce - maybe you should get going?
Addison - you don't want me here?
Bryce - no ofc I want you here but since you came here seems like something bothering you. Idk if it's the house or me
Addison - bryce
Bryce - idk what's wrong with you and it's upsetting me and I don't want take my anger out on you love I really don't
Addison - something's are just better not said
Bryce - okay I understand that but love I'm worried
Addison - come here

He walked back over to me and closed the door.

Addison - im worried and scared for you
Bryce - why?
Addison - regardless of what I ever do my dad he won't kill me not a day in his life but you he'll kill you no hesitation. This plan it can get you killed because he'll say y'all brain washed me. Ill never be the bad guy in his eyes you do understand that right?
Bryce - I understand that my woman has been getting forced for 5 years not to be with me.
Addison - *rubs his cheek* just be careful with everything you do now. He may have men undercover
Bryce - I know love. I love you *kiss her*
Addison - I do to but you know it's hard for me to say
Bryce - and I'll never rush you to do so *peck her lips*

Bryce and I were heading downstairs and some girl was arguing with security. I heard him sigh and take his hand from out mine. I grabbed his hand back.

Addison - you don't wanna hold my hand
Bryce - yes ofc love. I'm sorry *kiss her hand*

We walked further down the stairs and Amelie saw me and ran to me. We hugged and then the girl started screaming at bryce.

Bryce - get her out of here man
Guard - cant she came with a police officer
Bryce - a what?
Guard - yeah and he's standing by his car
Bryce - Riley you better leave off my property
Riley - give me my clothes
Bryce - you didn't have shidd when I meant you and that's how I'm leaving you. GET THIS BITCH OFF MY PROPERTY NOWW I SAID

Bryce then walked pass all us to the kitchen. I walked behind him.

Bryce - if you knew better y'all wouldn't bother me right now
Addison - babe?

Only woman that has ever made me this soft. She walked over to me and hugged me.

Bryce - did the screaming scare you? I'm sorry if it did
Addison - it didn't. Living with a Mafia boss changes alot of things about you
Bryce - okay
Addison - are you okay? She seemed like she did a nerve and only I can do that
Bryce - you're worried she'll take your space *chuckle*
Addison - baby we both know this spot can't be taken *smirks* I'm the wife she was the mistress
Bryce - damn right *pills her close* I hate being called a Hoe I don't show no hoe way so for her to say that bother me. Its like she's putting fake news out
Addison - well don't listen to her. We know you no where near a hoe.

Addison then kissed me. If I still know her like I think I do. She's gonna try to back away from this relationship anything soon so I have to be mentally prepared for that.

We didn't leave the house not once Amelie and I cooked. We went over the plan a little more. I'm scared for all the guys. I mean at the end of the day that's still my dad I might chicken out

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