Chapter 26 - Looking/Found Out

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I woke up to Noah knocking on the door. I knew this was his house in NYC but I'm still confused on what was happening. I sat up and he put my food on the table.

Noah - some of your clothes should be in the closet
Addison - are you not gonna tell me why we're here?
Noah - we can talk whenever you like

He then walked out and closed the door behind. I sigh as I got up and went into the bathroom. I showered and then did my natural makeup and hair. I then wore

I then went into the room and ate

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I then went into the room and ate. I walked downstairs and Noah was on his phone.

Noah - your new phone is on the table
Addison - new phone?
Noah - your gonna need a phone
Addison - what about my contacts
Noah - your not gonna be speaking to anyone in LA for a long time Addison
Addison - Amelie? I need Amelie around me
Noah - we're gonna have to see
Addison - who tf is we
Enzo - us
Addison - where did you come from
Enzo - I live in NYC don't you remember
Addison - oh yeah. Can I know why I'm here?
Noah - Bryce is a dangerous man. We know he loves you but he killed the last person he loved with no regrets. I don't want that to happen to you
Addison - he has never hurt me before
Noah - he literally pushed you onto the ground and had a gun pointed at point of us
Addison - but I don't think he would of done anything
Noah - that's the thing you aren't sure and don't know what he's capable of doing
Enzo - when I came to LA and gave you a warning you didn't seem to care or after a while you didn't
Addison - so how do y'all know all this
Noah - you'll find out today how but for now get comfy

I woke up in my bed. I haven't heard from Addison from yesterday, nor as Amelie. It's crazy that she would just pick up and leave. I loved her, I mean I love her. Noah is gonna be a dead man the day I see him again. But what scares me is hat he told me. Lopez he has and gets everything he wants. They are way inside NYC, England, and so many places how tf did they know about what was happening here. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I showered and change

I walked downstairs and the guys were there

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I walked downstairs and the guys were there.

Blake - did she text you?
Bryce - no have y'all found anything.
Tayler - no it's like they removed eveything
Bryce - ofc they did she's probably the most wanted woman by every man and she doesn't evening know it
Tayler - bro they are probably telling her shidd like you knew who she was
Bryce - ik. Why would they take only her if her and Amelie are so close
Blake - they wouldn't. They are coming back for her we need to find her
Bryce - NOWWWW

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