Why me?

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Chesters POV:
I'm gay but the thing is I'm crushing on my best friend. He is one of the most popular people in school. I'm also pretty sure he is straight.


I quickly looked up at Parker.

Chester:S-Sorry. How long have you been there?
Parker:Only about 2 minutes.
Chester:I'm so sorry I didn't realize you where calling my name.
Parker:It's ok. I know you have a crush.
Chester:I don't have a crush on you.
Parker:But I didn't say you had a crush on me~
Chester:I-Uh-W-Well I just s-said that because I-I thought y-you were s-saying I liked y-you.
Parker:Mhm. Ok.
Chester:Really I was.
Parker:Ok ok whatever you say.

He laughed a little at me.

Parker:Your blushing.
Parker:Wanna come over tonight and spend the weekend?
Chester:Yea sure!
Parker:Ok! Wanna walk home with me today?
Chester:Of course!
Parker:Ok! Cya later!

Here ruffled my hair then walked away. I smiled at him then closed my locker.


Me and Parker where walking to his house and talking. When we got there we went into his room.

Parker:Whatcha wanna do?
Chester:I don't know.

We just stared at each other for about 5 minutes.

Chester:I'm gay...
Chester:Mhm...And if you don't support then I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore.
Parker:No no I TOTALLY support. I'm actually bisexual.
Chester:Oh my god really?
Chester:I totally support you too!

We smiled at each other. I was so glad that he supported me and that he is bisexual. I may finally have a chance with him.

Parker:Oh I just realized we didn't go to your house to get you your clothes! You can borrow some of mine if you want.
Chester:Oh ok thanks.

He got up and got me a hoodie and some of his sweatpants.

Parker:No problem! I'll let you change.

He walked out of the room. I quickly changed and then waited for him to come back in his room. After about 5 minutes he came back in and sat on the bed. He looked me and up and down and laughed. I looked down and realized how big it was on me.

Parker:It's big on you but your adorable.

We talked for a little while then went into he kitchen to find something to eat. We ate then went back to his room. We sat on his bed and put on a movie. About 5 minutes into the movie there was a jump scare. I jumped and clung onto Parker. Before I could let go of him he held me close. I felt my face get really red. After about 30 minutes I was getting tired and ended up falling asleep. A few a hours later I woke up. I saw Parker was still holding onto me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.


He smiled at me so I smiled back at him.

Chester:What time is it?

He chuckled at me.

Parker's POV:
I had a crush on Chester and when he said he was gay I knew I had a chance. I would do small things to let him know that I liked him. I knew he liked me but I didn't push him to tell me.

Parker:Your cute.
Chester:Oh-T-thank you.

I smiled at him then grabbed his hand. I saw his face get really red. I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. The next morning when I woke up I went to get up but realized Chester had his arms wrapped around me. I just laid there waiting for him to wake up. About 30 minutes later he woke up and saw his arms wrapped around me. He quickly let go and looked up at me.

Parker:It's ok.
Chester:Oh ok~

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. He slowly put his hand near mine so I put my hand on top of his and slowly intertwined our fingers. He laid back down and looked me in my eyes.

Parker:Well hello there.
Parker:Your hot.
Chester:Thanks. You are too.

We smiled at each other. I pulled him close and held him tight so he couldn't get up.

Chester:Your holding me so tight I can't breathe.
Parker:Oh shut up I'm not holding you that tight.

I held him close for about 15 minutes then he got up and went use the bathroom. I decided to go downstairs and wait for him. He came downstairs and looked at me and smiled. I slowly moved closer to him.

Chester:What a-are you d-doing?

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. His face immediately got red. I smiled at him and kissed him. He kissed me back and about 30 seconds we pulled away from each other.

Chester:Did you just-
Chester:So are we dating now?
Parker:We pretty much where already but let's make it official.

He pulled me close and kissed me again.

Chester:I love you.
Parker:Love you too.

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