Chapter 39 - Poisoned

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Addison left two days ago I haven't heard from her then. I know she told me I'd know what happen she she comes back but all I could think about is did they catch her. Are they not allowing her to come back. So much questions no answers. I just woke up in bed by myself. Addison spent everyday here before she left her being gone doesn't feel right. It feels like the time she left and didn't come back for five years all over again. I got up went into the shower. Damn kinda wish we'd had sex before I never see her again. Why a i thinking like this ofc I'm gonna see her and when I do I'm proposing. I got out the shower. Dried off and then wore

I walked downstairs and the guys were down there

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I walked downstairs and the guys were down there.

Bryce - have y'all gotten a text from Noah, Addison, Amelie?
Blake - no just wait they have a time schedule on when they post and then we'll know if they good
Bryce - okay

Lucas birthday is today which means this is a good time. For us to put the cookies out. It's only family. My dad has been wondering about Enzo but I told him Enzo is in a trip with a girl. Poison cookies. My dad loves sweets three of them and he's dead two he'll die slowly one he wont feel a thing. I'm wearing

Because literally it's only us

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Because literally it's only us. Lucas doesn't have friend's only family because dad wants him to be "safe" at all times. Amelie and I had to post so I was looking for a picture when I saw a Christmas picture of Amelie and I so I posted it


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Liked by Ameliezibler and 30,929,010 others

Addisonraee  Christmas of Last year TB😍

Ameliezibler - why do you look like you wanna kiss
      Addisonraee - shhh🤭

2,902,910 other comments

After posting the party began. We had food and Lucas was now getting gifts. I loved how happy he got about anything.

Addison - Dad do you want cookies or cake?
Monty - give me 4 cookies and a little slice of cake
Addison - okay
Sheri - hunny are you sure?
Monty - Sheri i haven't had sweets in 20 hours *looking at his watch*
Amelie - *laughs* you check how long you don't have sweets?
Monty - she makes me

Here we go. I passed Amelie a cookie my mom one and my dad four. Lucas just wanted his cake and ice cream. So I gave him that. Dad was finshed with his cake and cookies.

Addison - dad you want this I don't want it no more I'm gonna get cake
Monty - yeah put it there princess

I put it on his plate and cut cake. It was now 6 at night. I was in my room getting ready for bed

I was wearing bryce Laker's pants I took

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I was wearing bryce Laker's pants I took. When I heard my mom scream. All I heard were men running up the stairs. I looked out my room but a guard pushed me back in and locked my door from the outside. Me and Amelie room are connected so I ran into her room.

Addison - do you know what is happening?
Amelie - something is wrong with Monty

This is when I knew my dad was a dead man in less than couple minutes. There was no treatment for that kinda poisoning. Noah then came into Amelie room.

Noah - Addison your dad wants to see you
Addison - okay

I walked with Noah to his room. He looked at me he knew this was hard for me. I walked into my mom and dad room. My mom was crying on the floor.

Addison - yes?
Monty - princess?
Addison - yes dad
Monty - I want you to know I'm dying. I ever was and now it's just more in affect. Stay strong for your mom and brothers. I know you never asked for this life but you will be the next boss. This is gonna be so hard on your mom but make sure Lucas is okay evening if y'all have to go back LA. I love you princess. And I will always regret putting you and your brother up for adoption

Atp I was crying. I didn't know what to say. I just hugged him as I cried. Evening though he wasn't been the best dad he still was trying. He kissed my cheek. Lucas was 10 so he sat there in bed with dad and mom. I couldn't stay in there anymore. I ran into my room. Noah running behind me.

Noah - hey it's okay come here *hugs her*

Noah and Amelie hugged me the whole night. We just stayed there. Before the night was out my dad would be dead and I'll be the new Boss. That's so much to deal with. I didn't eat no more for the rest of the day I just stayed in my room. I wished Bryce was here but he isn't and I don't wanna call because I don't want him see me crying. Lucas slept with me that night. He kept asking what's wrong with dad after I explained it we both cried.

Addison did post today but after that nothing. My dad was spent in the house going over things I could do before I actually propose to Addison. As I sat down and think about it. If I propose to her now her family and crew will think I just want the Mafia. So I'll wait. I was playing basketball with the guys for a while then I went and got showered and went to bed.

Wanna double update but I'm going out so don't know when I'll be able to write😬

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