Chapter twenty-four

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"You me too. And that confuses me", I say softly. Magnus moves his lips slowly on mine. It tingles and my heart threatens to jump out of my chest. Only brief is this kiss and so innocent. Magnus breaks away from me and already the feeling of missing sets in.

"Now we've kissed again before we've even talked", Magnus says and I shrug.
"Sometimes silence is better." There's something soothing about silence with Magnus. My nervousness subsides with every minute I'm with Magnus longer.
"Alexander?", asks Magnus, and I look into his eyes. He puts his hand to my cheek, his thumb gently stroking my cheekbone, and I hold my breath for a moment.

The fingers of his hand bury themselves in my hair, the other still resting on my leg.
"I'm not so good at this one." If the last few weeks have taught me anything, it's that honesty can hurt, but it can also be liberating.
"What are you talking about?", he asks, his hand leaving my hair.

"Dating. Flirting. I don't do that a lot", I confess, and Magnus surprises me.
"You feel it too, don't you? That tingling under your fingertips? That tickle on your tongue?" Magnus' index finger strokes my neck. I take a deep breath and Magnus positions himself between my legs. As if it were a matter of course, my hands settle on his hips. I don't question this newfound confidence. My arousal and the excited tickling inside me dominate my thoughts far too much.

Magnus' hand settles on the back of my neck, he strokes my spine and a shiver runs down my spine. It feels like an explosion of thousands of firecrackers as he places his hand on my lower back and presses his body against mine. I feel the heat of his body and the erection in his pants. My hands move over his hips and back, coming to rest on his butt. I feel the firm roundness under my hands and realize what is happening here. My head turns a bright red, as if by itself. I bite my lower lip and Magnus leans in to me.

"Turn off your head. Listen to your heart Alec", he breathes and his warm breath crashes against my lips. I can't help it, I want to taste them. I want Magnus. With my heart beating wildly and my hands trembling slightly, I bridge the last distance between us and place my lips on his. Magnus strokes my back and every touch on my spine makes me sigh. I had no idea at all that I was so sensitive at this point. The tingling in my body doesn't stop and I want to feel more of Magnus. My hands find their way forward, stroking Magnus' stomach and chest.

Our kiss becomes more demanding. Unasked, Magnus pushes his tongue between the gap of my lips, our tips touch and I forget everything around me. Firmly, my hand presses into his neck and he gasps into my mouth. Panicked, I pull away from him and doubt comes crawling out of its corner.
"I'll order us a cab. We should continue this here in my apartment", he says throatily and I shake my head.
"No", I say quietly. Magnus looks at me, disappointed.
"I live two blocks from here." And already his face brightens again and a smug grin forms around the corner of his mouth.

He puts his lips close to my ear, his hand stroking my thigh, fingertips touching my cock, and at his next words, I clutch tightly into his arm.
"I want to make love to you", He breathes and my mind says goodbye. Fear comes out and my heart tightens painfully. My breathing is fast and irregular, I feel like I can't breathe. Magnus strokes my cheek and smiles lovingly at me.
"Alexander, I would never do anything you don't want me to", I nod and give him a light kiss.
"Do you want me, Alexander?", he asks, and to sign my agreement, I slowly push him off me, stand up, and reach for my coat.

Magnu's words excite me and also scare me at the same time. But I want him and can think of nothing else.
"Yes. I want you Magnus", I say and the sound of my voice has changed. Rough and dark. Definitely aroused.
Together we leave Hunters Moon and walk in silence towards my apartment. And again, the silence between us is not uncomfortable. Slowly, almost tentatively, Magnus slides his hand into mine, and I smile and feel unspeakably comfortable.

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