The boy

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Chesters POV:
I couldn't stop thinking about this one boy. I didn't know who he was I just couldn't get him off of my head. Who was he? He seemed familiar but I didn't know how. A random kid called my name so I quickly looked up.

Parker:Hey! My name is Parker!
Chester:Oh-Im Chester!
Parker:Nice name!

I could tell something was different then realized...IT WAS THE BOY! The boy that was always on my mind but never knew who it was!

Parker:Hey you ok?
Chester:Wh-Oh yea sorry.
Parker:It's ok! Can I sit?
Chester:Yea! Yea! If course

He sat down and smiled. Not being mean I smiled back at him.

Parker:So I know you probably don't know who I am but I was wondering if you would like to start a YouTube channel with me?
Chester:Uh-Y-Yea of course!
Parker:Ok! I asked around but no one wanted to help...
Chester:Oh I'm sorry.
Parker:No no it's ok!

I stared at him not knowing what to say.

Chester:This may sound weird but can I maybe have your number?
Parker:Yea of course!

I handed him a pen and he grabbed my hand. He wrote down his number and handed me back my pen and let go of my hand.

Chester:Thanks! I'll text you later.
Parker:Ok! I'll respond right back to you!

He smiled at me then stood up. I smiled back at him as he walked away. I looked at the number on my hand and quickly texted it.

C:Hey Parker! It's me, Chester from earlier.
P-Hey Chester! Not trying to sound gay or anything but I think your really pretty.
C:Oh thank you
P:No problem!
C:This may sound weird but wanna come over tomorrow?
P:Yea sure! What time?
C:11:30am sound ok?
C:ok! Here is my address. ********
P:Ok! Cya tomorrow!

Parker's POV:
I seemed to be the more hyped up one while Chester was more calm. I was actually surprised I was going to his house tomorrow. He was the first guy I found cute. Was I gay? I decided not to think to much about it.

[The next day]

I woke up at 11:13 today so I quickly had to get ready and head over to his house. As soon as I got there I knocked on the door and within 15 seconds. He tripped but I was able to catch him before he hit the ground. We looked at each other both in shock.

Parker:It's ok-

I helped him back up. He looked at me not knowing what to do.

Chester:Wanna come inside?

He moved and let me in.

Chester:Wanna go to my room?
Parker:Yea sure.

He grabbed my hand and led me to his room. When we got to his room we sat on his bed and just looked at each other. We didn't know what to do or say. He kinda would look at me like he was checking me out.

Parker:Are you gay?
Parker:Oh really?
Parker:That's really cool!
Parker:Mhm! I think I may be gay or at least bisexual.
Chester:Oh cool!

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me. I don't know why but I had the feeling just to put my hand on his leg. So I did. I saw blush at what I was doing. I tried to pull my hand away but I felt like I couldn't. I felt us both slowly get closer to each other. I felt him put his hand on top of mine. After about 30 seconds I pulled him and kissed him. He kissed me back but then we pulled away after hearing someone open the door downstairs. We quickly acted like everything was normal and nothing just happened. We heard them walk upstairs and open a door next to Chesters.

Chester:It's just my parents but we might wanna leave.
Parker:Oh ok.

We got up from his bed and walked downstairs then out the door. We where just walking around talking then Chester stopped me.

Parker:What's wrong?
Chester:Them. They always bully me for no reason.
Parker:Oh really?
Zach:Well well look what we have here!
Chester:Shut up!
Zach:Why should I?
Parker:Because he said to!
Zach:Ohhhh looks like your boyfriend has to stick up for you!
Parker:Shut up! So what if I am! You don't have to be mean to him for no reason!
Zach:Oh so you are his boyfriend!
Zach:Ill do whatever I want!

He flicked me off and walked away. I turned to Chester who looked shocked.

Parker:You ok?
Chester:Did you tell him I was your boyfriend?-
Parker:Y-Yea I'm sorry...
Chester:No no no it's ok! But I wanted to know if you wanted to make it official?
Parker:Of course I do!

Chester smiled at me so I smiled back then pulled him close and kissed him.

The end.

This isn't the end of the book just the end of this chapter!

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now