Chapter 36 - Celebrity Beach Party

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Today is a chill day. I'm home by myself. I just woke up. I went into the bathroom. Showered. I decided to wear a light color. My gun wound has already healed because it's been 2 months. I haven't seen Addison around at all it's like she hiding. I'm wearing

I walked downstairs and the minute I hit to the bottom the guys started laughing at me

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I walked downstairs and the minute I hit to the bottom the guys started laughing at me.

Blake - wtf are you wearing
Tayler - you look like you're going to play golf
Blake - no he looks like a rich dad
Bryce - okay one fuck both of you. Two I didn't feel like wearing dark clothes for once
Tayler - we're just joking. it's a dope fit
Blake - yeah it's just nothing you would wear if your mom or Addison didn't tell you to
Bryce - speaking of Addison. Tayler have you seen her around or anything?
Tayler - she went back NYC a week ago and came back last night. I think they're also having a pool party
Bryce - we're going
Tayler - it's a celebrity pool party meaning only celebrities aloud
Bryce - your going to get us on the list now

So last week I was in NYC I just needed to know why they did that go Bryce so I talked to my dad. And he keeps saying stay far from him. Which I know wont be able. We're having a pool party. I'm in hopes bryce and the guys will come. Noah and I publicly broke up last month but we're still besties. I was laying in bed when Tayler called me. I could see from his back round that thats bryce house.

Tayler - hey Adds
Addison - wassup loser *giggle*
Tayler - your still having the pool party?
Addison - yeah it starts at 4
Tayler - can you get me and the guys on the list
Addison - sure or y'all can come early and help set up
Blake - I'm down
Bryce - it is a chill day
Tayler - send me the location
Addison - come at 2
Tayler - okay

He hanged up. I decided to not get dressed into clothes knowing I'm just going to have to change so I'm still in

 I decided to not get dressed into clothes knowing I'm just going to have to change so I'm still in

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I walked downstairs and Noah, Enzo, Amelie and Nick was there.

Addison - morning
Noah - morning
Addison - so you know how I'm having a celebrity pool party here today?
Amelie - yeah?
Addison - I invited Bryce, Tayler and Blake
Enzo - didn't dad say you can't be around them
Addison - I remember telling you not to speak to me anymore
Noah - adds you sure you want them here I mean last time Bryce was with you he got shot.
Addison - I'm sure also if dad has someone shoot at him again it sure as hell ain't gone be good
Nick - may I speak?
Addison - yes nick
Nick - so y'all ex boyfriends are coming here
Addison - in 2 hours
Nick - boss man doesn't want them around y'all and y'all are still going to
Amelie - yeah basically
Noah - you gonna fuck adds?
Addison - *laughs* your gross.
Noah - since they're coming I'm inviting dixie
Addison - okay

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