Chapter 33 - In LA

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It's been a month since we announced we were back. Last week we came back to LA. We are all living in the same house because we put my apartment and house up for sale. Nothing with Noah and I are official. We talked about it and we don't really like each we just like what we can give each other but that still doesn't run from the fact that we have to act like we are dating right now. No we don't live in LA but we are here for couple days because I need to film a guest appearance in some shows. I just woke up and went into the bathroom. I showered and got dressed into

After I was dressed I walked downstairs where I found Amelie who was cooking

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After I was dressed I walked downstairs where I found Amelie who was cooking. Noah wasn't next to me which means he either had a early morning or is in the gym. I sat down infront of Amelie after I grabbed a water. Nick also came with us because y'all know why.

Amelie - morning
Addison - morning where the guys?
Amelie - mission
Addison - okay what do you have today
Amelie - cleared
Addison - same maybe we should revisit our favorite places in LA
Amelie - I'm down

We were eating when I got a call from Tayler. I talked to him when we first came back he texted me on Instagram asking for it so I gave him it.

Addison - wassup Tay?
Tayler - what you doing today?
Addison - Amelie and I and probably the guys are going to visit our favorite places in LA why you ask?
Tayler - I was trying to see if your down for lunch
Amelie - I'm down
Addison - anything with food your down for. Just text me the time and place
Tayler - okay see ya
Addison - bye

I know what your thinking how could I still be friends with Tayler if he's in bryce Mafia. We don't have a problem with the Hall Mafia we have a problem when they try to get in our way.

I woke up this morning with Riley. She seems to always want to have sex now and I'm not really for it because I want head can't fuck from the back because something just don't excite me. After Addison I have had high standards with ex and she was the closest but not really to what I wanted and I knew from. The girls I had I had them had sex with my crew and had them rate them ik it sounds like crap but they agreed and signed a paper saying they do agree. I'm not going to jail for no dumb shidd. I got up and went into the bathroom I showered and changed into

After I was done i went into my room made sure my gun was on me because I'm having lunch with Tayler and Black later so I need to finish up some work

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After I was done i went into my room made sure my gun was on me because I'm having lunch with Tayler and Black later so I need to finish up some work. I got my coffee and left. I went to my work and started looking through some things until 2

It's 2 and we are heading for lunch with Tayler Noah and the guys couldn't make it because they are at another mission. We made it there and I knew this was set up or Tayler was out if his fuckin mind. I sat down next to Tayler and Amelie sat next to me and we were across from our ex. Tayler was actually like the end of the table so Bryce and I was on each side of him.

Addison - Tay I have a question
Tayler - go ahead
Addison - when you said lunch I thought you meant with just you
Amelie - yeah I mean we switched up our schedule for YOU
Tayler - I thought there's no need to hate each other
Addison - no need? He had sex with me and kicked me out he basically used me. Not putting in that he had a gun towards me and he pushed me. He should lucky he's not a dead man
Amelie - and Blake he ended things with me after two years. When he knew I wasn't evening suppose to be talking or seeing him. I don't make it to one trip he planned and he ended things
Tayler - guys they really should actually hate y'all
Blake - amelie I'm sorry okay. Long distance just got hard bit being with you having to sneak around with you. I never meant to hurt you like I did and I'm extremely sorry. You don't have to take the apology now just know I am
Amelie - you should of just said that and not end it with a "it's over" text and never text me back
Blake - I know now and I am sorry
Bryce - im not saying sorry because I don't feel sorry she left me for people she didn't evening know, questioned my loyalty and love for her
Addison - you can keep the apology bryce but just know I'm the one who's been keeping your secret for years. You think you would be alive if I told them you were the boss. At least I have some heart your just a cold mother fucker.
Tayler - great nice way to start off our lunch

I rolled my eyes then I seen my phone ring. It was my dad.

Addison - excuse me

I got up and went to the side and answered him.

Monty - princess?
Addison - hey dad
Monty - I need you to get Noah and Enzo nick got enzo but Noah he has the money and is at a gas station
Addison - send me the location I'm on my way
Monty - great

I hanged up and walked back inside.

Amelie - who was it?
Addison - my dad. We have to go.
Amelie - okay
Addison - Tayler we're here for another week so I'll see you around
Tayler - ofc bye
Addison - bye

I left and we got in the car and drove to where Noah was he got in and told me where we needed to go.

Noah - how was lunch with tayler
Addison - it felt like a set up
Noah - why!?
Amelie - Bryce and Blake were there
Noah - so he's trying to get y'all back together or be cool?
Addison - idk but bryce and I aren't gonna see eye to eye so we can't be cool
Amelie - why are you by yourself.
Noah - I jumped out the car with the money so the next gang is after nick and Enzo but they don't have the money
Addison - smart
Noah - always

We made it to the place he carried the money in and then we left we went for lunch and went back home I wanted to go by the beach so that's what we're doing.

After the girls left I got to thinking. Addison kinda right I mean her dad Mafia can kill my Mafia in no time and then kill me but why hasn't he. Because of her. She probably still has a soft spot for me and seeing me hurt will trigger her. And I'm gonna find out. I'm gonna set up this big thing or when I'm around her get someone to shoot me and see how she acts. After lunch the day just flew by.

After we left the beach we went home ordered pizza I showered and Noah and I cuddled while Amelie cuddled with Nick. After a while I fell asleep

Addison fell asleep so I picked her up but first I dabbed Nick up telling him goodnight and then I laid her in bed

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