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3rd POV

Parker and Chester have been dating for about 6 months now and it was very steady. Besides fucking almost 3 times a week. But that's besides the point.

Chester woke up and Parker wasn't anywhere in the bed nor room. Since it was the middle of winter in New York it was freezing but Chester didn't want to put a shirt or drown in one of Parker's hoodies. Instead, he simply grabbed one of the blankets on the bed and wrapped himself in it and walked downstairs.

As he edged closer he saw Parker laying on the couch on his phone. He smiled and walked over to him hovering over.

"Well good morning love" Parker said smiling back at Chester.

"Good morning" Chester said and he looked at Parker curious how he was gonna lay down on top of him.

Parker knew what his wonderful boyfriend was doing so he simply sat up and watched as Chester got between Parker's legs, placing his head on the taller males chest.

They tangled up in each other's grip. Parker grabbed the remote and turned on some random trash ass movie. Once it was on and rolling he started running his fingers through Chester's hair.

And Chester being the loving boyfriend he is took the blanket and shared it with Parker. Parker smirked and ran his hand down Chester's back only to find out he most definitely did not have a shirt. His soft smile eventually turned into a smirk.

He wanted to be careful though because poor Chester had already been in enough pain between luxury dark, life of luxury, and getting fucked to poor ole death.

"I'm cold" Chester spoke out not moving and inch.

"Well then go out on a shirt" Parker stated looking down at him.

"Nooo it's to uncomfortable" he groaned digging his face in Parker's chest.

"Whatever, that's on YOU" Parker said playfully flicking Chester which lit some fuse in him.

Chester quickly threw the blanket off of him and pinned Parker to the couch as he slapped him across the face. It took Parker a second to understand what just happened but once he did and touched his face.

Chester looked at Parker and started sobbing. He was apologizing to Parker as he wrapped his legs around him and cried into his shoulder. Parker could give two shits less, he was just happy he had Chester in his embrace.

He rubbed circles on his back as he slowly calmed down. It was basically trying to calm down a child, he was so small compared to him.

Once he calmed down Parker pulled away only to see Chester sleeping. He smiled and picked up Chester bring him to their room. He set him down then climbed in next to him.

Wsg bitches
I was in class and thought of this
What y'all think?

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