Chapter 31 - Bidding Banquet

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It's the day of the banquet. I was just woken up by my alarm. I heard it turn off but I didn't turn it off. I opened my eyes slowly and it was Noah in his shorts infront of me. I remembered going sleep with him but I thought he would of left.

Addison - thank you
Noah - yeah I'm gonna head to rose
Addison - no *grabs his hand* stay for breakfast
Noah - I told her I would get brunch with her
Addison - please stay *pouty face*
Noah - babe don't do that
Addison - stay
Noah - okay

I pulled him so he could come back in the bed with me. I laid my head on his chest tracing his abs.

Noah - what you think would happen if we ever got caught by Rose
Addison - she can't do me anything. Maybe beat your ass
Noah - you'll let me get beat *chuckle*
Addison - yeah because how could you get caught
Noah - idk

He then brought me onto his lap with his hand on my ass.

Noah - tonight after your mission or whatever let's go full in
Addison - like how we did when we first started?
Noah - yeah
Addison - okay don't you think rose will want you to stay
Noah - we leaves today
Addison - oh yeah

Noah pulled me into him and I kissed him. We were making out when someone walked in.

Amelie - this again
Addison - *pulls back* you always forget to knock *gets off him and rolls her eyes*
Amelie - you do the same *rolls her eyes*
Addison - morning *smiles*
Amelie - *smiles *morning
Noah - yall are so confusing
Addison - I'll see you tonight
Noah - yeah *peck her lips and left*
Amelie - can I sit on the bed y'all didn't fuck right
Addison - no we didn't unfortunately

Amelie then came and laid down next to me.

Amelie - how have you not caught feelings yet
Addison - I did at the beginning but a relationship is the last time on my mind
Amelie - do you eve think about him?
Addison - Noah? Yeah alot
Amelie - no Bryce
Addison - No
Amelie - then why don't you tell them he's the mafia boss they've been looking for
Addison - not because I don't think about him that I want him dead. Bryce was my second love and that won't change but I'm done with him.
Amelie - okay I'll meet you at the breakfast table

Today is the banquet. I was woken up by Riley. I looked at her as I sat up. She was sitting infront of me.

Riley - are you hungry
Bryce - no
Riley - do you want me
Bryce - if I wanted you I would of had you infront of me
Riley - it's been three years and you still act like this
Bryce - Riley leave me alone

She then got up and left. I went into my bathroom. I showered and wore some sweats until later. The banquet was in LA at 7. We are going to get this pink diamond. It supposedly has something in it for the Lopez mafia and it was removed from one of their bags. I walked downstairs after getting ready I ate and then went into the shooting range to practice my shooting.

We are in LA just made it. It's 5 and the banquet starts at 7 so I'm in my house with some of the gang and Noah. Noah is playing as my date. I was getting dressed I did my own hair and makeup and wore

 I was getting dressed I did my own hair and makeup and wore

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