Chapter 15 - Interview

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It's been a week since Addison had a day off. We've been getting closer to getting Harlow. He's kinda because he's a famous artist and goes by the name Jack Harlow. But we don't wanna do anything that can ruin the guys and I cover. I just woke up and I know Addison has a early morning. I woke up around 6am and I'm gonna carry her flowers and breakfast. I went into the bathroom showered and wore

I had on a black t instead of the back sweater

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I had on a black t instead of the back sweater. I had in my biker jacket and I had a car flow me with Addison food and flowers. I got them out and the car left and I went inside. I went up to her room. I had the food in the kitchen alongside the flowers. I walked into the room and she was still in bed but not sleep. She saw me and the biggest smile grew on her face.

Addison - I literally just texted you
Bryce - *chuckles* I've missed you this week
Addison - I know I'm so busy
Bryce - *sits down on the bed* how free are you today?
Addison - I have a interview and photoshoot today
Bryce - when are they!
Addison - my interview is tonight and my photoshoot is in two hours
Bryce - damn. Dinner after the photoshoot?
Addison - idk
Bryce - okay

This pass week I've seen a more caring side from Bryce. He doesn't just stalk like he use to do he ask me things and doesn't command. Like if I told him I was to busy for dinner he would of been like "I'll see you tonight" or something along them lines. He also has smiled more. Remember when I said he doesn't smile well with me he does. I've never really been around him when he's doing business from what Amelie told me because she's talking to hid friend Blake. Bryce screams alot and doesn't smile at all. I moved from under my blanket and grabbed his hand. I pulled him up towards me.

Bryce - love my gun is gonna scratch me
Addison - I'm sorry
Bryce - it's okay

He moved to guns from his side. That doesn't evening scare me no more. He put the guns on the floor and jumped on me. He had his hand under me and head on my neck. I had my hand around him. He then flipped us over so he's on the bottom. I was now sitting on his lap and his hands were on my ass. He then gripped my neck and I kissed him. We were making out but I didn't wanna lead him on.

Addison - we can't
Bryce - I know

I moved off his lap.

Addison - bryce?
Bryce - I'm listening
Addison - I'm I ever gonna meet your friends?
Bryce - *looks at her* I don't have friends love
Addison - I mean Blake and the guy your always with
Bryce - Tayler
Addison - yeah
Bryce - whenever you would like. I mean your gonna be around for a long time so why not
Addison - tomorrow? I'm not doing anything from 1
Bryce - yeah I'll let them know
Addison - okay

I got up and went into the bathroom. I showered and changed into

 I showered and changed into

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Was a comfy fit. I got out the bathroom and Bryce wasn't in my room. I walked downstairs and he was downstairs eating.

Bryce - hey love
Addison - you didn't evening look back plus I didn't make noise
Bryce - you actually did
Addison - are you trained for sneak attacks or something.
Bryce - I guess

I went to hit him but he didn't let me he grabbed my hand and spanned me so I was onto his lap.

Bryce - love it's like I have eyes in the back of my head
Addison - sure feed me
Bryce - or you could feed yourself

I did a pouty face and he grabbed my food and started feeding me.

Bryce - I hate that you make me this way
Addison - *giggle* you love it

Bryce and i ate and then I had 20 minutes before I had to leave. So we chilled on the couch. We were on the couch so I decided to take a picture


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Liked by Ameliezibler, and 16,829,100 others

Addisonraee  can't get enough of you🖇️

Ameliezibler - cute

Fan3 - does he have a Instagram
        Addisonraee - no he doesn't like social media

Sunrae4 - happy your happy
      Addisonraee - ❤️❤️

3,910,187 other comments

Addison left couple minutes ago. I was still in her house. When I got a call saying I was needed at the house. So I got on my motorcycle and drove there. When I got there I saw some of my men shoot.

Tayler - they saw Harlow and attacked
Bryce - was he by himself
Men - no he was with some men but we thought we had him. All his men died but he ran .
Bryce - okay. Y'all carry them to the nurses.

They took them and Tayler and Blake followed me to my office.

Bryce - Addison wants to meet y'all
Blake - same with Amelie
Bryce - tomorrow after 1
Tayler - I'm free
Bryce - evening if you weren't free you would be there
Blake - yeah I'll bring Amelie too

I was getting dressed for my interview. I was mic up and wait for my intro.

Host - Tonight on the jimmy Fallon show we have Addison Rae

I walked out and smiled at waved at everyone.

Addison - it's nice to be here
Host - it's nice to have you
Addison - *smiles*
Host - how have you been
Addison - good very happy lately
Host - we see that. You have a new man?
Addison - *giggle* yes I do
Host - what's his name for everyone who doesn't know.
Addison - Bryce Hall he's a business man.
Host - he owns some of the biggest businesses in LA
Addison - yep
Host - how'd y'all meet
Addison - a club/bar
Host - did he know who you were?
Addison - nope we both didn't know who each other was
Host - okay

He asked me some other questions. Jimmy and Ellen were my favorite people to have interviews with. After I left my driver drove me home and I went Inside. I walked inside and saw Bryce had dinner on the table. I read the card he had there.

Addison - I'll be back to fall asleep with you. I just need to handle some business. Eat the food I have there and there is dessert in the refrigerator.

I smiled at the letter. I went upstairs showered and changed into a oversized hoodie and ate my food. After I ate I went to the couch and laid down watching tv

When I walked into the house putting on the alarm Addison was on the couch asleep. I took my shirt off because it smelled like weed and I picked her up carrying her upstairs.

Addison - bryce?
Bryce - it's me love
Addison - mmm

She falled back sleep and I laid her back down and showered and change and got in bed. Couple minutes into laying down her head was on my chest. I laughed at her and kissed her head. I then went to sleep

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