Chapter 51 - Telling Our Parents

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We just made it to LA. We got dressed on the plane. We're wearing

 We're wearing

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Addison mom and brothers are in LA right now so we're thinking to tell everyone at the same time

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Addison mom and brothers are in LA right now so we're thinking to tell everyone at the same time. My mom is also back so that's gonna be great. I'm kinda nervous on how this is gonna play out. I mean her people's hate my living guts.

Addison - how about I don't wear my ring until dinner?
Bryce - yeah I'll hold it so you don't lose it
Addison - thank you

She handed me it in the ring box and I put it in my pocket. We got off the jet and our drivers were there. We got in the car and drove to Addison house first. We got there and went in. We walked in and Addison and I saw Addison mom and Amelie. I sigh and Addison grabbed my hand.

Addison - good morning
Amelie - yes finally your back *hugs her*
Addison - *laughs* I missed you to. I also need to talk to you
Amelie - okay. Your not aloud to take her no more
Bryce - *laughs*
Addison - hey mom
Sheri - hello sweetie
Addison - where's Lucas
Amelie - him and Noah went to pick up the breakfast
Bryce - is Blake here?
Amelie - no they haven't been here in a week

I knew exactly why as well.

Bryce - I'm gonna head home get my car I'll see you later love *kiss her lips* later everyone

I left and went to my house. Once I got there I saw the guys up.

Bryce - I'm back
Tayler - wassup
Bryce - I'm good other than the Mcbroom's and Wolf's attacking me and Addison
Blake - what?
Bryce - yeah they saw us shopping and literally attacked us at a club. And they tired to drug us
Tayler - you need to stop leaving without security bryce you could of died
Bryce - but I didn't. My baby is good with the knives and I'm amazing with guns.
Blake - yeah Addison through a knife at me and it held my shirt down like she wanted to. I was kinda scared
Bryce - *laughs* why aren't you at her house with Amelie
Blake - Addison mom I can tell she hates me and it's just bad vibes.
Bryce - true but clear y'all scheduled we're going to dinner tonight
T/B - okay

Once bryce left Noah and Lucas arrived. I hugged them and was sitting down with them as they ate. I ate on the plane so I wasn't hungry.

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