Chapter ten

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After Jace inherited his parents' house, the first thing he did was restore the old bench on the porch. I helped him and together we remembered his parents. They were kind-hearted people. Clary painted the bench a beautiful Atlantic blue and decorated it with white birds.

I often sat on that bench for hours with Jace. We read comic books, talked about teenage stuff, ate ice cream and drank lemonade. This is where he first told me about Clary and I talked about Andrew. We made plans for the perfect marriage proposal and it was here on this bench that Clary told me a secret two months ago. I cried with joy and Clary was stunned. She had never seen me cry before and Jace stormed out of the house upset.

Many beautiful memories are connected with this place on the porch. So the fact that I'm fleeing here now doesn't surprise me in the least. With my legs pulled up, my chin resting on my knees, I sit here and let my thoughts and emotions run free. The lamp of the porch lighting gives diffuse light. The air is cold, the sky dark, cloudy. Snow. It still smells like snow. But not a single flake shows itself.

I am cold. Lost in thought, I stroke my arms. I could go back into the house, but I enjoy this moment far too much. Alone, the cold on my skin and the refreshing breeze that blows through my head, driving the fog from my mind.

A movement in the shadows, very light, groping. A man sits down by me, puts a warming blanket around my shoulders and a second one on my legs. I turn my head and look into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are brown with a hint of green and shine in the light of the shallow illumination. It is the man I have been running from.

"May I?", he asks me and his melodic deep voice triggers a stumble of my heart. I can't answer him. I have forgotten how to talk. Do you use sounds or words? Words, then. What are these words called? I stare at him. My mouth is slightly open and I hear myself breathing softly.
"What is your name?" That voice sounds so beautiful. I could listen to him for hours. He's only spoken five words to me, but I swear I've never felt a man's voice so sexy.

"Alec", I whisper. Because I'm afraid my voice will fail or sound squeaky.
"Will you share the blanket with me?", is his next question. I nod and he reaches under the blanket and pulls it over his legs. As he does, his hand grazes my thigh. I feel a chill run down my spine. I have goose bumps all over my body and I suddenly feel warm. I feel the heat rising and I'm pretty sure my cheeks have turned a nice pink color. Embarrassed, I lower my head and look down at my hands. These, however, are under the blanket. I look at the blue soft fabric and slide my hands under my thighs. In the process, the blanket slips around my shoulders, and instantly I begin to shiver again.

A slight tremor shakes my body and a wave of cold wind takes hold of me. I'm cold, but I don't dare move. The man next to me puts the blanket back around my shoulders and warmth welcomes me. His arm is around my shoulders, with one hand he touches my upper arm. The place where he touches me literally glows. I have the feeling that the imprint of his hand is burning into my skin. It is a beautiful feeling.

But the uncertainty about whether what I am doing is right remains. It does not disappear. On the contrary. With every second we spend here, it gets bigger and bigger. It grows exponentially, almost frantically. It lays itself paralyzingly over my body and my mind. I stare spellbound at the blue ceiling and feel his warm body against mine. My heart races, I can barely breathe as the fingers of his other hand begin to paint small circles on my thigh. My head is already in escape mode, but my heart is screaming for this attention.

And my body is a lousy traitor. Some days I hate my hormones. But most days, they bring me joy and relief.
"I am Magnus", he says suddenly, and again a wave of excitement goes through my body. He's closer to me than any man has been in a long time.
"You don't talk much do you?", he asks.
"No", I bring out just barely. My cheeks turn from pink to red.

"I like you. I'd like to get to know you. Can I buy you a beer?" Red turns to fiery red. My body is on fire, hot and sweaty palms. I wipe my palms on my jeans. As I do, my hand touches his. I flinch briefly and turn to face him. Like the impact of lightning, the feeling hits me. Violent and electrifying. Like little sparks from my fingertips moving over his skin.

He puts his hand on mine, intertwines our fingers together and I push all doubts to the back of my mind. His hand in mine feels incredibly good. Soft warm skin and I stare spellbound at his beautiful mouth with those wonderful lips. I wonder what he tastes like. Like mint or salt? After yeast and malt from the beer or simply after him? After Magnus.

His head moves slowly toward me. I feel his breath as he stops just short of my lips. I smell a mixture of alcohol and mint. Fresh mint. A moist shiny trail graces his lips, wetted by his tongue lasciviously sliding over this sweet sin. My mouth is slightly open and I exhale heavily. Hot air pushes against his lips, I swallow and have the feeling to faint at any moment. Magnus looks deep into my eyes, my vision blurs, the blood rushes loudly in my ears. He bridges the last distance between the two of us and I feel his soft warm lips lying gauzily on mine.

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