Chapter 12 - Hurt

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It's been a week since the dinner and I haven't been myself. The only thing keeps my mind off losing Addison is killin. I've killed so much people in the span of a week. It crazy to think I would go back to this. I use to be like this the first time I started and after I killed Elle. I'm laying in bed when I heard a knock.

Bryce - WHAT
Lisa - bryce open the door
Bryce - ma

The only woman who makes me soft other than Addison who was about to make me soft.  I got up and open my door I automatically hugged her.

Bryce - what you doing here?
Lisa - the boys told me you were going through a breakup
Bryce - yeah *pulls away*
Lisa - why did y'all break up Bryce
Bryce - she found out about my real job she said she needs time it's been a week and a half. She doesn't respond to my text. I tired sending her things like flowers and gifts she doesn't want them and they get sent back
Lisa - maybe she's scared I was at first to Bryce
Bryce - but I've never let anything happen to you. I wanted to marry her ma
Lisa - let her know bryce. Don't just send gift maybe show up to her house
Bryce - I don't wanna scare her
Lisa - you won't

After I talked with my mom. She said she was gonna make my favorite breakfast. I went into my bathroom and got dressed. I showered and wore

 I showered and wore

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I walked downstairs and she was almost done

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I walked downstairs and she was almost done. I sat down calling Addison again no answer. The next one was declined. I threw my phone so far.

Lisa - calm down Bryce
Bryce - you don't understand ma. I've never meet someone like her she was everything I've always wanted in a girl from her looks, to personality, just eveything.
Lisa - you talk about her like you've known her for years
Bryce - and it's only been two weeks and the week I've been ignored
Lisa - eat and then go there
Bryce - okay

I ate and then got on my motorcycle and I had one of my men flow behind me with some flowers I got Addison. I went to her apartment. I knocked on the door and Amelie opened

Amelie has been staying with me because this pass week and a half has hurt me so much. I wanna be with Bryce but I'm now scared for my life. What if he's acted while I'm with him it's just so much going through my head. I was wearing

Because I didn't want anyone see my eyes because they were red from all the crying

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Because I didn't want anyone see my eyes because they were red from all the crying. Enzo is with a friend right now. I was laying on the couch when someone knocked Amelie went and answered as she opened the door there was Bryce.

Amelie - I'm just gonna walk down the hall
Bryce - thank you

Amelie left and Bryce walked in.

Bryce - hey
Addison - hi

Idk what happened but tears started dropping.

Bryce - I just wanted to check on you. Make sure your okay
Addison - yeah I'm-

I couldn't evening finshed my sentence I broke down crying. I could tell Bryce never dealt with this by the way he stood there before he came over and hugged me.

Bryce - shhh okay don't cry.

Addison was crying in my hands. I knew I hurt I hated this feeling. She started to calm down. I had her on my lap with her head on my chest.

Bryce - you don't have to reply right now love. But I Wanna be with you. You might of think all this was fake or me just playing but I wanna marry you one day idk when but I do Addison. I want you to know with me you'll always be safe together or not. I'm not the one to do all this lovey dovey shidd Addison but for you I'd do anything. Cuddling I don't do them things but for you I have been doing so, staying in bed all day or night wanting to be just around you that's how I want it to be. Ignoring me has been hurting me so much. Sending the gifts I sent you back hurt me. It takes alot to hurt me and you have done so.

I was looking at her the whole time as she just looked down at my chest. She didn't answer she just sat there on my lap. I sigh as I knew she wasn't gonna respond. I lift her off my lap and got up.

Bryce - that's all I wanted to say. If you ever wanted to talk to me again just text me okay

I walked to the door and I opened it. And left. I brought the gift up to her apartment where her and Amelie were in again. I left and went back home and stayed inside the gun room all day drinking and shooting

Bryce left and I couldn't say anything. I still was thinking about what would happen if he ever got mad at me and stopped protecting me. After he brought the gift and left. Amelie came over and hugged me.

Amelie - he doesn't seem much hurt
Addison - he is. I could see it in his face. I've never seen him like that before.
Amelie - should we see look at the gift?
Addison - no don't touch it I'm gonna send them back
Amelie - he gave you it because he wants you to have it adds
Addison - please don't open it
Amelie - adds from what you told me you like him alot and he does as well from what you tell me so why you making it so hard on him?
Addison - I'm scared
Amelie - then talk to him about it
Addison - I can't right now
Amelie - bu-
Addison - just stop talking about it please

After Talkin about it we just stayed in my house. I haven't really been in social media this pass week. I have set tomorrow though so I have to go to my house. After dinner I went to my room and laid down in bed. I missed bryce but you have to understand how I'm scared.

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