Chapter 40 - Bipolar

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Still haven't heard from Addison. She's not answering my text no one's text at that. So we're getting on a plane today and going to where ever her phone says she is. I got up went into the bathroom showered and wore

 I got up went into the bathroom showered and wore

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I walked downstairs and the guys were eating.

Bryce - anything?
Tayler - got a text from Noah
Bryce - what he say?
Tayler - Addison taking the death hard
Bryce - he's dead??
Tayler - on his way there
Bryce - this worked better than I thought
Blake - what we gonna do with Enzo?
Bryce - we need Lopez buried before we let him out
Blake - so we're still going NYC
Bryce - hell yeah

I grabbed my little carry on bag and I had and we started driving to the plane. We got on the plane and was on our way to New York.

I woke up this morning with Lucas. I showered and got dressed. This isn't the first time I killed someone with poison but this is my dad. I'm regretting doing this so much. I wore

I walked out the bathroom and Lucas was awake

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I walked out the bathroom and Lucas was awake.

Lucas - addi?
Addison - yeah?
Lucas - can I see daddy?
Addison - not right now how about we get you dressed for the day first
Lucas - okay

Lucas went to his room and I told him meet me downstairs when he's done getting dressed. I was downstairs when Noah walked over to me and hugged me.

Noah - Bryce and the guys are in NYC
Addison - where?
Noah - when they reach there house they'll text me and I'll carry you
Amelie - I'm also coming
Sheri - *walks downstairs* Noah carry this to the funeral planner please
Addison - when is the funeral
Sheri - the day after he dies
Addison - how do you feel mom?
Sheri - I knew it was coming but it hurts. All I can do is be here for you and the boys
Addison - yeah *hugs her*

We had breakfast and then I went in my dad.

Monty - hey
Addison - hey did you eat?
Monty - it's not staying down
Addison - orh. I'm sorry this is happening you
Monty - it's not your fault princess

But it is. That's all I could think. Noah then knocked on the door

Noah - are you ready?
Monty - where you going?
Addison - outfit for the funeral
Monty - okay be safe
Addison - I know

I grabbed my phone and kissed his forehead and left. We made it to a house they let us into the yard. I walked into the house. When I walked in I saw Bryce and I ran into his hand. He picked me up and spinned me.

Bryce - how are you
Addison - I feel horrible. I killed my dad bryce he's dying infront of my face
Bryce - hey let's go to my room

I knew this would happen as much as she thinks she doesn't have a heart she does. Evening though he took her from me I still understand. She had 5 years to get to know him.

Bryce - you have to look at the bright side of things baby. We can finally be together without no one getting hurt or anything. I know this would hurt you kill your dad. But you said you'd do it. You know I just needed a location and I would of done it.
Addison - Lucas cried in my hand last night as we talked about dad
Bryce - Lucas?
Addison - my baby brother
Bryce - oh the birthday boy
Addison - yeah
Bryce - when I'm I gonna be able to see you and be with you
Addison - really bryce now? I thought you came here to comfort me and tell me everything was gonna be okay and things like that buy you came here worrying about when I'm leaving my family to be with you
Bryce - no that's not I meant it
Addison - then how did you?
Bryce - look I know this is hurting you but don't take your fuckin anger and hurt on me Addison.
Addison - how can I not when your just worried about when I'm gonna leave them
Bryce - how about you come back when this attitude or whatever tf this is cool down
Addison - why do you always try and kick me out when we're talking
Bryce - Addison I have anger issues. I don't wanna do or say something I know I'll regret okay. It's not nothin about you because you know I love you that's just my best way of not hurting you
Addison - fine I'll leave
Bryce - when you walk out that door. Do not ignore my txt or messages
Addison - I'll pass back after I finshed shopping
Bryce - ofc *peck her lips*

She's so bipolar. She left the room and I laid back in bed. I decided I'll take a nap while she's out

We left and went shopping for the funeral. I got my dress, Noah got a suit and Amelie got her dress. We were now looking for shoes. After we found them we got lunch. I've been texting bryce but he doesn't answer so I'll just stop by like I said. We left the Mall and made it to there house at 7. I walked up to Bryce room because the boys said they haven't seen him from we left. I walked in there and he's sleep. I rest his food on the table in the room and went over to him. I sat in his lap and lowered myself to kiss him. He automatically kissed back.

Bryce - I heard you from you got inside the house
Addison - I know you never sleep heavy
Bryce - when we're usually in this position something is going inside you
Addison - then let's jump back go the regular

Right now I was rubbing my hand up and down his bare chest. I was about to unbuckle his jeans when he grabbed my hands.

Bryce - not now
Addison - okay

I got off him and walked to the door.

Bryce - your leaving?
Addison - yeah your food is on the table
Bryce - without no goodbye or anything
Addison - I tried and was rejected
Bryce - you wasn't rejected love I just mean like not now
Addison - rejected.
Bryce - come here
Addison - br-
Bryce - please

I walked over to him he pulled me so I was sitting on his lap.

Bryce - I want our first time back to be special. I don't just wanna have sex with you because I could. I want us do a date, and see where the night leads us. I'll never reject you. I'm down for whatever you want. But right now I know you don't really want to and just wanna get your mind off your dad

He was right. I wanted to put my focus on something else not my dad. I laid my head on his shoulder as he grabbed my hand.

Addison - your right. Im sorry if I was actin like a bitch today
Bryce - everyday *chuckles*
Addison - you aren't funny
Bryce - *kiss her hand* it's okay love.
Addison - *looks at her phone* my mom is calling me so I'll see you later
Bryce - when ever you got time. Bye love *kiss her*
Addison - bye bry

I walked downstairs and we left we made it home. I sat with my mom and dad in there room talking for a while and then I went and showered and change and texted bryce off my next phone. One phone is what my dad gets ever message and then it's the phone I bought. I texted him good night and then went sleep

I'm sorry for any dude who's ever dated Addison she can be a Fuckin handful. I went and ate then chilled with the guys and then showered texted Addison back and did some business. After I was done doing my work I went to sleep.

Make sure y'all don't forget to tell MissGirlWhat happy birthday 🎉❤️

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