Chapter 54 - Compromise

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It's been 2 days from I lost Enzo and stopped talking to Bryce. But today I'm meeting with both of them Enzo doesn't know I'm meeting him because Ive had my men track him down. I haven't spoken to my mom unless it was about finding Enzo. Yes I do feel like I am to blame. He's my little brother I'm suppose to always have his back and I didn't. I had my boyfriend back. I know something Enzo did was wrong but he never left evening when I told him to. Maybe this is why it hurts so much because he never leaves he's always one call away but now he's not. I got up out of bed and went into the shower. Noah and Amelie have been here with me for the pass two days because they said "we don't want you to do something you'll regret". Anyways I got out the shower. Did hair and makeup and then wore

I then grabbed my phone and walked downstairs seeing Noah, Dixie and Amelie

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I then grabbed my phone and walked downstairs seeing Noah, Dixie and Amelie.

Addison - good morning
Everyone - morning
Addison - is the chef done?
Noah - 5 more minutes

I walked over to the table they were sitting at. I sat down as well

Noah - so we found where Enzo is
Addison - really *looks at him*
Amelie - the found out last night but you were sleep
Addison - where's he?
Noah - San Diego. He's moving alot though. He's in a motel right now checked it for 2 days so we either need to go today to early tomorrow
Addison - okay
Amelie - so with the bryce situation
Addison - I've made promise I attend on keeping it. So you and Noah signed to always be head capo and underboss. I'm gonna talk to Bryce about Enzo being the second boss and him moving one of Blake and Tayler down to underboss. If it can't happen then the wedding can't happen
Amelie - wow
Dixie - so your going on there on a personal level
Addison - yeah and my Underboss is gonna be there while my capo get some of my men to keep a eye on Enzo
Noah - sending them now *grabs his phone*

We had breakfast and now we're on our way to Bryce house

Two days without her. She answers my messages but not my calls. I got up and went in the shower came out go dressed

I was downstairs with the boys having breakfast when there was a knock

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I was downstairs with the boys having breakfast when there was a knock. I look at the security

Security - it's Addison
Bryce - let her in * stands up*

Her and Amelie walked in. Damn she looked fine.

Addison - before you touch me just know I came here for business not relations
Bryce - business?? Meaning
Addison - we need to talk my Mafia and yours. I'll meet you in the meeting room

They then walked to the meeting room. I looked at the guys confused because I know they heard. We got up and went in there as well. I sat down infront of Addison with the guys at my side Addison and Amelie at the next side.

Bryce - what's this about Addison?
Addison - as you know my brother left because I broke a promise. Well I'm under breaking the promise. Amelie signed to always be the underboss to this gang and Noah the capo. Enzo never signed nothing but a promise is a promise. So one of your now underbosses won't be the boss they'll stay an underboss and Enzo will become a boss
Bryce - nah I don't like it
Addison - well if we can't come to that agreement I'll like to give you your ring back
Bryce - what? Wtf are you doing
Addison - giving you your ring back
Bryce - why?
Addison - I'm keeping my promise to Enzo bryce. You couldn't of promise both of them to be the boss of this mafia at the same time. So whoever you would of picked if it ever came down to will be one of the bosses.
Bryce - I'm not changing what we planned. If you haven't noticed Enzo always comes in between us.
Addison - come in between us!?. Bryce I never let it happen I always take your side I killed my fuckin dad to be with you. I'm always the one protecting us or this relationship bryce. I ask for one thing one fuckin thing. It's a problem you don't like it.n
Bryce - don't raise your voice at me I've never screamed at you
Addison - oh really you haven't?
Bryce - I may have and automatically say sorry after
Addison - I'm letting you know you don't agree we won't be getting married you let me know

She then took off her ring and walked out Amelie following behind. They left and I through some of the books off my desk.

Blake - hate to say it dude but she's right
Tayler - yeah she's always the one sacrificing something for y'all to work
Blake - her dad
Tayler - her brother
Blake - her career because you told her it didn't make sense
Bryce - so what?
Blake - what we're saying is don't lose your wife over us. Agree to the deal. I'll stay the underboss
Bryce - Blake no
Blake - yeah I get to work alongside Amelie forever and this will be better when we make our family
Bryce - are you sure like positive
Blake - yah dude I'm sure

After we left Bryce we went straight to the plane to go to San Diego. We made it to San Diego and then my men picked us up.

Noah - we found him haven't approached yet
Addison - bring him to the house

Yes we have a house here as well. They drove us to the house and couple minutes after we reached to the house my men brought him in.

Enzo - knew it
Addison - hey
Enzo - you know I would of just came if you asked
Addison - you wouldn't
Enzo - yeah I wouldn't *laughs*
Addison - I'm sorry Enzo I shouldn't of let Bryce control my acts on the mafia. So I want you to be then next boss after me. In my replacement
Enzo - I can't Addison you already gave that position to someone
Addison - it's not final until bryce and I are married if that ever happens.
Enzo - wydm ever happens
Addison - I may of broken off the engagement
Enzo - no I left so you could get married and be happy with him
Addison - how would I be happy without my lil brother Enzo. I want you back in the mafia and I want you to become the boss if I ever die
Enzo - only if you and bryce get married. I know he makes you happy Addison and I would hate to be the reason you aren't happy
Addison - it doesn't land on me right now it's what he does.
Enzo - he'll come back

After the talk Enzo agreed to come back so we went back to the jet and went back LA. We went to my house and I met Bryce there.

Bryce - hey
Addison - hey
Bryce - can we talk
Addison - sure. I'll meet y'all outside

They all went outside and i walked to my office bryce following behind.

Bryce - I came here to say I agree. Blake will be the Underboss and Tayler and Enzo can be the bosses
Addison - great
Bryce - I also came back to give you your ring *takes it out his pocket*

He then grabbed my hand and put it on my finger

Bryce - promise to never take it off unless it's needed to be off
Addison - I promise

The rest of the day we all stayed at my house. The guys getting along with Enzo after everyone apologized to each other.

So to all the TVD fans I'm gonna start rewatching tvd, to, and legacies started Wednesday. 311 episode here I come

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