New Boy

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Chesters POV:
I sat at my desk doing my work when the teacher started talking.

"Ok boys, girls and my other students we have a new student!" she said scanning around the room.

Then a boy walked into the room. He had dark black hair, light brown eyes and he was quite tall.

"Hey" he said looking around the classroom, at everyone.

I also looked around to see if there was a empty desk somewhere besides next to me. And of course there wasn't.

"You can have a seat next to Chester!" the teacher said pointing over to me.

He squinted looking pissed off and walked over to me. He sat down next to me and looked over at me.

"I need to go help do the decorations so please get all your work done or at least as much as possible!" she said walking out the classroom into the hall.

Everyone just started talking and few were doing they're work.

"So, uhm I-I'm Chester..." I said looking at Parker quite scared of him.

He looked over at me, then looked me up and down. I got scared and my eyes widened still looking at him.

"You look like a nerd" he said looking me dead in the eyes like a bitch.

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him surprised. I was scared to not speak and also say something, scared he would do something.

He then punched me in the arm, "gay ass..."

I looked away ashamed of myself.

"Whats wrong?" he asked leaning forward to look at me.


"Are you scared because I called you gay?" he asked putting his arm on the table.

"Yea..." I said refusing to look at him.

He sighed and wrote a note and handed it to me. He looked away as I read it.

Meet me in the bathroom at lunch. I need to tell you something. And if you don't come you'll be sorry you dumbass! (Also I ain't no homophobic bitch god dammit, I have a omnisexual cousin)

I looked at him and nodded my head.

After class we all headed to lunch and I went to the bathroom to wait for Parker. About 5 minutes later he walked in and walked over to me.

He moved closer to me until I was backed up against the wall. I looked him up and down admiring how hot he was.

"So...the reason I brought you here was because your gay right? It's obvious on how you were and are NOW checking me out" he said before continuing "and I mean you just give off the vibes"

I just stared at him not knowing how I should respond. He then put his arm up against my neck—making it quite difficult to breathe.

"A-Alright I am god d-dammit!" I said fighting for breathe.

All though that didn't seem what he wanted to hear.

"P-Parker please!" I said "let go, I'll tell y-you anything!"

"Fine" he said moving his arm "tell everyone your gay."

"W-What?!"  I said rubbing my neck.

"Either tell them the truth orrr..." he said looking down at my neck "your going to be mine, and I'll make sure EVERYONE knows."

Shit, what did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?!"

"I mean, I'll mark you" he said.

There was NO way in HELL I was telling everyone I was gay. They are WAY to homophobic and that's a whole different story if my aunt finds out.

"I'm not telling everyone I'm gay!" I said looking Parker dead in the eyes.

"All right then, back of the school after school. You better be there...or else!" he said with his deep voice.


It was after school and I walked to the back of school to wait for Parker. About 5 minutes later he was looking around and then spotted me. He looked around to make sure no one was looking and then walked over to me.

"So...why are we here?" I asked scared looking up at him.

"You weren't going to tell anyone your gay so I'm going to mark you as mine" he said smirking and looking down at me.

Before I could say anything he pinned me against the building and looked me dead in the eyes. I stood there as he looked me up and down.

He then slowly moved towards neck smiling.

"Boys!" a voice said in the distance.

Parker quickly moved and grabbed my arm as we ran. As we ran we got to a small hill and ended up tripping. We both rolled down the hell and after that everything went black...

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