Chapter 53 - I'm Sorry

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I just woke up in bed naked with Bryce. I leaned over to the desk to grab my phone. It was 10 and I'm meeting Enzo at 1. I then sat up to come out of bed but ofc bryce pulls me back.

Bryce - stay couple more minutes
Addison - I need to start getting ready for the day I'm meeting someone for the Mafia
Bryce - we never used the water last night. How about we spend couple minutes in there then you can shower for whatever your doing
Addison - okay

He then let go. He got out bed and was also naked. He walked over to me picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started walking to the bathroom.

Bryce - I can do alot in this position
Addison - I know you've done it plenty times
Bryce - *smiles* just a reminder

We made it to the tube. We got in and we cuddled in it. It was relaxing just talking.

Bryce - I don't wanna ruin the mood love but at some point your gonna have to talk to me about how you felt at that dinner
Addison - I know but for now
Bryce - I know you just wanna chill

I kissed his lips.

Addison - I felt dumb. I felt like I just ruined my relationship with my family and then your mom who I didn't evening meet properly. It hurt to see how our families acted on the engagement. Normal families would be happy but ours. Ours would be mad and causes problems into the relationship so the marriage could never happened. I broke a promise to my dad and brother. I knew this wouldn't be easy us getting married or evening having kids. It would always be something or someone who's trying to hurt us physically, mentally, or emotionally and that why I didn't want kids. I guess somewhere in there I thought maybe I could a little something from a normal life but I can't and it hurts to think that. You asked me yesterday if I ever second guested the engagement and I lied. I did *crying* I did I talked to Amelie about it. I thought that maybe if we patted ways everyone around us will be happy. No more hurt from my family towards you
Bryce - but we won't be happy Addison. We won't
Addison - I know.
Bryce - then don't put anyone's happiness before ours. Our families don't know or understand our love story like our friends do. That's why they were so happy about. Why I was so happy to finally marry you. I've been thinking about marrying you from the day I meet you Addison. Personally fuck our families we can live without them but I can't live with you I need you Addison
Addison - I'm not giving the ring back Bryce. I'm just telling you what I thought and how I felt.
Bryce - oh. Then I'm sorry you felt that way love. But I won't let nothing get in between us *kiss her forehead*

We got out the water and went into the shower. We got out and got ready.

I was about to leave when Enzo called

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I was about to leave when Enzo called.

Enzo - let's meet with Amelie and Bryce. I have some news I wanted to tell you
Addison - okay um my second house
Enzo - on my way

I walked upstairs and told bryce come with so he drove to my second house where we meet Amelie and Enzo. Bryce looked at me confused. We walked inside the house and went into my office.

Enzo - I know I'm not very liked right now. But Addison you have to understand you broke a promise to me.... to dad for your boyfriend but it's okay.
Addison - it is?
Enzo - yeah I know I'll never move up in this mafia. I'll always just be your little brother. So to my Boss and Underboss. I would like to tell y'all that I'm leaving the mafia

I was hurt. Bryce looked at me as he probably knew I felt like shidd about breaking my promise.

Amelie - Enzo you don't have to leave
Enzo - but I do Amelie. I can't be in a Mafia where I know I'll never move up because my sister boyfriend friends don't like me and a broken promise. In mafia's your looking to reach the higher up knowing I won't ever doesn't make any sense for me to be here
Addison - Enzo your my brother you can't leave. Your the only one I know I could actually trust *tear drop* 
Enzo - I'm sorry Addison. I know I've put your relationship in some really hard times and I know by me doing this it'll be easier. I'll go off the grid stay from around you and the gang and just try to live a normal life with enemies. And hey maybe someone might bring me into there Mafia.
Addison - I can't *gets up and leaves*

I couldn't just sit there and listen. I ran my family away from me, my brother is leaving the mafia. I went up to my room and cried.

Addison left and Amelie also was crying.

Enzo - aye man I'm sorry for fuckin with y'all relationship I know she's happy and this is the best way to make sure she stays happy
Bryce - she won't be happy
Enzo - she'll get over it. But let her know for me this will be her last time having to protect or worry about me
Amelie - Enzo please.
Enzo - you don't understand Amelie. You've never hurt her and you still got to forever be an underboss because y'all signed off on it. I never signed anything so the opportunity got taken away from me. But I love y'all and I'll be watching from a distance.
Amelie - love you to

He then hugged her and left. I couldn't believe what was happening. I went to look for Addison as Amelie left saying she needs air. I found Addison in her bathroom crying.

Bryce - love
Addison - no please don't. I just wanna be alone. This is my fault.
Bryce - it's not
Addison - it is. I broke a special promise to him to go with what you promised Tayler and Blake. I've always made it him seem like the bad guy all the times and I never took responsibility for my actions as well. Enzo was the only one there for me before anyone and I pushed him to this limit
Bryce - you have to stop blaming yourself for things that happen Addison
Addison - I'm not I'm taking responsibility. I had his hopes up, I had my dad's hope up with his last smile but I broke it. I always break my promises for you and it's not healthy. This isn't healthy we aren't healthy. I'm always gonna be the one trying to fit into your world and you aren't trying to at least fit in mine.
Bryce - what are you saying
Addison - I need a break. From us this relationship. I need to clear my head
Bryce - so what your breaking off the engagement and leaving me
Addison - no I just need space right now Bryce. I'm not big and tuff like you things hurt to me. What just happened hurt me

She then got up off her chair and walked over to me and kissed me.

Addison - I love you Bryce I always will but right now I just need space so can you leave
Bryce - bab-
Addison - please

I sigh as I got up and left. The rest of my day was spent with the boys I told them what happened and they actually felt bad.

I tried contacting Enzo trying to find someway to convince him to come back. Then I thought about it. Why does both Bryce under boss get to be the new bosses if we ever died. One of them needs to go to under boss so I can keep my promise to my brother. The rest of the night was spent with me in bed crying over my brother leaving, my family hating me, me pushing bryce away and I can't get in contact with Noah or Amelie.

Kinda feel bad for Enzo so I had to help my boy out. I mean shidd if my sister promised me something and broke the promise for her boyfriend friends I'll leave to. I know he was wrong for the shidd he's done but a promise is a promise. And at the end of the day that's her blood

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