Older Boy

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So there is basically this hot ass mf 8th grader at my school and he is 2 grades older than us so we are in 6th(pleaze don't come at me for being young but my friend is literally obsessed with him (but idk blame her he so damn fine like damn bro) and this happened today(well Thursday January 27th 2022 but it takes me forever to type so this will probably be out like a week later😃) so I decided to make a fanfic with Parker, Chester and Y/N but they won't stutter every 5 seconds and get pregnant or railed. Enjoy you bitches.

Chesters POV:
Me and Y/N were sitting in the bleachers as I stared at this really hot boy. He was 2 grades above me but ya know that doesn't matter love🤤

I'm so sorry...

Anyways back to this hot ass boy.

He plays basketball and is around 6ft tall. He had dark brown/black hair, brown eyes and very nice.

I was watching him run around the gym, as everyone else did there own thing, throwing the basketball into the hoops and what not. Every once in a while he'd pass it through his legs and what not.

"Let me go through your legs Parker" I joked as I examined every move he made.

"Bro he's so fucking hot" Y/N said being careful knowing i'd beat tf out of her if she tried to take my man.

He passed by me again and we eye contact which made my heart pound out my chest. I quickly grabbed Y/N and started shaking them.

"HE MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME" I nearly yelled continuing to shake them.

Y/N started laughing after I threw them to the side and continued to stare. He then tried to throw the basketball into the hoop but it ended rolling towards me and stopping right in front of me.

I stared at it then looked up and Parker was right in front of me. We stared at each other for a second before he spoke up.

"Hey uhm...just came get the ball" he said smiling looking away.

"O-Oh uhm y-yea sure h-here" I said a stuttering mess.

"Thanks" he said taking it "...cutie"

My eyes widened faster than a anime obsessed chick legs watching Hintai.

He chuckled and hit me in the arm as he strolled away. I sat there shocked at what just happened.


He's fucking hot"

Wsg you nasty ass fucking dogs(just playing) how was this? Also no offense to anyone who watches anime it was just a joke. Anyways comment more oneshot ideas I need them.

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