Chapter 34 - Plan Gone Wrong

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It's been a week from I thought of the idea and nothing. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get her alone without anyone. Nothing has came to my mind that I think would work. Her dad is this big man I'm sure he's thought her defense evening if it's not with weapons. I got up out of bed and went into the shower. I thought about it and I decided to go with this. Text Addison off Tayler phone to meet up and show up talk to her knowing she doesn't want shidd to do with me she will probably leave out the place. So when I walk behind her that when I have my men shoot me in the shoulder. Yep that's what I'm doing. I got out the shower I wore

I went downstairs and saw Tayler and Blake

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I went downstairs and saw Tayler and Blake.

Bryce - so y'all know that thing I've been thinking about
Tayler - with Addison
Riley - Addison what?
Bryce - he's talking to me
Riley - and I'm your girlfriend so why are y'all talking about your ex
Bryce - don't be insecure
Riley - I'm not I just find it disrespectful that for all these years your still stuck in her
Bryce - im not
B/T - you are
Riley - see eveni-

She was about to say something when Addison called Tayler. Nice timing. He answered.

Tayler - hey adds
Addison - hey tay you still wanna meet for brunch? Just us and Amelie
Tayler - Noah not coming
Addison - no he's busy
Tayler - 12 in the day?
Addison - what can I say my man is a working man *laughs* or do you wanna do lunch?
Tayler - yeah let's do lunch
Addison - okay I'll text you
Tayler - okay bye
Addison - see ya

He hanged up.

Tayler - got plans with Addison
Bryce - we've got plans
Blake - not me because Amelie looks like she has a dude and I don't wanna disrespect her relationship
Bryce - then your a ass
Riley - you know what bryce it's over
Bryce - okay
Riley - just okay? 3 years just for you to say okay?
Bryce - if were being honest. Your head game is terrible, when I fuck from the back it don't excite me and I know you've been messing with Ryan
Riley - you'll regret this bryce
Bryce - goodbye

She left and I told them my plan with Addison.

I'm wearing

I texted Tayler the place Amelie couldn't make it anymore because she had a photoshoot she really wanted to do

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I texted Tayler the place Amelie couldn't make it anymore because she had a photoshoot she really wanted to do. I drove there and this place parking lot is kinda in the back of the place if you know what I mean. I got there and park. I told them table for two. I was sitting there on my phone drinking my drink when the person i sure as hell didn't make plans with came.

Addison - where's Tayler?
Bryce - sent him on a mission. He told me to tell you he couldn't make it so I just figured id come and have lunch with you
Addison - that okay I'm leaving.
Bryce - come on Addison. I know we don't see eye to eye but why do you hate me so much
Addison - leave me

I then left the money on the table and left. I walked to my car and Bryce was behind me. That when I heard him scream. I look bad and he was shot. I scan the area and the person had already left.

Addison - You Good?
Bryce - no

That was not my men. I didn't give him the signal. I was looking around and didn't see shidd I need this bullet out me. But I still need to see if Addison could help.

Bryce - my men drove me drop me to my house please?
Addison - no this is a new car your blood is gonna get over it I'll call you a Uber
Bryce - really Addison I fuckin would of ran and carry you into the car and took care of you
Addison - you expect me to take care of you. You? The person who hurt me the most *voice crack*
Bryce - Addis-
Addison - I'll drop you to your house

I went into her car and she drove and fast. We were at my house in no time.

Bryce - can we please talk
Addison - I can't talk
Bryce - can you just tell me how I hurt you
Addison - you don't know?
Bryce - no I don't
Addison - bryce the last few times I saw you it was like a different person. You focusing me to talk to you. You never did that you always let me cool off or vice versa before we talk, you put a gun towards me and my bestfriend at the time. Then you used me for sex how do you think I felt. I came there to see if we could work something out or anything. I understand I left but I had to. To protect you,Tayler and Blake. You think I'll just throw my life away like that.
Bryce - Add-
Addison - I have to go Bryce
Bryce - just 2 more minutes
Addison - 2
Bryce - I just wanna know protect me from what
Addison - I can't say I shouldn't evening be talking to you. I-
Bryce - are you okay? Are you endanger?
Addison - no

She then point at me but not really. It was like she's being watched or something. I understood then.

Bryce - okay. Im sorry if I ever hurt you. I never wanted it to be that bad. I was hurt I was extremely hurt but thanks for the ride
Addison - yeah

I got out and she left. I walked inside and I dealt with my gun wound

 I walked inside and I dealt with my gun wound

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Tayler and Blake then walked in.

Bryce - wassup
Tayler - it worked?
Bryce - not how I wanted it to but it semi did
Blake - what happened?
Bryce - she told me why she hates me I apologized. And she told me what she was doing is to protect us
Blake - Amelie said the same thing idk what that means.
Tayler - maybe they're in danger
Bryce - Addison told me no and pointed at me low-key
Blake - something gonna happen there is no way they are just back

I start to think about it and I also thought about who could of shoot me was they trying to get Addison.

I went home after I got something to eat and chilled. One of the guards called me and told me my dad said call him. I called him

Monty - I know you were with Hall
Addison - he got shot I had to help him
Monty - you didn't have to you wanted you. He's the enemy Addison enemy do I have to remind what will happen if y'all got together
Addison - no I'm with Noah
Monty - so act like it. Yall will also be staying there for another couple months
Addison - why I don't like LA anymore and I miss Lucas
Monty - because I said so

He then hangs up. Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever do what he say or he's just talking out his ass. The rest of my day was spent thinking did I do the right thing 5 years

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