Chapter twenty

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Sorry. But I can't get that picture of you in swim trunks out of my head.

Can you picture it that clearly?

I'm trying ;)

Do you want to see it?

Don't tell me you have a picture of it too.

No. I don't. But...

Do you want me to dare?


Alec don't be such a coward. You do want to.

I can show you what I look like in a bathing suit.

Will you send me the picture?


I've been thinking. I would like to see you. So about video. If that's okay with you.

That's more than okay. Are you sure you want to do this?

Yes, I'm sure. I only have one condition.

Anything you want.

We don't talk. And I'm not showing you my face.

Okay. No talking and from the neck down. Are you aware of the consequences?

Yes. We're going to watch ourselves touch.

I have a request for you. No actually two.

Whatever you want.

I want you to show me your erogenous zones. Imagine it's my hands sliding over your body. I'll show you mine. In my head it has long been your hands that I feel when I embrace myself.


I'm ready when you are, handsome. You set the pace.

I can hardly believe it's really happening. The last few days I've been thinking about it a lot. And my longing grew steadily. Talking to Jace has encouraged me to follow my heart. I want this so much.
Before I can change my mind, I slip into my bathing suit, grab the phone and head into the living room. I lock the little cat in the bathroom with food. I'm not keen on an interruption.

With shaky hands I sit on the sofa. The cursor in our chat is blinking happily. I take a deep breath and press the icon with the camera. I see myself, sitting on the sofa, in my black swimming trunks and I hope that Copp doesn't hear the beating of my heart. Because I hear it loud and strong and I feel the pressure in my chest.

The video starts, I see him. He's sitting on a gray sofa, wearing only a pair of dark blue shorts. My eyes wander over his body. He's so fucking hot. I can't move. Spellbound, I stare at his body, seeing the hairless chest and his flawless skin so beautiful and in contrast, the slightly darker nipples. How I would love to let my tongue glide over the buds.

His right hand slowly strokes the muscular belly and I promptly awaken from my rigidity. My hand also finds its place on my belly and I see him falter briefly. He is waiting for my next move. Slowly, I run the flat of my hand up my torso to my neck and let my fingers glide gently over the tender skin, over my collarbone to my shoulder and slowly down my arm.

Love breaks chains - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now