Chapter six

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I don't have much experience with men. But I recognize a flirt. Even though I'm too shy to react accordingly when a man addresses me in a bar and compliments me. And this time it is the same for me. There is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. It is only my hand. Not my dick. The thought of him seeing my cock makes me feel hot.

I haven't answered his message. The phone in my hand weighs heavily. I ponder, shifting my thoughts from one corner to the other. Turning and turning them and yet always come back to the same result. I want to know what he looks like.

I was hoping you would like it. This book is one of my favorites. It sat on my parents bookshelf for years. But as of today, it has pride of place in mine.

Thank you for the compliment. My skin really is so pale. It's not just the light.
You know my hand. Will you show me yours too?

Before I can think about my decision, I have already sent the message. Now there's no turning back. My heart beats fast, threatening to burst through my chest at any moment. A wave of intoxicating adrenaline shoots through my body as I look at the photo he sent me.

A photo of his left hand, just like mine. His skin is darker than mine. It shines in a warm caramel tone and the contrast to the red blanket on which the hand lies is beautiful. Long slender fingers, neat hands and I sigh as my thumb strokes the display.
I see that he is writing and wait anxiously for his answer.

Your hands are more beautiful than mine.

I see it differently. My skin is much too pale. I look half dead. He, on the other hand, exudes warmth. I can feel it.

Your skin color exudes a comforting warmth and makes my nerve endings tingle. I would love to see more.

Fuck why am I writing this? But it's the truth. And once again, I surprise myself. Why is it so hard for me to approach other people? To accept their compliments and engage in flirtations? Why do I fall into a stupor and feel like the last idiot? And why is it different with Copperfield?

I'd love to, too. But first, will you let me clarify a question?

I wonder what he means? I'm unsure. Was I too forward?

Do you realize that I'm gay? That I like men?

I have to read the text twice. And only then I realize what he wants to tell me. He is gay. I am in heaven. My misgivings about having such an intimate relationship with a married heterosexual man just sail across the open sea far away from me. Relief comes over me.

That's what I thought when you told me to ask your boyfriend that you don't have at the moment. And yet I wasn't clear about it at first. I thought you were straight. And married. With a wife and a baby. A black terrier and a house.

And it's okay. I am single and live alone with my cat in a nice little apartment. I have a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room which is always open for my family and my best friend. But my bedroom...

I pause for a moment, thinking. No Alec. It's time. Spread your arms. Drop. Jump.

...this is mine alone. Only I and my partner are allowed in there. I have a big bed in which I still sleep alone. But if a handsome young man should stray in here, I will not say no. I am lying in this big soft bed right now. Alone.

I am so screwed. If he never gets back to me, I wouldn't be surprised.

Show me. I want to see more.

Oh my God. What do I do now? Without further ado, I decide to take a picture of my forearm including my hand. My mind is still spinning and can't keep up. My breathing becomes faster and faster. I imagine him lying in his bed and looking at the pictures of my body. Not my whole body. But at least a part of it.

The next photo he sends me shows his entire arm and part of his shoulder. I swallow dryly. Shit, he is muscular. Not bodybuilder-like muscular. No. Well-defined. The skin stretches over the bulge on the upper arm, the biceps are clearly visible, and the crook of the arm forms this slight hollow that is the transition to the forearm. I'm sensitive in this area. It is one of my erogenous zones.

Images form in my mind as my stranger runs his slender fingers over the skin of my arms. His fingertips explore every inch and an exciting tingling sensation spreads through my body. A soft moan escapes my mouth, the hairs on my arms stand up and a slight goosebumps cover my entire body.

Me now. You're strong, your muscles. I so want to run my fingertips over your skin. Feel the warmth welcoming me, feel the heat flowing through your veins.

After the second try, I sent my arm and shoulder, with a tearing of the crook of my neck to Copp. I send him another photo, just my upper arm. The strained biceps, the tendons stand out, and the sparse light in my bedroom casts a shadow over the muscles. It gives off a hint of eroticism, showing a part of my body and stimulating the imagination.

I don't have to wait long for a response. The ensuing photo makes my cock twitch.

I am hard.

Love breaks chains - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now