Chapter 59 - Step Down

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Addison and I have been married for 4 years now. It's been the best 4 years but it's like someone is always after us so when we go on trip we have to bring people. I'm tired of not having alone time with her so I'm ready to step down from being the Boss. Plus I could train Tayler and Enzo now and they don't have to wait tell I die. I don't know how everyone would react I haven't evening spoken to Addison about it yet. I was just laying in bed with my love when I heard her wake up.

Bryce - are you up
Addison - yeah *sniggles into him*
Bryce - can I actually talk to you
Addison - finally
Bryce - wydm finally
Addison - I know you and I know when something's on your mind and it has been there for awhile. I was just waiting for you to open up about it
Bryce - okay *grabs her hand* you know this has been the best 4 years of my life right
Addison - yeah
Bryce - but it's just one thing that makes me angry or has made me angry
Addison - being *looking up at him*
Bryce - the mafia boss. I hate this now I hate not being able to take my wife on a trip without a bunch of men following us around.
Addison - it's better safe than sorry babe. You remember the night you proposed we were by ourselves and almost died because of rivals
Bryce - which leads me to my point. I don't wanna be the boss anymore, I don't wanna be in this mafia anymore I want a semi normal life with you. Maybe have kids adopt if you want
Addison - but in the mafia or not you've killed people's families, the love of their lives and so much more it'll never be normal not at all. You stepping down from your position isn't gonna change the way rivals feel about you bryce
Bryce - then I make amends with them
Addison - are you trying to put this gang in jeopardy? They'll never make real amends we both know that Bryce
Bryce - then let's run away find somewhere no one knows us
Addison - I'm not stepping down Bryce *looks at him*
Bryce - what!?
Addison - I love being the boss. You can step down if you'll like but I won't be *sits up*
Bryce - it won't service the propose of me doing what I'm doing Addison
Addison - baby *puts her hand on his cheek" I know you want alone time without security and we can always go somewhere tropical where we know theres no mafia's and be alone. But regardless of what your saying there will always be someone after us.
Bryce - I hear you

I got up and went into the bathroom. I showered and then Addison went in and then I got dressed for the day.

I was sitting in the bed waiting for Addison to come out

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I was sitting in the bed waiting for Addison to come out

After I showered I did my hair and makeup then looked for a outfit. I know I'm not suppose to be leaving the house today so I just wore something simple

I walked into the room and Bryce was laying in the bed with his legs hanging over the edge

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I walked into the room and Bryce was laying in the bed with his legs hanging over the edge. I could see his lower abs because the shirt was lifting. I smiled as I walked over to him he heard me and sat up. I put my finger under his chin and brought his head up to me so I could kiss him. He then pulled me into his lap.

Bryce - I was in the shower and I was thinking
Addison - about *puts her hand in his hair*
Bryce - maybe your right about once we've been in this business there's no coming out
Addison - there is coming out it's just stupid especially if people know your identity
Bryce - true. So I was thinking I start showing the guys the ropes of being the boss because I still wanna come down from Mafia boss. I've been one for 12 years and it's kinda tiring
Addison - okay I just want to know if your positive
Bryce - I am
Addison - okay *kiss him*

We walked down and had breakfast. We're in Bryce and I house. I know what your saying y'all have so many homes. I think we sold about two of them and now we only have 4 in LA. After breakfast we called the heads of our operation. It was gonna be a meeting.

Its 3 everyone who suppose to be here just reached. There was Amelie, Blake, Tayler, Enzo, Noah, Dixie, Liam and Lily. The last four names are our head Capo's and you know everyone else positions. We all headed to the meeting room. Eveyone sat down Addison standing up behind me. I grabbed her hand putting it on my chest.

Addison - so this meeting is important for y'all. Bryce has decided that in 6 months he will step down as the Boss.

Eveyone looked at us surprised. I mean they know I love being in charge.

Addison - I know surprising. In the following 6 months he will be training Tayler and Enzo to see who takes the spot first. I will also be helping here and there. I would, we could appreciate if you don't speak of this to any one as of now.
Everyone - ofc
Addison - wanna say anything babe
Bryce - sure um. Don't take me for a bitch because I will kill you, um I'm joking I'll just hurt you badly *laughs* in all seriousness this has been the most dangerous and deadly job this pass 12 years.
Blake - why you stepping down
Bryce - I'm old and married dude *laughs*
Addison - your 32 your not that old
Enzo - that's old *laughs*
Tayler - his joints probably start hurting so he's like fuck this shid
Eveyone - *laughs*
Addison - *laughs* foods in the fridge guys

Eveyone left the meeting room.

Addison - so while I'm being all bossy what are you gonna be doing?
Bryce - bothering you trying to get you in bed *winks*
Addison - *smiles* I love you
Bryce - I love you more

We walked out and found all our food out the fridge all the guy sharing it on the table.

Bryce - y'all are animals
Tayler - you just got decent when Addison married you *laughs*
Bryce - fuck you
Addison - girls would y'all like some fruits or some champagne?
Dixie - fruits
Amelie - champagne
Lily - I'm good thank you

I got them fruits and champagne and sat with them on the coach and talked. They stayed until 6 then left. When they left our chef started cooking and Bryce and I went upstairs to shower. After we showered we laid in bed until it was time for dinner.

Bryce - what's that on your arm

Damnit. When I was on a mission my upper arm got sliced. It wasn't that bad that's why I didn't tell him. And I knew he would get upset because he always asked that at least 4 men stay with me on missions.

Addison - I got cut on then mission yesterday
Bryce - what you mean you got cut. Let me see

I took the bandage off it.

Bryce - how tf didn't I see that. Baby that's deep
Addison - no I talked to the doctor he said it isn't just make sure I keep it cleaned and covered
Bryce - why didn't you say anything
Addison - because you would of gotten mad and when I reached home that night you were sleep
Bryce - ofc I would be mad why you got sliced and not the four men assigned to be with you at all times.
Addison - okay it's not that bad so no need for you to spazz out
Bryce - fine let's head down for dinner

We went downstairs we hand wine and pasta for dinner. After we ate we wet back to our room brushed out teeth and let our food digested then laid down and watched a movie.

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