Chapter 57 - Wedding

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I didn't sleep once in this cell. The guys and I were up while the girls were sleep. Nice way to start our wedding day ain't it. It was now 8 we get let out in an hour. Addison and I wedding is at 5pm. Good thing we didn't do a morning wedding. I was just sitting there with my baby head on my lap thinking about how by the end of the day she's gonna be names Addison Rae Lopez Hall. Damn I already love that name. I was playing in her hair then she woke up. I smiled at her as she sat up.

Bryce - morning love
Addison - morning * lays head on his shoulder*
Bryce - love the way our wedding day starts off *chuckles*
Addison - it's okay I guess. *Kiss his cheek* did you not sleep *holds his hand*
Bryce - couldn't but I'll be okay
Addison - you could sleep while we're on the jet back
Bryce - mmmm

As we were waiting to get let out everyone started to wake up. When everyone was up they let us out we got our money our phones and met Enzo outside.

Bryce - thanks man
Enzo - yeah
Addison - thank you so much Enzo *hugs him*
Enzo - anytime sis. Now today is a wedding I remember maybe let's head to the jet
Eveyone - YESSS

I watched as Addison smiled. I grabbed her hand and we got in the car and headed to the jet. We all made it on the jet and there was champagne and breakfast.

Enzo - one of my wedding gifts to y'all
Addison - *smiles* aww

Bryce poured Eveyone a cup and Amelie wanted to cheers.

Amelie - cheers to the soon newlyweds. May they stay alive long enough to see us old
Eveyone - cheers

After the cheers me and bryce went into one of the jet rooms.

Addison - this is so much more comfortable then that cell bench
Bryce - *smiles*
Addison - lay with me *reach out her hand*
Bryce - okay

The rest of the way to LA Bryce and I fell asleep. We woke up to Blake telling us get up.

Bryce - coming

We got up and got off the jet but there was 2 cars.

Amelie - tell Bryce bye
Bryce - we aren't going together?
Amelie - nope we need to get to the house close to the venue and y'all need to go home
Bryce - okay. I'll seen you at the alter *smiles*
Addison - I'll see you at alter *kiss him*
Bryce - love you
Addison - I love you too

Bryce gave me my last kiss and I went in the car with the girls. We made it to the house. There was make-up artist, nail artist, hair stylist and there was breakfast in the kitchen.

Addison - its only 11
Amelie - great meaning get in the chair

It was three of each I was getting my nails and hair done first. We showered first though. We were all in our robes. It has been about two hours my nails are drying and my makeup just started when one of my men came in. Kylie and Caitlyn don't know I'm a mafia boss. So this better be important.

Addison - come in
Guard - Ms.Lopez we're wondering where's the list of invited quest
Addison - Amelie?
Amelie - the boys were suppose to be bringing it
Addison - go to where bryce and the guys are and ask for it
Guard - yes ma'am

He left and we finshed getting ready. It's now 3 I'm now getting dressed into my wedding dress

 It's now 3 I'm now getting dressed into my wedding dress

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