Chapter 18 - Acception?

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I woke up in bed with Bryce in his house. Yesterday I was scared I was so scared for my life. Bryce told me what happens sometime but hearing it scared me. I guess I was replaying what happened in my mind and Bryce woke me up

Bryce - hey hey what's wrong
Addison - I'm scared *crying*
Bryce - *hugs her* baby don't be
Addison - you can't just say that Bryce. Someone got shoot in the same building as me. My boyfriend is a mafia boss this is still alot to take in *crying*
Bryce - I understand what your saying love I really do. But your shaking in your sleep for something you don't know nothing about
Addison - I don't like your house. I wanna go home I can't stop hearing the shoot. It replays in my head
Bryce - okay then let's go to one of my other houses no one knows about. Not evening my mom or the guys
Addison - no gun violence
Bryce - just a normal house maybe a gun or two but they're registered and licensed
Addison - okay

We got up out of bed and Bryce grabbed our phones and went into the clothes and got my bag of clothes. He grabbed my hand and we walked out. It was 7 so the sun was soon about to rise. We got in his car. I was still tired so I put my chair back and start to fall asleep. I felt bryce hand on my leg as I dozed off

I'm trying. I'm trying alot but everything about my life scares her. From the motorcycle to the guns down to my house. I Wanna be with her but she's not accepting who I am. I know its hard but she's not. I pulled up to my house. I parked in the garage and grabbed the bags. I carried them inside and then went in for Addison. I took her into the house and rest her own my bed. I left her in there after I put the covers over her. I went downstairs and got me a drink. All in my head was if Addison accepting the lifestyle I live or is she just here because idk.

I woke up in a unfamiliar face then I remembered we were heading to Bryce place. I sat up and looked around I saw the door open so I guessed that's the way out the room. I got out the bed and walked downstairs. I saw Bryce on the couch. I walked over to him and he just looked at me.

Addison - were you drinking
Bryce - I just needed to clear my head a little
Addison - drinking doesn't help.
Bryce - it does for a while
Addison - what do you need your head cleared about?
Bryce - do you accept me for who I am
Addison - what do you mean?
Bryce - do you accept the lifestyle I live
Addison - i- I do
Bryce - but you don't Addison. From the motorcycle to my home you don't like. You like the person I am around you and only you. When I'm around my men or guys or any random I'm on my A game defensive mood
Addison - is that bad?
Bryce - yes it is. I accept you for being this movie star that has cameras on us 24/7. I support you going to your photoshoot watching your interviews
Addison - but bryce that's not dangerous you, your life is dangerous
Bryce - but that's me Addison *slams the cup down and breaks it* IM A KILLER DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT

I was scared I never seen bryce like that. He caught in fast that I was scared and calm down

Bryce - I'm sorry *looks down* I'm sorry

He then got up and walked outside. I've never seen that side of bryce evening if it was for the slightest moment I still saw that. I just stared at the door he left through. After a while I got up. I went back upstairs and took a shower they usually help me clear my mind. After my shower I wore

 After my shower I wore

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I was sitting in bed. Bryce walked through the door couple minutes later

Bryce - I'm gonna leave for a while. If you wanna leave the keys are in the garage to other cars. If you don't foods in the fridge and cupboards.
Addison - bry-
Bryce - I'm just leaving for a hour or two

I walked into the bathroom. I showered and wore

I got out the closet and looked for my gun

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I got out the closet and looked for my gun. I saw it in bed next to Addison. I walked over to her and leaned over and grabbed it she then grabbed my hand.

Bryce - yes?
Addison - talk to me please
Bryce - I don't wanna hurt you. I need to leave to just clear my head a little. I don't wanna scare you or do something I'll regret
Addison - I just Wanna work out our problems
Bryce - and we can after I get the alcohol out my system

She then let go my hand. I walked out the room and went downstairs. I got on my motorcycle and just drove around for a hour.

While Bryce was gone I laid down in bed. On social media. I was looking at photos of us together. It's been a hour and a half and he isn't back yet. I'm hungry but don't wanna leave the room. I then heard the room door open. I looked back and it was Bryce.

Bryce - hey I brought you food if your hungry
Addison - yeah

I got up and walked over to the door. He let me walk out first and then we went downstairs. It was Chick-fil-A. He had Chipotle. We sat down at the dinner table and I looked at him. I knew he knows I'm looking at him but he's not gonna look. So I put my hand on his what was on the table.

Addison - I accept what you do and who you are but when it happens it's scary. I know you'll protect me but bryce this is alot for a person to take in. Especially in the span of 2 months. I'm working on it. I know I can't be scared when I'm the boss girlfriend
Bryce - I prefer wife

I looked at him and smiled. He then held my hand back.

Bryce - I over think alot love. After we left the house that all I could think about and the drinking made it no better. As you can see I don't really get drunk but I do let my anger take the best of me and I'm sorry for scaring you.
Addison - it's okay. I just rather you talk to me before you jump into drinking
Bryce - that's just what calms me
Addison - so do I *rubbing his hand with her thumb*
Bryce - I'm sorry
Addison - so am I
Bryce - *kisses her hand* you don't have to say it back right now because I know you aren't ready but I love you and I have from we started hanging out

I froze I wasn't ready for the L word or to say it. He got up and kissed me and walked off.

It takes alot for me to say I love you but I do love her. I know she isn't ready to tell me it back and I'm okay with that. I went upstairs and laid down couple minutes later she came in. She went into the bathroom and came out in one of my hoodies. I opened my arms and she felled into them.

Addison - you aren't upset I didn't say it back?
Bryce - some people take longer than other with me I know when I love you and I'll tell you in that exact moment
Addison - *smiles*

The rest of our night was spent in bed watching Netflix or just kissing and Talkin.

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