Chapter 45 - Ridiculous

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I was up before Addison way before. I got out of bed and went I yo the bathroom. I showered and then got ready for the day

 I showered and then got ready for the day

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It was hot so I wore shorts. I walked back into the room after getting ready abd I found piece of paper and I wrote Addison a note and I kissed her forehead. I then left I headed to my house. I got there and woke everyone ass up.

Gang - boss it's only 5
Bryce - IDCCC.

They all sat or stand around in the living room.

Bryce - my mom was taken by my dad so what I need y'all to do is. Practice on your shooting. Find her with the chip we have in her head

Yeah I put that there one day so I knew where she was at all times. I don't really check it much because she usually text or call. Where I was so caught up on Addison I didn't notice she wasn't texting

I woke up at 8 to knocking..

Addison - babe can you get that

He didn't answer and I didn't feel the bed move so I looked back he wasn't there. But I saw a note on my phone. It said "headed home didn't wanna wake you. See you when you wake up. Love you baby" I smiled as I sat up.

Addison - come in

In comes Liam he was the one bringing the work on the truce.

Liam - sorry if I woke you
Addison - it's okay but it there

He rest it on the table and left. I got up went into the bathroom and showered. I got ready for the day

After getting dressed I called Amelie who was driving

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After getting dressed I called Amelie who was driving

Addison - where you heading?
Amelie - the gang house
Addison - stop for me?
Amelie - I'll be there in 5

I hanged up and grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I waited for her and she pulled up. I got in and she looked at me.

Addison - didn't bryce sleep with you?
Amelie - from the text I got Bryce called everyone in from 5 this morning
Addison - maybe we should stop and get them food *sigh*
Amelie - what's up
Addison - bryce dad has his mom and Bryce is gonna find him and kill him
Amelie - omg
Addison - I know he wants to shut me out but he knows I'll question alot
Amelie - so your the one playing distance
Addison - kinda

We got them food and headed to the house. When we walked into the house. Very wrong timing bryce shoot someone and I could see how anger he was.

Tayler - dude you can't keep Killin men we need them
Bryce - sometimes we don't get what we need *push him out his face*
Blake - you need to calm down dude
Bryce - I'm the boss around here. Y'all need to find what I ask for

I looked at Amelie and she looked back at me. We walked closer and Bryce saw me. But nothing changed he was still upset but I had no idea why.

Bryce - why are you here
Addison - you told me to
Bryce - hmmm

He then walked off from me. I looked at Tayler and he sighed.m

Addison - has he been like this all morning?
Tayler - yeah. We keep finding leads but they aren't right.
Addison - do you think he'll sit down with me and talk
Blake - probably not. He definitely will find a way for an argument.
Addison - BRYCE?

I walked over to Addison. She handed me food. I rest it on the nearest table.

Addison - talk to me please
Bryce - about?
Addison - just sit down and eat with me
Bryce - I'm okay
Addison - bry-
Bryce - Addison if your coming here to be a clingy girl please leave
Addison - what happened. You didn't act like this last night or this morning because you wouldn't of left me a note.
Bryce - just leave me will you
Addison - fine

She then walked off back to Amelie and the guys. She sat down next to Amelie. I knew she was sad and so was I. Since I have to feel this way so should Eveyone. I watched her from the corner of my eye. She got a call and left the house

I walked outside to talk. It was Noah.

Noah - I've been trying to reach you from last night
Addison - sorry something came up
Noah - did you see that the Hall Mafia wants to make a meeting with you about someone or something?
Addison - for when?
Noah - whenever you can
Addison - um I'll let you know
Noah - okay

I hanged up and walked back in. I sat down.

Amelie - who was it?
Addison - Noah the Hall Mafia wants to do a meeting
Tayler - the what?
Addison - Hall Mafia they were my dad last truce made.
Blake - Addison that's bryce dad Mafia

I looked up and I saw Bryce walking my way.

Bryce - what did you say Blake? I heard my name
Blake - nothing
Bryce - don't fuckin play with me blake I will shoot you through your eyes
Blake - Addison has a meeting with the Hall Mafia.

I watched his face get more upset then before. I knew he was mad from the fact that the guys came infront of me.

Bryce - your what?
Addison - babe-
Bryce - Addison don't. Don't babe me. You do understand this man has my mother and your gonna sit your ass down and do fuckin business with him
Addison - I understand that Bryce but I need to do what's good for my Mafia.

I shouldn't of said that. Blake gave Amelie and look and she walked over to the gang and told them take a break out back.

Bryce - you know what Addison. Fuck you, fuck your gang and fuck this relationship. You know how much my mom means to me and your gonna say some dumb shidd like that. Get out my fuckin house. Now. Get out. GETT OUTT

I was upset bryce just said fuck everything that means something to me just now. I grabbed my purse and walked out. Yes I was crying. When I get really upset I cry. Amelie walked out behind me and I got in her car.

I knew what I said. And I don't care either.

Tayler - when we do get Lisa your gonna be crying for the same relationship and person you said fuck you to
Blake - yeah dude it's something's you just don't say go your woman angry or not

The guys then walked off. And like I said I didn't care all day we tried to track her but it was like they were moving her around. I haven't talked to Addison after she left and honestly idc to talk yo her

Amelie stayed with me the rest of the day. I took my angry out in my work. I did some work I needed to do about this gang. I'm not trying to beef with anyone I don't need to. Tayler texted asking me how I felt. But honestly I'm starting to think to Mafia bosses can't be together. When he's working I'm off vice versa. I know this isn't gonna be the first argument on who I'm in business was. My dad didn't like conflict unless he had to do so.. sigh

Y'all don't forget to wish lowkeyxaubree a happy birthday ❤️❤️

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