Chapter thirteen

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That was incredibly hot. I stand naked with sweaty body and sticky hands, completely out of breath and satisfied beyond measure in the room and try to realize what just happened here. Copp has taken me with his words into a world that I have not yet experienced.

Alone by the images in my head, which were created by his words, his descriptions, I had an ecstatic orgasm. Yesterday was already hot, but today he took me to another world. I am still on my high, I do not want to leave this stage either.

With shaky legs I go into the adjoining bathroom and am just very glad that Clary is always prepared for unannounced visitors. I step into the shower and the hot water splashes down on my back. I rest my heated forehead against the tiles, the coolness clearing my head of the fog. I close my eyes and enjoy the soothing warmth. Suddenly I cringe, what was that?

Two eyes slid into my thoughts. Brown green and long thick lashes. A seductive look and a wink. Magnus. I shake my head, banishing the thought of him. He doesn't belong here.

I lie in bed for a long time, staring at the ceiling. I just can't fall asleep. My thoughts keep wandering to Copperfield. He has not contacted me. My last message remained unanswered until now. My fingers swipe across the screen of my phone, but it remains silent. No sound, no flashing red light. I wonder what he's thinking.

'I wish I could see you,' were his words and my heart tripped. I wish that, too. And yet, I have reservations. It's a whole different level to send photos and write things than to actually see each other. My answer sounds so silly now. 'I know.' What the heck is that supposed to tell him?

Are you still awake?

I'm a little afraid of his answer. If I get one.

Yes, I'm still awake.

I wonder what you think about me.

Are you worried that I might think you're a pervert? A lecher who takes advantage of a lonely man to satisfy his needs?

I never thought of it that way. But he's right. I do worry that he might think I'm a pervert.

Talk to me. Sometimes I feel like you're not telling me something.

I am not a pervert. I like what we have.

Did it make you feel good?

Very. And you?

Likewise. It's all good between us. Don't worry about it. I can't sleep. Will you tell me something else?

Gladly. What would you like to hear?

Why should I call you RobinHood? You never answered me about that.

Yes that was stupid. I should have used a different name.

If you tell me, I'll tell you the origin of my name.

We met six months ago. He had picked up a guy in a bar and the guy wrote his number on a napkin. That same night he wrote to him because he wanted to go on a date. The last digit was blurred. 7 and 1. Easy to confuse. The message ended up with me. And that's when this exciting journey began. We instantly connected with each other. Our first chat lasted almost three hours. Until I fell asleep over my phone.

I remember I had a long, very unpleasant day at the office and was totally exhausted. All I really wanted to do was sleep. And then came the news from Copp that changed everything. That changed me. At least in this virtual world. With him I could write freely from the beginning. Open and honest. With a portion of wit and sarcasm. If we had met in real life, in a bar or a club, it would have been different. I probably would have stared at him with my mouth open and my head on fire. Like a fish out of water, I would have struggled for air and towards the end, I would have fled in a panic. As always. Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what would have happened.

Do we have a deal?

Yes we do. But if you screw with me, I'll find you. And then I hope for your sake you can run fast :)

Is that a promise? To a meeting? Will you chase me around the table? To grab me...

Oh Copp...

Oh come on.

See how I roll my eyes? All right. I'll tell you.

I'm listening.

I can handle a bow.

Really? How cool. Do you wear tights when you do that?

It was a mistake. He's making fun of me. I knew it, it was to be expected. Why would a guy like him take me seriously too? To go crazy...oh wait, he means the movie. The idea of me in tights makes me smile. But punishment must be. Now I'll let him stew.

Are you mad?

Maybe... that wasn't nice.

I'm sorry. It was stupid. I bet you don't wear tights.

No I don't. I can't believe you feel that way about me....

I have a completely different idea.

Tell me.

You in a black leather battle outfit. With a bow in your hand and a quiver on your back. A serious expression on your face, determined and strong. Masculine.


Are you still angry?

No I am not.

Are you still going to archery? How did you get into it?

My father often took me with him when he went to practice. I inherited a certain talent from him. It used to be our guy thing.

What happened?

Dad didn't have the strength to hold a bow anymore. And I quit when I went to college. Now you do.

You're hiding something. I know it. But all right, I won't push you. Maybe someday you'll be ready to tell me. I'm here, and I'm listening.

Now, about me. I always wanted to be a wizard when I was a kid. And I know you're laughing now. I can literally see it and hear it. But that's okay. I'm over it.

I'm not laughing.

You bet I'm laughing. Wizard? He wanted to be a wizard? That's really funny. I imagine him with a long midnight blue cape and silver stars on the fabric. Plus a hat with lace and a wide brim. Also midnight blue and with silver stars.

Love breaks chains - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now