Chapter 28 - Last Talk

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We made it in NYC yesterday no sign of the girls from we landed. But I know the Lopez mafia knows we are here they have to. So we are moving with our guns on ready at all times. I brought couple of my men incase we had a problem. I'm in bed when I grabbed my phone it was still the lock screen of me and Addison on the motorcycle. Damn do I miss her. These pass three days had me wondering maybe if I did just let her go this shidd wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't of been taken from me, Amelie wouldn't be took from Blake. I sigh as I got up. I went into the bathroom. I started showering and the thoughts came to mind again. I quickly finished up and wore

I put my jewelry on and walked into the living room

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I put my jewelry on and walked into the living room. I sat down waiting for the guys to come out there rooms. They finally came out 20 minutes later.

Tayler - morning
Bryce - morning do we have any ideas where the girls could be going?
Blake - it's Saturday so definitely the mall
Tayler - yeah one things girl gonna do is shop
Blake - especially our girls
Bryce - okay so around 12-1 we head to the mall and wait to see if they arrive
Tayler - yeah

I woke up in my bed with Amelie. I sat up as I went into the bathroom. I showered and then did my make up and hair. I changed into

When I got out my room I saw Amelie gone

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When I got out my room I saw Amelie gone. I walked out my room and Lucas ran into me.

Lucas - I'm sorry Addison
Addison - it's okay. You know you can call me Addi or Adds
Lucas - okay I was coming to tell you breakfast is ready
Addison - okay

I held his hand and we walked downstairs. I made it to the table I sat down.

Sheri - good morning girls
A/A - morning
Noah - morning girls
Amelie - morning
Noah - still not talking to me

I looked the next way and I heard him sigh. We had breakfast and then I remembered it's Saturday.

Addison - We are going to the Mall
Monty - nope
Addison - yes I'm an a adult I can have a say on where I want to go
Monty - you can but not today
Addison - we are going without or with the 1,000 men you send me with
Monty - fine

We got up from the table but I heard Lucas scream my name.

Addison - yeah
Lucas - can I come with you
Addison - if you want
Lucas - yayyy

I went upstairs got my phone and went out we got in the car and drove to the Mall. Someone opened our door we got out. I was responsible for Lucas today so I was holding his hand. We were walking around in the mall with all these guards following us when I heard a voice I haven't heard in two days.


I turned and so did the guards. He started walking towards me but they weren't having it. Everyone circled around us.

Bryce - I just need to talk to my woman
Guard - Bryce Hall isn't it!?
Bryce - I'm not here to fight or shot I just wanna speak to Addison
Guard2 - no can do sir now start walking

I could hear what was happening but if this was gonna be my last time seeing him why not speak to him.

Addison - tell him meet us in the food cart in a hour
Guard - food cart in a hour
Bryce - okay

I walked back to the guys and we started looking for the food cart. I was gonna try to convince Addison to come back LA with me that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. It's been a hour and she just walked in. They sat down and she was with a little boy. This better not be like one of those stories where she had a kid and didn't tell me because I don't take sit like that lightly. We walked over and the guards let us pass but they were still surrounding the tables. Blake ran to Amelie the second he could. Addison and I just starred at each other. I sat down infront of her and the little boy.

Bryce - hey
Addison - hey
Bryce - you look beautiful
Addison - thank you
Bryce - ofc! I was thinking we could talk alone
Addison - I can't be alone
Bryce - you were always alone with me
Addison - but I can't be now. Why are you evening in NYC?
Bryce - for you wdym
Addison - bryce last time I saw you there was a gun towards me and Noah I was getting forced to stay in a room and talk to you
Bryce - and I'm sorry I never meant to come off as controlling or making it seem as if I hurt you
Addison - well you did
Bryce - and I'll work on that if you come back with me
Guard - *laughs*
Bryce - something funny *looks at him*
Guard - yep you, your funny
Bryce - I'll show you funny *takes his gun out*

When I took my gun out everyone around us gun came out but secretly.

Addison - bryce put the gun away
Bryce - me? There literally about 30 men with gun in there hands looking at me
Addison - they won't shot you
Bryce - and how do you know
Addison - because they aren't aloud to unless shot at or something happens to me or Lucas or Amelie
Bryce - fine but count your days bro *puts his gun up*. Addison come back LA with me
Addison - I can't
Bryce - wdym you can't
Addison - I can't leave
Bryce - your a grown ass woman and your telling me you can't leave
Addison - bryce you know who I was right
Bryce - Addison Rae the actress and model yeah I do
Addison - do you know who I am now
Bryce - still that person
Addison - don't play stupid bryce you know who my dad is and you know that alot of people are after me I can't be somewhere I'm not protected
Bryce - not protected?? I've protected you from the day I meet you wtff. You come here for 3 days now you are saying you wasn't protected. You let all these ass wholes and family members you probably don't evening know telling you, you weren't and who tf they think I am. If you weren't protect then why didn't Harlow gang kill you. Yeah Jack was killed because he knew something and was trying to get close to you bet you didn't know that
Addison - I knew you killed him and I know you knew who I was from the beginning but played dumb. Was i a trap for my dad or something
Bryce - your joking right? How tf was I suppose to the know your a Mafia boss daughter. You think I just go around looking for Mafia boss daughters?
Addison - idk
Bryce - wow. This is definitely not the Addison I know and it's definitely not the one I want or wanted. *Gets up* catch you around Lopez is it?
Addison - bryc-
Bryce - nope I'm not talking to the woman I love I'm talking to the daughter of the Mafia boss when the Addison I know and love comes back then you know where I be until then please don't speak to me or anything

I then walked over to Amelie Blake and Tayler.

Bryce - let's go
Tayler - didn't go good
Bryce - nope they are already in her head

Blake did his good bye whatever with Amelie and we left. We went to the house we have right now and I went to my room. I laid down and couldn't believe what had just happened. After I ate lunch we I went back to the room and went sleep

We left the Mall and I can't believe all that happened infront of Lucas and the guards. We made it home and Amelie and I was in my room.

Amelie - I'm gonna meet up with Blake one last time tomorrow before they go
Addison - that's great.
Amelie - you and bryce?
Addison - we argued and it's officially over
Amelie - I'm sorry Adds
Addison - yeah but I guess it was meant to happen
Amelie - orh maybe it wasn't
Addison - idk but I know I don't wanna talk to anyone in this house other than you and Lucas
Amelie - your gonna have to sometime
Addison - no I don't

We talked some more had dinner and went to sleep

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