Chapter five

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Completely irritated, with my mouth open and my eyes dilated, I look at Izzy. How does she know about him? Did I mention him? No. I would know.
"Sweetie? Alec you're all pale. Are you all right?" Mum sounds worried. Shaking my head, I wake from my stupor.
"He's a friend", I say. How does she know about him?
"From work?", asks Mum with interest and I just shake my head.
"From archery", I say way too quickly and without thinking through my answer. Fuck. I feel Dad's gaze on me. My heart is pounding hard in my chest. Why don't I just tell them the truth?

The answer is simple. Because I don't want to lose him. Him and our bubble. This lighthearted and easy. I'm afraid of what my family and friends will think if I tell them that I've been writing with a stranger for half a year. And tell him details about my life that not even my best friend knows.

"You're going back to archery?", dad asks, and I can hear the joy in his voice. We used to do it together. But Dad can't manage to hold a bow independently anymore. Let alone stretch the string enough. So with a heavy heart, he's stopped doing it.
"Occasionally", I say, hoping my wildly beating heart can't be heard. I don't like lying to my parents and right now I'm finding it very hard.

"That's fine. Maybe you can take Jonathan with you sometime?", he says. No. Absolutely not. I mumble to myself and knead my hands nervously. They're all sweaty. Jonathan puts his hand on my shoulder and I sigh.
"I'd love to. Will you take me?", he purrs. I can't take this anymore.

"Please don't." Luckily for me, he understands what I mean and lets go of me immediately. Relieved, I exhale. Only to draw in a sharp breath right after. I glare angrily at Izzy. My message tone for Copperfield sounded at that moment. Izzy looks helpfully at Simon. The latter just grins.
"Your problem dear." I'm pissed. Very pissed. I didn't expect this. Not from Izzy.
"I'm sorry Alec", she says and slides my phone across the table. The red light flashes and I see his name on the screen.

That name always causes my heart to stumble slightly and is the culprit for the grin on my face. Two messages. Izzy must have found my phone in the bathroom. And she saw one of his messages. I'm disappointed. Very much so. Even though it's hard for me to disappoint my parents, I'm going to go now.
"Thanks for dinner Mum", I say and give her a big hug. Then I go to Dad and I hug him too. Simon gets a ghetto fist and Jonathan a mumbled 'goodbye'.

"Bye Izzy." Someday I'll talk to her. But not now. Dad walks me to the door. With a look that is more than a mere apology, he looks at me.
"Don't be mad at your sister", he says, and I just nod slightly.
"Do you like him?" Again I nod. Yes I like him.
"Very nice. Then you can meet alone sometime. Without your annoying family." I'm confused. What is he talking about?
"I'll give him your number okay?" Now it dawns on me.
"No dad. I didn't mean Jonathan. He's nice. But not my type. Sorry dad. I'm going to go now. Love you."

"Oh", Dad says, and I see the realization flash in his eyes. I'm about to leave when he holds me back.
"Are we going to meet him?", he asks hesitantly and I take one deep breath.
"Maybe", I reply sheepishly, giving Dad a kiss on the cheek and disappearing into the dark and cold of the night.

I leave my parents' house and am glad of the short walk to the nearest subway station. It's cold, the air smells of snow. I look up at the sky, it is dark, black, threatening. But no snow, hardly any stars and a light breeze. The cold clears my thoughts. I take a moment to read the news from Copperfield.

Hello my pretty. I saw that you are online. But you didn't answer me. Is everything alright between us?

Yes, everything is fine between us.

RobinHood, what's your cat's name?

The chat was open. So Izzy read his first message. I see that he is online too. But he does not write to me. Is he waiting for me to write to him? Probably. Because he has asked me a question. Quickly I go into the subway. I wait for the train and pass the time of waiting by writing.

Hello Copperfield.
Church. My cat's name is Church. And no, I didn't find him on the steps of a church. He already had that name when I got him from the shelter. I like the name.

I would have loved to have watched you sleep drooling in that cab. My wake up call would have been gentler for sure. But the idea is cute. Don't be embarrassed. My best friend once said he would never share a tent with me again. Supposedly, I snore. I can't confirm that. I don't snore. I would know.

I have a surprise for you. Wait a minute. I hope you like it.

I quickly send the message and see that he has read it. I pull the book out of my backpack and take a picture of the cover. The wolf is clearly visible and so are the golden eyes. I really hope he is happy about this. Heat rises in my body as I press send. It doesn't take long and I receive my answer.

Oh my god. Really? Is that what I think it is?

Yes, that's it. I think it's the book from the lady on the train.

How does it end? Will you show it to me? I'm going to buy the book. Absolutely. But I can't wait any longer. How does it end? Please. Show it to me. Will you send me a picture?

He is so excited and happy. I don't know his voice. But many times I have imagined what it sounds like. Is it a deep bass, full and masculine? Sonorous, resonant and mellow? Shrill or nasal? I hope not. Clear as a bell and bright? Dark, earthy, deep and shiver-inducing? I hope so.

The subway pulls in, I quickly take a photo of the last page and send it to my stranger. Exhausted, I let myself fall into the seat and close my eyes. Only briefly, just for a moment. My head falls back into my neck and I wince, startled. How embarrassing. Did I fall asleep? Was I snoring? Or was I drooling? The elderly lady sitting across from me smiles kindly. My head turns red, my cheeks glow. But I smile back in a friendly way before I turn my gaze out of the window.

Another message from Copperfield announces itself.
"Those youth. Only busy with the screen", I hear the lady say and her giggle resounds through the carriage. It sounds warm and in no way accusatory. Rather amused. If she only knew. I read the paper every morning and have a huge wall of books in my living room.

My dear RobinHood.
You make my day. This is a truly beautiful ending. Finally I can sleep more peacefully again. Even if the bed is so alone but quite cold and empty.

P.S. You have beautiful hands. I would like to know if your skin is as soft as it looks. And if the paleness comes from the glare of the camera flash or if it belongs to you.

Oh, my God. All the color is draining from my face. My hands? How does he get on my hands? I look at the picture and swallow hard. The last page of the book is visible. And my left hand. Fuck. And quite obviously he's flirting with me.

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