Chapter 46 - Relationship Problems

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I had like a hour or two to sleep. It's 6 am. I got up. I went into my bathroom and showered. I stayed in the shower for a while to wake me up properly.

 I stayed in the shower for a while to wake me up properly

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I walked downstairs and Everyone was still sleep.


Everyone got up but I didn't see Tayler and Blake.

Bryce - where's Tayler and Blake
Trey - they left last night

I took my phone and called both of them. No one answered. I looked at there notification and it was at Addison place. Wtf. I didn't wanna go there this early so I'll wait until later when I knew they were awake. But in the main time I'm gonna see if I can get any leads.

It's 10. I just woke up. I looked at my phone and Amelie said Tayler and Blake are here. Ofc they aren't hey came to see how I was but I went to bed a little early. I walked into my bathroom. I showered and then got ready.

I wasn't really thinking about coming out the house today so why not

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I wasn't really thinking about coming out the house today so why not. After I got dressed I put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs. My chef was already cooking which was great because I was starving.

Tayler -  good morning
Addison - morning.
Tayler - how are you
Addison - I'm okay. I just don't understand what I said that was rude or what make him scream and me and say fuck me
Tayler - I know you know your boyfriend. Like I told him after he gets his mom back he's gonna be crying for you
Addison - yeah but evening as mad as I've been to him I've never told him fuck him
Tayler - hey it's gonna be okay

Tayler then hug me and then I heard the front door open.

So I made it to Addison house. I'm wondering why Tayler ass his here like bro you don't have no reason being here. I walked in to him and Addison hugging. And I spazzed out

I didn't know what happen but all I knew was bryce and Tayler were on the floor fighting. Wtf is Bryce doing. I tired to pull them apart but I didn't I got pushed and I hit my head to the side if the table. That's when my men run in and grabbed both of them and Amelie helped me.

Blake - what happened
Tayler - he just attacked me for no fuckin reason
Blake - I'm not talking to y'all.

One of my men brought me a ice bag and I sat down.

Blake - are you okay?
Addison - yeah
Blake - why were they fighting?
Addison - idk bryce walked in when Tayler and I were hugging and before I could gasp it they were on the floor fighting.
Blake - tf is wrong with you dude *looking at bryce*
Bryce - get this dude off me
Blake - no you have no control.

They let Tayler go and he automatically came and checked on me.

Bryce - and that's the same reason I was about to beat your ass.
Tayler - because of Addison?
Bryce - why tf are you hugging her and checking up on her
Tayler - are you fuckin tripping. That's what friends do.
Bryce - why'd you stay here? For her?
Tayler - no because your ass keeps waking everyone up at 5 like we're in some miliary.
Bryce - look at me and tell me you don't like Addison

Tayler looked at him and say it. Wtf is Bryce problem.

Addison - this is why you here?
Bryce - I don't wanna talk to you
Addison - can y'all give us a minute

Eveyone left the living room. He just stood there staring at me.

Addison - im not gonna chase after a relationship you clearly don't want bryce. You told me f me, my gang and this relationship. So you basically broke up with me. Idc how mad you were or upset or whatever. That is beyond disrespectful. I have alot on my plate as well but I don't go spazzing out on you. And I know your only gonna realize what you said when you find your mom but when you do. I don't want a apology, I don't want you to come and look for me I want you to understand that things you say or do have consequences
Bryce - your ending our relationship?
Addison - you ended last night. I just don't understand how you could tell me something like that. I've literally done everything for us and this relationship. But the minute you lose or can't get in contact with someone you take it out on me or our relationship and I'm tired of that Bryce I really am. When I'm only trying to help you through it be a good girlfriend. Most girls wouldn't evening care to bring you food, ask you how you feel or give you your space but I'm the one that does I I get pushed away

I was now tearing up. I was not about to cry infront of him. I stood up about to walk off when he grabbed my hand.

Bryce - don't leave me. I'm sorry Addison. I never wanted me to be the reason your crying. I know what I said I shouldn't of said. There's no excuse for that. But you can't leave me especially right now. I want this relationship. I wanna be with you.
Addison - then show it Bryce. Don't disrespect me like that ever again. And I know I haven't given you the time of day in the pass six months. And I'm working on that
Bryce - i know and I won't

What he said isn't just forgiven. I walked off and I heard him sigh

When she started crying I knew I fucked up. I never wanted her to cry and with me being the reason I felt like shidd. I called Tayler downstairs.

Bryce - I'm sorry dude
Tayler - I know you are but clarification I think of the girls as my little sisters nothing more
Bryce - I know dude

We dabbed it up and I wasn't sure if I should stay here. I think me and Addison are good but she'll never forget what I said.

Amelie - stay for brunch bryce
Bryce - I don't know
Amelie - I'm her bestfriend you leave she's gonna be upset whether she shows it or not

I agreed I sat down and when the food was done she came down. She in-between Amelie and I she didn't talk to me but I was okay with the silent treatment. That's when I got the drop. My men called me telling me that we have a location and it's guarded hard. And that we didn't have enough men. Everyone was sitting in the living room.

Bryce - Addison?
Addison - *looks up at him*
Bryce - I know we aren't on the best terms baby but can I need a favor
Addison - what's it
Bryce - can I have about 20-30 of your men we found the place where my mom is
Addison - bryce I'd love to but I'm in a truce for a year with the Hall Mafia
Bryce - he doesn't need to know it's your men though. Please
Addison - Idk
Blake - bryce that's kinda bad for her mafia if she does that.
Bryce - how about I don't use your capo's and just some of your soldiers
Tayler - that could work they don't know how to identify different people soldiers
Addison - when do you need them for?
Bryce - tonight
Addison - my Mafia is in NYC not LA Bryce
Bryce - then tomorrow can you do tomorrow
Addison - yeah

I was happy. I was about to get my mom and maybe my relationship will be okay before she leaves back to NYC. The rest of day was spent at Addison. No kisses, no cuddling we just looked at each other. It was kinda weird. When we went to bed. It was like this space between us. It crazy because we don't want our relationship to end but then do shidd like this

Yeah I know what y'all gonna say. "We can't never have something nice" so that's why I made it semi nice. Next chapter gonna be horrible though 🙃

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