Chapter 60 - Last

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I'm in bed with Bryce were in NYC right now. We're here for an important mission. It has came to our mafia eye that there's someone trying to take over NYC with a Mafia which I can't let happen. This being bryce last week he wanted to attend the mission. I just have an horrible feeling about this. I haven't been in contact with my granddad I've been trying to contact him but nothing. We're at my parents old house in NYC. Enzo and Lily came with us while Tayler and the others stayed to make sure everything there is good. The mission doesn't start until late tonight.

Bryce - what you thinking about
Addison - *looks at him* I don't have a good feeling about tonight
Bryce - why what's up
Addison - idk you know I've been feeling bad.
Bryce - yeah
Addison - I think it's something like that.
Bryce - let's get the doctor to come
Addison - okay

Bryce texted the doctor to stop by. As we waited we went into the bathroom and showered.

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Bryce had on his black Gucci slides

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Bryce had on his black Gucci slides. After we showered we laid back in the bed

Bryce - hungry?
Addison - no just wanna cuddle in bed it's you
Bryce - okay come here

He pulled me into him I laid my head on his chest and he played in my hair.

Bryce - I love you
Addison - I love you to.

We were in bed when one of the men knocked and said the doctor was here. I told them send them up here because I didn't wanna move.

The doctor reached in the room and I sat up.

Bryce - she said she's been feeling bad
Dr - okay can I?
Addison - yes

He did some basic check

Dr - your the husband right?
Addison - yes he is
Dr - would you like him to stay for the news?
Addison - yeah why not *looking at bryce*
Dr - I would love to do some more test but from what you've told me and what i hear your pregnant congrats

I looked at him surprised and beyond happy but Addison not so much she was serious about the no kids thing.

Addison - are you sure?
Dr - yes I can come back and a ultrasound in a hour
Bryce - yes do so.

Addison just looked at me with a why face

Dr - okay

The doctor left and Addison just looked at me.

Addison - I can't Bryce
Bryce - hey what are you talking about
Addison - I can't bring a child into this danger. I don't want no kids
Bryce - well you already have one growing inside of you

I went to touch her belly and she smacked my hand.

Addison - are you not listening to what I'm saying
Bryce - no because we're having this kid Addison
Addison - I can have the kid but we're putting it up for adoption
Bryce - huh? Hell no
Addison - I wasn't asking I was telling

She then got up and walked out the room and I just watch her walk away.

I know you may be thinking I sound like a bitch, why not keep the child. This is not the kind of life you would want a kid grow up in. Not having no friends growing up, not going school and knowing they can always be in danger more than an average kid. I walked to one of the other rooms and called Amelie.

Addison - hey are you alone
Amelie - no but I could go
Addison - please

I waited for her to go somewhere private.

Addison - I'm pregnant
Amelie - what? *Smiling*
Addison - this is not a good thing Ame.
Amelie - for you but how does bryce feel
Addison - he wants to keep it
Amelie - he's gonna be devasted when you don't want to keep it
Addison - I'm not keeping it. I will do the pregnancy but that's all give it to a family I know well give it an normal life
Amelie - let me guess you want me to start looking for families
Addison - please I'll love you forever
Amelie - you already do.
Addison - Well I'll love you forevermore
Amelie - *laughs* I'll send you what I find
Addison - thank you bye love you
Amelie - love you too

I stayed in there for a while and then Bryce walked in saying the doctor is back and set up in our bed room. I rolled my eyes and got up and went to the room. The ultrasound didn't make me excited because I knew I won't be able to keep it. We had the ultrasound and then he left.

It's 10 now we're getting ready for the mission I told Addison not to come but she keep telling me she's coming. I sigh as after we got dress we got in the car. We already meet up with our crew and now we're on our way. We made it and we hopped out. We got in and bullets flying, guns everywhere. I kept Addison as close to me as possible. We were going upstairs we made it to the top Addison got shot. Idk but something in me just got angry I started shooting everyone I saw. I then helped her back down getting out. Telling Enzo through the head piece we left but he was down as well. That's when I knew this was a set up for them. I quickly got Addison in one of our cars all our drives were dead. I fixed Addison in the back seat and starting driving but ofc something was wrong I turned the corner and to cars fly into ours flipping us over. I looked back and Addison had cuts all over her face. My baby and the baby were hurt. I couldn't move.

Bryce - *Talkin in the ear piece* guys help Addison and I car flipped over she's been shot. And pregnant hurry
Lily - Enzo is dying get to the second floor someone

Addison heard and I had to try and get to them in the back.

Bryce - keep your eyes open baby please
Addison - I love you
Bryce - no
Addison - I can't it's hurting so much
Bryce - baby I can't live without you
Addison - I love you Bryce

I looked as she closed her eyes.

I woke up up flashing lights. They got me out but when they got to Addison she was dead. I couldn't, I can't live without her. The love of my life. That's when I grabbed the gun and ended my life

Well that's the end. New book next week ❤️🖤

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