Chapter 25 - Left

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I woke up to Addison getting out of bed. She walked into the bathroom and I tried thinking of a way to talk to her. Because she's very stubborn when I say very I mean it. I feel in my body that something bad is gonna happen I just need to know it'd not between Addison and I

I know bryce was awake. I showered and then sat at my vanity and did my makeup. Yes my bathroom door was lock I never look it so he know not to bother me. What he said yesterday and infront of me was disrespectful. Idc if he says them things around his boys because every guy does but infront of me. The level of disrespect I felt was unreal. While I was in the bathroom Noah called me.

Noah - hey you Wanna get breakfast just us?
Addison - yeah I need to clear my head anyways
Noah - meet you downstairs in 15
Addison - okay

I hanged up finshed my hair and makeup then wore

I hanged up finshed my hair and makeup then wore

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I walked out the bathroom. Bryce automatically sat up and looked at me.

Bryce - Love?
Addison - I'm going out *grabs her wallet*
Bryce - where and with whom?
Addison - out and that's not your business
Bryce - your not leaving until you talk to me *gets out the bed*
Addison - no I'm leaving without talking to you *opens the door *
Bryce - *slams it close* I said you aren't so sit your ass down
Addison - idk who you think your talking to but it'd definitely not me *trying to move him*
Bryce - you really think you could move me
Addison - your being really scary and you probably gonna get dangerous
Bryce - you think I'll hurt you
Addison - i- idk what to think
Bryce - Addison sit on the bed and let's talk before you leave
Addison - no bryce don't you understand the meaning. I don't wanna talk

I tried coming out the room again but this time he pushed me and he didn't care that he did. I looked at him like he was unbelievable. Bryce hates being told no or to do something but pushing me that's where I draw the line.

Addison - bryce leave me or I will call the cops on you
Bryce - the cops? You think I care about them I'll kill them I'll kill all of them
Addison - just let me go
Bryce - just sit down wait until I get dress and talk to me
Addison - no

It's been 30 minutes I been waiting on Addison I decided to go see why she's taking so long. I went up there and I knocked on the door. They didn't open the door but Bryce answered.

Bryce - who's it?
Noah - it's me Noah is Addison ready
Bryce - she be a mi-

I knew something was wrong Addison doesn't come late to anything. I break the door open and saw Addison on the floor. I ran to her and helped her up

Addison - thank you *stands up*
Bryce - she's not leaving bro y'all can go out another day
Noah - don't think that's up to you
Bryce - you heard me
Noah - no did you hear me. We have plans

We started walking towards the door. Addison was already out and he turned me around and I had a gun to my head

Noah - Addison run
Bryce - you move he gets shot
Noah - call the police
Bryce - you call them he gets shot

I was sent here to protect her wtf am I doing.

Noah - run
Addison - hell shot you
Noah - I said run

She then started running. I started fighting bryce back. I guess we found a gang member. I took the gun from him.

Noah - Lopez will definitely have your head on a plate for putting a gun to his daughters head

It's Addison she was what Harlow meant. I couldn't believe it. I'm gonna be a dead man for almost hurting the biggest Mafia daughter. Noah through my gun and me and left. Wtf is this.

I ran outsider couple minutes later Noah came out. Noah had my car keys he got in the driver's seat and started driving. He was driving but not to any fast food place he was going into the woods.

Noah - I'm not gonna kill you *laughs* I just need to show you something

We got to the place. And there was a dead body.

Noah - you may know him he's Jack Harlow. Bryce killed him or at least that's what's being told
Addison - bryce has been with me how could he have
Noah - idk but what I do know is we need to leave tonight. Bryce wants to hurt both of us and we need to go
Addison - where
Noah - NYC

We walked back to the cars and Noah drove straight to the airport. He paid for the plane tickets.

Noah - where we are going you can't post on social media you can't let anyone know where you are okay??
Addison - why!?
Noah - because your the most wanted woman right now

I couldn't believe what I was hearing I was also so confused on what was being spoken about. Our plane called and we got on

After they left I got dressed

I went and wake the guys up.

Bryce - Addison she was the clue what Harlow gave and Noah he was her secret security that's why he was here he knew something was off and came.
Blake - where are they
Bryce - idk that's what we are gonna find out
Tayler - arent Addison parents dead?
Bryce - that's what they have her think probably. We need to get going
Blake - okay I'll meet y'all at the house
Bryce - okay come on Tayler

We left to the house we were trying to track her but it was like everything was erased. Only post she had on her social media now was


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Addisonraee Going On Long Break See Y'all When Ever❤️ #Forevergreatful

Wtf is happening did I just lose my wife

We made it to NYC and Noah took me to this house and said we are gonna be here until tomorrow that I should get some rest. He kissed my forehead and left the room. I just left my whole life behind and Amelie omg I left Amelie.

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